Such a terrifying explosion, Xiang Kui thought that he could not resist it, even if he had a seven-rank magic weapon in his hand.

No matter how strong the sacrifice god is, it is just the realm of the god of transformation, and if it is hit by such an explosion, it should be that there are no bones.

Thinking of this, Xiangkui breathed a sigh of relief.

I felt that the sky seemed to brighten up.

The big stone that weighed on the top of the head was smashed off, and everything in this world looked so good.

However, after Xiang Kui finished speaking, he saw Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan with solemn expressions.

He chuckled in his heart, wouldn’t it, the sacrifice god is not dead yet?


Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “You feel it?”

The two of them practiced the Amazing Technique and felt sharp.

Both could feel the looming danger in the distance, like a beast lurking deep in the forest, ready to pounce at any time.

“So, let’s run. Lu Shaoqing hurriedly summoned the spaceship out

, “Get on the ship, get on the ship…” “The sacrificial god is not dead yet?” Xiang Kui was shocked and couldn’t believe it, “It, can it still survive?” Xiang

Kui’s face showed an incredulous expression, no matter how the sacrifice god was, it was also the realm of the god of transformation.

Even if it is a monster, it is just a monster after all, and it is not the kind of existence that does not live or die.

Such a terrifying explosion, those who can leave a section and a half can be regarded as the strength of the gods.

Lu Shaoqing also showed an incredible expression, almost the same as Xiangkui’s expression, and after he looked at Xiangkui, he asked Ji Yan, “What happened to you two just now?”

“No?” Lu Shaoqing’s voice raised a few degrees, “How could it not? Where does this old man look like a great elder now

?” “Where is the slightest bit of what a god should look like?”

Then he showed a sad expression and wailed twice, “Grandpa, you died so miserably, I will help you keep your copper money well and inherit your legacy.”

“Bastard, what did you say?”

Xiang Kui gritted his teeth, there was indeed something wrong with the education of the big guy.

This bastard kid is bad manners.

Lu Shaoqing sneered and asked, “Naively think that the sacrifice of gods is gone like this, such a stupid idea, my junior sister will not have it, you actually have this kind of idea.” ”

You dare to say that you are a master of the Transformation God Stage, you dare to say that you are a great elder with hundreds of thousands of junior brothers?” However

, not long after Lu Shaoqing’s side activated the spacecraft, black mist surged out in front of them, as if it appeared out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, heaven and earth were immediately shrouded in black fog, and a divine thought came out of the black fog.

“Damn human beings, lowly human beings, I will kill you, I will suppress you for thousands of years, I will make you live and die…” The

divine thoughts of the gods were filled with endless resentment, hatred was monstrous, and heaven and earth changed color for it.

Xiang Kui froze, can’t this all blow up the sacrifice god?

It’s funny that I thought I could resist the sacrifice of gods and shelter my own organization.

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It is only now known how big the gap is between him and the sacrificial god.

Xiangkui believes that he has no chance of surviving under that kind of explosion, and the power of that explosion is greater than the power of a self-explosion of a god.

Lu Shaoqing noticed that Xiang Kui’s face was wrong, and couldn’t help but be stunned, “Old man, what have you done to the sacrifice god?” ”

So much resentment against

you?” As soon as Xiang Kui heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, his heart became angry and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Who did you say this to the god sacrifice, don’t you know yourself?”

“Shouldn’t it,” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “You ate a buffet in front of the gods, right?” ”

No, what is your identity, what status?

“It’s still to sacrifice to the gods, you have this kind of proclivity, Vozhi…”

“What is a buffet?” Xiang Kui didn’t understand, Lu Shaoqing made a move.

Xiang Kui suddenly became murderous, and the hand holding the copper coin was raised high, big guy, can I help you clean up the portal?”

“Okay, don’t make trouble,” Lu Shaoqing was not afraid at all, but was old-fashioned, “Now everyone should find a way to kill the sacrificial god.”

“I’ll kill you first.” Sangkui gritted his teeth and was indignant.

No wonder I feel my teeth hurt recently, it turns out that I was so angry that I was so angry that you little bastard.

“Take out the momentum you want to kill me and sacrifice to the gods.” Lu Shaoqing said faintly.

Xiang Kui was stunned, and immediately reacted.

Did this bastard kid do it on purpose

? Deliberately sneered to restore his fighting spirit?

Xiang Kui glanced at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, and felt even more ashamed in his heart, he had lived for so long, and he was actually not as good as a hairy boy.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m afraid. Lu Shaoqing took a step back vigilantly, “Don’t think of me when you eat the buffet in the future.” ”

No, I can’t help it.

The copper coin shines again.

At this time, the distant sacrificial god also appeared from the black fog, and a fierce aura swept the entire heaven and earth like a hurricane.

The sacrificial god has revealed her true body, a giant spider.

The chubby belly and huge body almost occupy the sky.

The round eyes exuded a terrifying gaze, and the pincer-like mouth was sharp, and when it went down, a mountain was also crushed.

Eight long curved legs, each up to the front, resemble Optimus Prime.

The huge spider, appearing above the sky, looks majestic and terrifying.

On the surface of it is a layer of black armor, which emits a cold light and appears indestructible.

However, Lu Shaoqing and the three of them could see the wounds on the spider’s body, dense, large and small, of different lengths, like cracks covering the spider’s surface.

It seems that Lu Shaoqing’s colorful Xun Demon Stone is still very harmful to the sacrifice god.

And when the spider first appeared, Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Shot!”

He slashed out a sword at the spider…

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