The invisible fluctuations spread, like a gust of wind blowing, and there seemed to be no change around.

However, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan felt as if they were stuck in a quagmire, and the pressure coming from around them increased sharply, and the air became heavy.

The pressure came from the two and made it difficult to breathe.

Especially Lu Shaoqing, he felt that he was now like the Monkey King who was pressed under the Five Finger Mountain, unable to move.

“Is this the realm?” The

huge pressure came from all directions, making Lu Shaoqing once again feel the horror of the Avatar God.

Ji Yan was a little better, and the sword intent around him turned into a sword world, allowing him to barely be able to move.

The realm of the god sacrifice was like a spider’s web, and Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were like prey, stuck to the spider’s web and unable to move.

“Huh…” came the voice of the sacrifice god, “I won’t let the two of you die so easily, I want you to regret provoking me.” The

voice was beautiful, the tone was calm, but it contained monstrous hatred.

Her heart moved, and the air seemed to vibrate, like a transparent rope bullet moving.

The next moment, Lu Shaoqing seemed to have been hit by something, and the whole person suddenly sprayed blood when he couldn’t move in place.

Blood sprayed, forming a blood mist in the air, but the blood mist soon disappeared strangely in the air, as if it was absorbed by something.

Then, the sacrificial god stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and the red lips looked strange and terrifying, and a little attractive.

“Human blood is delicious.

Lu Shaoqing covered his chest, which had collapsed, and just now, he had smashed his sternum.

In other words, ordinary people, who have long died I don’t know how many times.

Lu Shaoqing’s straight teeth were painful, he endured the pain, and said to the sacrifice god, “Why don’t I send you a few pounds of blood, everyone stop here, how?”

Lu Shaoqing was once again beaten to the point of blood, “You are already my prey, I said, I want to slowly devour your flesh and blood, so that you can not survive and die.”

“The most poisonous woman’s heart!” Lu

Shaoqing scolded, “You wait, you will regret it.” ”

Regret?” the sacrificial god laughed confidently, looking beautiful and moving, “What other means do

you have?” “Do you think you can deal with me by relying on your senior brother?”

At the same time, the sacrificial god also took action against Ji Yan.

Her domain is like a spider’s web, which can attack anytime, anywhere, and it is impossible to guard against.

Even if Ji Yan broke through, he was now only in the early stage of the second realm of the Transformation God, and the use of the realm was very unfamiliar.

He could only passively defend, and he seemed a little powerless in the face of the attack of the sacrificial god.

Within two rounds, Ji Yan was also beaten to the point of vomiting blood.

“What else can you do?”

the smug voice of the sacrificial god sounded, and now she was in control of the victory.

Ji Yan’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, and now he didn’t have a good way to do this situation.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, even if his fighting spirit is high, it cannot make up for the detection between the two sides.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing’s insidious sacrifice to the gods, it would be difficult for him to hurt the gods.

Although the sacrifice to the gods is proud, it is not careless.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had already given her a lot of surprises, and just in case, she decided to cripple the two of them first.

Even if spiders prey, they will make the prey stop struggling and start enjoying the prey.

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The invisible force struck again.

No way.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was faint in his heart, and the next moment, he entered the yin and yang state.

Yin and yang patterns appeared in the eyes, and the whole world turned black and white.

In his eyes, he saw a colorful spider web, firmly enveloping him and Ji Yan.

At the same time, there was something squirming on a spider silk, as if something was inside, coming towards him from a distance.

Lu Shaoqing subconsciously stood in the gray place next to him, avoiding the squirming things.

“Poof!” Although

most of it was avoided, a small part still fell on him.

Lu Shaoqing once again spurted out blood, but this time it was much lighter than the injury.

Lu Shaoqing pointed in a direction, there was a spider silk black and white in that direction, which was the biggest flaw in the field of sacrifice to the gods, and he said to Ji Yan, “There, shoot!” Then

, he withdrew from the yin and yang state, just one or two breaths, greatly consuming his state, and the whole person looked exhausted.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing sensed that something was wrong.

He turned his head and saw that the gaze of the sacrificial god staring at him became different.

The sacrificial god’s gaze shone and became hot, and she stared at Lu Shaoqing with rapid breath, “You are really different, if I devour you all, I will definitely be able to follow further.” The

sacrificial god looked at Lu Shaoqing, looking eager like a vicious wolf, eager to swallow it into his stomach.

Having tasted Lu Shaoqing’s blood just now, she didn’t notice anything, this was a deliciousness.

And now, after tasting it again, she found a difference.

If the taste of blood before was a bowl of water, then the blood just now was a plate of thick soup, sweet and delicious, rich in nutrition.

“Don’t look at me with such eyes,” Lu Shaoqing continued to speak, “I’m a human and have no interest in spider spirits.

“We can’t engage in cross-species love.” ”

The god sacrifice was just about to say something, when suddenly there was a fluctuation from the other side of the plan.

Ji Yan made a move according to Lu Shaoqing’s orders, and just in case, Ji Yan once again used that sword.

The power that made the sacrificial god’s scalp tingle appeared again, and the absolute sharp rule power appeared.

The sacrificial god subconsciously stopped it, and the two forces collided.

However, the next moment, the sacrificial god couldn’t help but shout, “No, it can’t be!” Her

domain was crushed, like a bubble, shattered in front of Ji Yan’s sword light.

An early human in the Avatar defeated her realm.

It’s just a joke.

The sacrificial gods couldn’t believe it.

But the facts were in front of him, and Ji Yan defeated the field and continued to strike at her.

“Damn it!” In

the face of the menacing plan, the sacrificial god could only choose to resist, and the black mist surged again.

“Oh!” In

the face of the power of the rules, all obstacles are futile.

The black mist was shattered, and Ji Yan’s sword light once again fell on the sacrificial god…

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