In the distance, a dazzling light suddenly appeared, as if the sun had exploded, and the light occupied the entire world, and Xiangkui’s eyes turned white, and nothing else could be seen.

The next moment, a huge explosion sounded, deafening.

“Boom!” The

loud sound almost deafened Xiangkui’s ears, and his ears buzzed.


Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, pulling Xiangkui’s soul back.

He turned around and ran, and when the light dissipated, Xiang Kui found that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had run to a small point of light.

What an abominable fellow.

Xiang Kui secretly cursed in his heart, and his figure flickered one after another, flashing thousands of miles, running as fast as he could.

The fluctuations behind him made his scalp numb, and he dared to stay, feeling that he was going to suffer a big loss.

As Xiang Kui ran, he turned back, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in the distance, like a fierce roaring evil dragon rising into the sky, showing the world its terrifying power.

Thousands of miles around, thousands of miles were shrouded in explosions, and the powerful power tore through the calm space, revealing an endless void.

There seemed to be a whirring sound in the void, and the turbulence of space raged wildly, tearing apart everything that was encountered, and intensifying the power of the explosion.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye continues to expand from afar, and the explosion is constantly expanding, constantly devouring everything in heaven and earth.

Even if it is far away, Xiangkui can feel the power of it.

Under the impact of the shock wave, the surroundings are like a pair of big hands squeezing hard, the calm space is broken, the waves are undulating, constantly rolling, continuously.

Above the earth, the ground continues to collapse and disappear.

Xiangkui’s scalp was numb and accelerated again, he couldn’t wait to put wings on himself and escape from here faster.

However, the speed of the explosion is fast, but the shock wave of the explosion is faster.

Soon, after just a few breaths, Sangkui was caught up.

“Poof!” The

powerful shockwave, the terrifying power suddenly struck, and Xiangkui, who was already injured, vomited blood under the struggle to resist, and was injured again.

Xiang Kui held up a spiritual shield to protect himself firmly.

“Bang, bang…” The

shock wave continued to impact, and the spiritual power shield was uncertain, constantly making a sound, as if it would break at any time.

Xiang Kui secretly cried bitterly, the spiritual power in his body continued to disappear, and the huge force impact made the blood qi in his body roll like boiling water, and it was unbearable.

Xiang Kui now understood why Lu Shaoqing wanted him to leave first.

Now it was nearly 10,000 miles away, and the power of the explosion was still so

great that if he stayed nearby, he would evaporate instantly.

And now, he is not feeling well, and he has resisted very hard when he is injured.

But the blast wave comes and goes quickly.

In less than ten breaths, Sangkui felt that the power began to weaken, his pressure decreased, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After another while, the explosion finally stopped, and he stopped the operation of his spiritual power and removed his shield.

This will make the spiritual power in his body have been consumed, thanks to him being a god of transformation, if the Yuan Infant is in his position, it is also fierce.

Xiang Kui looked in the direction of the explosion.

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In the distance, the smoke rising from the sky was mixed with black mist, which looked like solidification, and still emitted a strange aura.

In the direction where the god was worshipped, it was already black, it was the void.

The strong explosion caused the space to collapse, and from a distance, it looked like a good piece of clothing, which was violently torn open a big hole.

The area of the collapse was large, and the surrounding cracks lingered with black lightning, hovering over the edges like a viper.

Further outside, the ground does not know how many layers have been gouged, some places show molten slurry, and there are underground rivers rushing and raging.

This is a huge deep pit, so large that even the two sides cannot see the scope of the deep pit.

In this way, you can imagine how terrifying the explosion just now was.

“Such a terrifying explosion, bastard, what did the bastard boy do?” After

the shock, Sangkui couldn’t help but whisper to himself.

As soon as he said this, Xiang Kui suddenly felt the pain and exhaustion coming from his body.


Xiangkui’s face turned pale, and his own gasping sound made him secretly angry in his heart, and he was very dissatisfied with himself.

Following out, he, a master of the Avatar God, has not played the slightest role until now, like a burden.

As an existence in the realm of the Avatar God, he is known as a master second only to the god sacrifice.

Xiangkui had his own self-esteem and pride, but after following Lu Shaoqing out, he was hit.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s performance was much better than him, and he couldn’t help at all.

What fights with life, uses life to cover Lu Shaoqing, it is like a joke to say.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t need him to do this at all.

Thinking of

Lu Shaoqing, Xiang Kui couldn’t help but greet in his heart.

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing, he was angry in his heart, and his teeth itched with anger.

Too cunning, too mean, with such a powerful means, why not honestly, let him always worry.

The big guy is still a little lacking in teaching this apprentice.

Like my granddaughter, she said everything to me and never hid it.

Well, the next time I see the big guy, I propose it to him a little.

I hope the big guy can teach a good lesson to the bastard boy.

“What are you still stunned for?” At this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded behind Xiang Kui, “Still not running?” Xiang Kui

reacted, glanced back at the direction where the sacrifice god was, and hurriedly left.

After meeting with Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing was very surprised, “Aren’t you dead yet

?” “Unexpectedly, you don’t seem to have anything at all? How did you do it?”

This is mine, my natal instrument.

“Bastard boy, can’t you honestly tell you what you want to do?” Xiang

Kui flipped out his copper coin, eager to slap it on Lu Shaoqing’s face, and scared that hateful face.

Lu Shaoqing stared into the distance, “Tell you, will you believe it?”

He didn’t even think about it yet.

The embarrassed Xiangkui had to change the topic, “Under such an explosion, the sacrifice god should be gone…”

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