The body of the spider offering to the gods was extremely huge, and Lu Shaoqing and the three were the size of ants in front of it.

But Lu Shaoqing and the three of them burst out with much stronger strength than ants.

Lu Shaoqing was the first to strike, knowing the power of sacrificing gods, Lu Shaoqing did not keep his hand.

The spiritual power in the body was running wildly, and it was the third form of the fire sword technique.

The sky seemed to burn instantly, and countless flames continued to pounce on the spider like one after another.

Ji Yan followed closely behind, and the sword light of thousands of zhang was simple and direct, slashing directly like a knife.

The two brothers joined forces together, and two different sword intents filled and converged, turning into the strongest storm of sword intent, with the aura that shattered everything, shrouding the spider.

Xiang Kui, who was in the back, saw this scene and couldn’t help but marvel.

This pair of junior brothers is definitely the strongest junior brother in the world.

Both are first-class geniuses.

No matter which of these two people, they are geniuses pursued by every sect and family.

Having one, whether it is a sect or a family, can ensure a strong future for thousands of years.

And such a genius, that big guy actually has two.

It’s really too powerful, to be able to receive two such apprentices, the big guy’s ancestral tomb should be on fire, right?

He was injured now, and the spiritual power in his body was also insufficient, he swallowed a handful of elixirs, replenished the spiritual power in his body, and gathered it in the copper coin in his hand.

The golden copper coin emits a dazzling light, shining with golden light, dazzling.

A mysterious aura emanated from its body, and the light flowing on the surface gave people a feeling of the passage of time.

Xiang Kui slammed the copper money out.

Xiangkui, who beat the copper money out, once again weakened his breath, which was the strongest blow he could currently play.


Give me some face.

Sangkui roared in his heart.

Along the way, his performance was so bad that it could even be said to be unbearable.

So far, instead of helping, he has been a liability.

However, as a master of the realm of Avatar God, he has lived for thousands of years, and he is unknown how many generations higher than Lu Shaoqing.

His performance is not as good as Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

That old face has been thrown into the endless void.

He desperately needs to do something to save his face.

The target of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s attack was very clear, that is, to go towards the spider’s head.

Facing two menacing sword lights, even if it was a sacrifice god, he had to cross his two spider legs in front of him.

Although it is large, it is very fast.

Before the sword light came, two spider legs had already protected the head of the sacrificial god behind.

“Click!” Two

strong sword rays fell with sharp sword intent.

Even with a hard shell, one spider’s leg was cut off, and the other left a deep wound.

Black blood spurted out wildly, and it was like a black rainstorm on the ground.

“Roar!” the

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sacrificial god roared angrily in pain, and at this moment, the golden copper coin came with golden light.

“Poof!” The

golden copper coin left a golden streamer in the air, and then cut through the wound like a rotating flywheel, cutting off the other spider leg of the god.

As soon as he came out, before he could see the situation clearly, two spider legs were cut off.

The anger in the heart of the sacrifice god climbed to the extreme.

What is her identity, what status?

was yin by a lowly human being, passed out, does she still use the mix

? “Roar!”

angry she roared, emitting a beastly roar, the black mist around her body was pervasive, just a short breathless time, the two severed thighs instantly recovered.

Not only that, but the sacrificial god also launched a counterattack at the same time.

The other six spider legs stabbed out like swords.

Flexible and dexterous, fast as lightning, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan instantly felt several mountains falling towards them, wanting to smash them into meat mud.

Each spider leg has a strength of 10,000 catties, and every time it falls, it can smash a huge crack in the ground, and all the areas of several miles will collapse, causing a huge earthquake.

The two had to dodge in a hurry, the two were sword cultivators, with extreme speed, and it was still easy to dodge in the face of the spider leg attack of the sacrifice god.

However, the sacrifice to the god is a sacrifice to the god, although he was killed by Lu Shaoqing, and his strength plummeted, but the realm is there, and the huge body is placed there.

After Lu Shaoqing dodged a spider leg attack here, when he was figuring out how to fight back, a sense of danger surged in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked in his heart, and he had to dodge without saying a word.

However, it was still a step late.

“Swoosh!” A

black shadow appeared from the spider leg he had just avoided, fast as a whirlwind, like a cunning viper, ejecting out of the darkness and hitting Lu Shaoqing hard.

“Your uncle…”

Lu Shaoqing saw clearly, it was the black mist of the sacrifice god.

The sacrificial god manipulated the black mist to attach to the spider’s legs, and launched a sneak attack while he was unprepared. Like a whip pumped at him.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but scold, and then blood sprayed wildly, and the whole person was knocked away like a baseball.

Xiang Kui in the distance was shocked, the bastard boy was shot away

, will he be killed

? However, there was an inexplicable happy emotion

in his heart, what was going on? When Xiang Kui wanted to go to see how Lu Shaoqing was, he suddenly felt the danger coming.

A black shadow descended from the sky, and it was a spider leg of the god, like a pillar of optimism, falling towards Xiangkui.

In his anger, the sacrificial god did not forget the existence of Xiangkui.

In a hurry, he could only barely dodge.

Xiangkui is now in a very weak state, and he was hit by the spider leg of the god sacrifice, and he also sprayed blood wildly and flew out backwards.

Persimmons still have to pick up soft pinches, and the sacrificial god is about to hunt down and kill Xiangkui first.

There was a sudden fluctuation above the sky, and a large fireball fell from the sky, raging fire, like the sun.

Seeing the huge fireball, the sacrificial god was shocked, and the huge eyes exuded disbelief, “Immortal, fairy fireball technique!” The

spider legs of the sacrificial god swung wildly, showing the shock in her heart.

“You, what are

you!” “I am the younger brother of the Immortal Emperor!” Lu Shaoqing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and came back from afar, and came to the sacrifice god and drank angrily, “You know the face and surrender quickly, otherwise I will call my eldest brother and kill you in minutes…”

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