The younger brother of the Immortal Emperor, the

sacrifice god almost choked on his saliva.

Why don’t you say that you are the Dao of Heaven

? Bragging skin, who do you think you are?

The sacrificial god’s eyes were round, and his eyes like a mountain stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

Lu Shaoqing’s body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, making the sacrificial gods unable to see through and uncertain.

The god sacrifice can be sure in his heart that Lu Shaoqing is definitely not an ordinary human being.

Which human can be so weird, the black mist can’t help him, and the powerful and terrifying stone, and he knows fairy arts.

And after being hit by her, although he was injured, he still jumped alive.

Is this what a normal person should look like?

Little Yuan Baby, who can actually withstand the attack of her god, is simply outrageous.


, the sacrificial god sneered, his thoughts full of disdain, “How can a weak human body exert the power of this move?” Then

, the huge spider legs stretched out into the sky, like poking a balloon, poking the big fireball away.

Lu Shaoqing’s all-out blow was able to destroy thousands of mountains with a large fireball that was easily dissolved by her.

The sacrificial god’s abdomen squirmed, and a black spider web erupted, shrouding Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan in it like a fishing web.

The black spider web was like a thin veil of heaven and earth, and the surface shone with black light, and Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were now like prisoners of the spider web, becoming the prey of the sacrifice to the gods.

The surface of the black cobwebs is covered with streamers, crystal clear, and it is very good-looking.

However, beneath the beauty lies a mortal danger.

Thinking of the habit of spiders preying on prey, Lu Shaoqing reminded Ji Yan, “Don’t stick it, otherwise it will be a big trouble.” Ji

Yan naturally knew the weirdness of the cobweb, and his response was naturally to wave his sword.

The two struck again, and the sword spirits of the two swords jumped out at the same time.

Mo Jun crossed his waist, straightened his chest, and was triumphant, “Wuqiu, we have to behave well this time.”

Wuqiu pursed his lips, he did not speak, his small face was full of anger, and like Ji Yan, the fighting spirit was high.

The spider web trembled and shrunk continuously, and a faint black mist emerged from the spider web, gathering from all sides of death.

However, the black mist was not only ineffective for Lu Shaoqing, but even Ji Yan could not help.

Ji Yan lightly stabbed out a sword, and in front of the brilliant sword light, the black mist was like the early morning fog meeting the sun, and it was instantly evaporated and dissipated.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan swung their swords, and their attacks were very strong, and under the sharp and explosive sword intent, they were invincible.

Even if this was a spider silk spewed out by the Avatar God, in front of the two long swords, it was still cut and destroyed like a decay.

The sacrificial god thought of using the spider web to trap Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan to death, and digest the two of them as prey.

However, the toughness of the two made the sacrifice god know that he was still thinking too naïve.

Angry, she roared again, and eight huge spider legs fell from the sky again, as urgent as the wind, eager to trample the two into meat mud.

Each foot stepped down, making a whistling wind, and the air flow was set off, like a storm raging around.

The huge air flow set off, even Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had to be carefully avoided.

The air flow does not harm them, but it will drag them down and interfere with their dodging.

The spider legs of the god sacrifice are not only thick, but also extremely fast, extremely flexible, can attack from all angles, and are not stiff like arthropods, and they will be hit if they are not careful.

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Lu Shaoqing was able to carry it because his physical body was strong.

But he can only resist once, and if he comes again, he will be half-crippled if he does not die.

Sangkui got up from a distance, and now he is even more injured.

Panting like a cow, the injuries in the body are more serious.

Now he could only barely move, he struggled to get closer, looking at Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan who were fighting with the sacrifice god in the distance.

Sangkui felt that he was hurt even more.

His performance is extremely humiliating, and he is not as good as Lu Shaoqing, the yuan baby.

The big guy is really a good means.

While hiding, Lu Shaoqing asked the sacrifice god loudly, “Sacrifice god, did you feel better about the explosion just now

?” ”

How did you dodge?” ”

Can you sit down and talk to me

?” Xiang Kui couldn’t help but say, “Bastard boy, at this time, do you still want to take advantage of your mouth

?” “Can you die if you say two less words?”

As Xiang Kui was worried, as Lu Shaoqing’s few words passed, he could clearly feel that the aura around him was stronger, and the spider’s feet fell faster.

Lu Shaoqing’s words provoked even greater anger from the sacrificial god, and the angry sacrificial god stared at Lu Shaoqing with dead eyes, and began to concentrate his forces against Lu Shaoqing.

The anger made her eyes gradually red and gradually lose her mind.

If she doesn’t step on Lu Shaoqing into meat mud, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in her heart.

The sacrificial god gradually abandoned the plan, and the eight spider legs gathered together, constantly stepping on Lu Shaoqing.

Even if Lu Shaoqing flashed, the sacrifice god could follow like a shadow.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing did not dare to teleport in front of the sacrificial god easily, and it was very easy for the cultivator of the Transformation God to break the teleportation of the Yuan Baby.

One carelessly, Lu Shaoqing was trampled to death.

The sacrificial god turned into a giant spider, which is huge and extremely fast.

A strong body, strength alone can make people despair.

After seven or eight breaths, Lu Shaoqing was already in danger.

Not only did he have to do his best to dodge the eight long legs of the sacrificial god, but he also had to be careful to guard against the black mist of the sacrificial god.

The black mist can’t erode him, but it can still cause physical damage to him.

The spirit is highly guarded, resisting the pressure of sacrificing the gods, and the consumption of spiritual power in both the spirit and the body is very huge.

He is just a Yuan Baby, and in the face of the attack of the Avatar God, it is already remarkable to do this step.

Xiangkui struggled to rush over, and while hurrying, he cursed, “I really don’t know if I am dead or alive.” ”

In the face of a powerful enemy, normal people know that they should not be easily provoked.

Provoking the enemy will only make the enemy exert more powerful strength, and it will do no harm to himself.

“How long can you last with a little Yuan baby?” Xiang

Kui could already see that Lu Shaoqing was in danger, and he had almost been trampled on several times.

“Bastard boy, let you do it, you know you regret it, right?” Xiangkui stomped his foot, hating that iron is not steel.

However, just when Xiang Kui thought that Lu Shaoqing was dead, a wave suddenly erupted above the head of the sacrifice god, and a sword fell…

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