The sacrificial god suddenly made a voice to surrender, and the object of the surrender was Lu Shaoqing, not Xiangkui, the god of transformation.

This surprised both Lu Shaoqing and Xiangkui.

After Lu Shaoqing was surprised, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Giving a thumbs up to the sacrificial god, “You have vision!” ”

Worthy of being a sacrificial god, you can control so many little brothers, you have much more vision than the old man next to me.”

“How is it compared to the existence of the Mahayana period?” “The Mahayana period

?” Although the expression of the sacrificial god did not change, Lu Shaoqing and Xiang Kui could clearly feel the disdain of the sacrificial god, “Ant.” ”

Xiangkui can’t bear it

, the existence of the Mahayana period is said to be an ant, don’t you see what realm you are

?” “Hmph, bragging,” Xiangkui looked at each other coldly, “You are a god, and you dare to look down on the Mahayana period?”

The sacrificial god smiled coldly, looking at Xiangkui’s gaze was also full of disdain, as if Xueba looked at the scumbag, high above, “The frog at the bottom of the well!”

Lu Shaoqing also said to Xiangkui, “The sacrifice god is so strong, it must be a big guy doppelganger, right?” The

sacrifice god did not speak, but the silent look made Lu Shaoqing highly vigilant in his heart.

Ma Yah!

Lu Shaoqing secretly cried in his heart.

If he could, he would take out the Immortal Bridge now and give it to the sacrificial god, and then run away.

Xiang Kui couldn’t care about getting angry with Lu Shaoqing, so he transmitted a voice and warned Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, don’t believe her words.”

Xiangkui was also very nervous in his heart.

Although Lu Shaoqing was very hateful, he also had to admit that Lu Shaoqing was very strong.

The potential is great, and future achievements will definitely be higher than him.

I have to say that the gaze of the sacrifice god is good, and he knows Lu Shaoqing’s extraordinary.

Now Xiangkui is worried that he is afraid that Lu Shaoqing will really accept the solicitation of the god sacrifice and become a lackey of the god sacrifice.

Lu Shaoqing ignored Xiangkui, but asked the sacrifice god with a smile, “Can you tell me why you want to recruit me

?” The sacrifice god looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, and did not answer Lu Shaoqing’s question, “The time is almost up, surrender, or die!”

“Isn’t there still a little time?”

And at this time, there was a fluctuation from Ji Yan’s side.

Ji Yan broke through to the last moment.

Xiangkui’s eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost, in disbelief.

Even the sacrificial god’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Too fast.

It broke through in less than half an hour.

Such speed, such efficiency, has to be shocking.

After the shock, Xiangkui couldn’t help but guess, should the breakthrough fail


He has lived for thousands of years, and he has never seen anything,

but he has never seen anyone break through so quickly.

There are many geniuses in the organization that he has witnessed growing up with his own eyes, but no genius can do it like Ji Yan.

However, Ji Yan’s vigorous breath bloomed like the rising sun, the sharp sword intent flowed, and the terrifying aura fluctuations swept through.

Let Xiang Kui know that Ji Yan is not a breakthrough failure, but a success.

Faced with such a plan, Xiang Kui could only sigh in his heart.

Oh sins.

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Xiang Kui was more and more sure in his heart that only supreme power could teach a demon apprentice like Ji Yan.

Only a big guy is worthy of having an apprentice like Ji Yan.

Thinking of this, Xiang Kui couldn’t help but look at Lu Shaoqing, of course, only the big guy can also descend this kind of little bastard.

The aura on Ji Yan’s body returned to calm, and then came to Lu Shaoqing’s side.

The face is calm, the instrument is Xuanang, the white clothes are fluttering, although the clothes are tattered, but they can’t hide the look of Ji Yan.

Xiangkui couldn’t help but marvel in his heart, what a dashing and beautiful young man from Zongzhi.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have a good face to give Ji Yan, indignant, “Who gave you the usual stink?” “Can

you die if you break through later

?” “What is the situation now, you don’t have a point in your heart?” Ji

Yan had a battle with the god sacrifice just now, and was injured, and now after a breakthrough, the injuries in his body have recovered somewhat, but now he is still a wounded soldier.

With a pale face, he just smiled slightly, like a sick son, “Isn’t it very good now?” ”

What a fart!” Lu Shaoqing was so angry that he couldn’t wait to pull Ji Yan’s ears and let him see what the situation was now.

“Am I easy?” Lu Shaoqing roared angrily at Ji Yan, “If you had changed to someone else, you would have died a hundred times.” Ji

Yan was still smiling, he had already prepared for Xin Lu Shaoqing’s complaint.

So it’s the right ear going in and out of the left ear.

Let the junior brother worry, let him roar a few words is also deserved.

Ji Yan’s gaze fell on the sacrificial god, and the fighting spirit skyrocketed again.

The sacrifice god also kept looking at Ji Yan, and suddenly opened his mouth and said to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, “The two of you surrender and spare you from death.”

“In the future, you’ll reach a point you could never have imagined.” ”

There was no surprise about the sacrifice god coming out to solicit words.

Ji Yan’s performance is too good.

Anyone who sees it will love talent, even if it is a monster.

The god of sacrifice is a sane monster with a human mind, and it is not surprising that he wants to solicit advice.

Xiangkui’s heart clenched again.

If Ji Yan agreed and took Lu Shaoqing to surrender, he, the great elder, would be alone, and then everything would be over.

Ji Yan shook his head and pointed at the sacrificial god with the Wuqiu sword in his hand, “Let’s fight again.” ”

Go aside!” Lu

Shaoqing pulled Ji Yan behind him, “Your dish is not suitable for you, the high-end bureau is not suitable for you, I will come.”

“It’s none of your business here, you leave here with the old man.”

The sacrificial god smiled coldly, “Want to leave? Have you asked me?” The

voice was like a cold wind blowing, and the cold and bone-deep killing intent spread, which was terrifying.

“Can you deal with it?” asked Ji Yan, he knew that his junior brother was very powerful, but his current opponent was not simple, even Lu Shaoqing might not be able to handle it.

“You just roll.

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “My time is precious. When

Ji heard this, he turned around and left.

Xiang Kui was dizzy, who is the senior brother and who is the

senior brother, why do you say that this senior brother will leave?

“Boy, don’t come nonsense!” came

Ji Yan’s voice, “Trust him!” The voice

was firm, making Xiang Kui feel the absolute trust contained in it.

“No one wants to leave!” the priest said coldly, and the black mist filled again.

Lu Shaoqing flipped his wrist and said to the sacrifice god, “Come, I’ll give you something, you let them leave…”

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