
The graceful body of the god sacrifice was almost split in half by Ji Yan’s sword, and black blood flowed out of the hideous wound.

The sword intent invaded, constantly eroding and wounding, and the wound rolled up like a long centipede rolling, waving with a hundred feet, which looked extremely terrifying.

The breath of the god sacrifice is visibly weakened.

Ji Yan’s sword once again hit her hard.

What’s even more terrifying is that Ji Yan’s sword contains the power of rules.

In the face of the power of rules, even if it is a sacrifice to the gods, it is impossible to heal his wounds.

The screams of the sacrificial god in pain reminded Lu Shaoqing of being slaughtered pigs.

It is apt to describe it with a pig-killing sound.

Lu Shaoqing saw Xiang Kui, and he transmitted a message to Xiang Kui, “Old man, give me the copper money.” Xiang

Kui, who had just come to the vicinity, heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, and his forehead jumped violently.

At this time, I was still thinking about my magic weapon?

“What are you going to do?” Xiangkui that angry, so greedy at a young age, and when he grew up,

he couldn’t forget it, and he thought about gouging into his arms.

“Be a bomb!” Lu

Shaoqing did not hide this time, “Yours is a seven-rank magic weapon, right?

“Otherwise, you’ll have to blow yourself up.”

“But you are like this, you can’t do it near the gods, and you definitely can’t do anything together.” ”

This is the best way Lu Shaoqing can think of.

Otherwise, it will be Xiangkui to blow himself up.

However, Xiangkui, who is now even weaker than him, dares to appear in front of the sacrificial god, and will be killed in minutes.

The seven-rank magic weapon, the power of self-explosion, should be able to kill the sacrificial god in this state.

Xiangkui also understood that this is also the best way to do it now.

Xiangkui did not hesitate to kill the sacrificial god, even if it was his old life.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and erased the mark of the magic weapon.

“Poof!” Xiang

Kui vomited two more mouthfuls of blood, and his body was severely injured again, his eyes were black, his head was torn, and his whole body was shaky.

If you don’t insist on it with your last breath, passing out is the best option.

When Xiang Kui was just thinking about handing over the copper money to Lu Shaoqing, a sudden change occurred.

“Be careful!” Ji Yan’s

voice sounded, and the next moment rushed from a distance, blocking in front of Lu Shaoqing.

The black mist suddenly pounced, like a black poisonous snake, quietly came to Lu Shaoqing, showing its fangs, and delivered a fatal blow at him.

The sacrificial god hated Lu Shaoqing to the bone, and although Ji Yan was a god, his attack was also very strong, and his lethality was amazing.

However, for the sacrifice of the gods, without giving Jiyan a chance, Jiyan is difficult to cause harm to her.

The reason why she fell to such a embarrassing situation now is all blamed on Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan is a general who charges forward bravely, while Lu Shaoqing is like a military master holding a feather fan in the back and planning from afar.

Again and again to create opportunities for Ji Yan.

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Let her, the existence of the ninth layer of the Avatar God, suffer repeated losses, and she still suffers big losses.

The intense pain did not eat away at her sanity, but made her more calm and rational.

The brave general who charges is not terrible, what is terrifying is the cunning as a fox military division.

Only by killing Lu Shaoqing can her passive situation be resolved.

Therefore, the sacrificial god seemed to want to launch an attack on Ji Yan, but it was secretly arranged, and the black mist was like a poisonous snake quietly dispatching, directly taking Lu Shaoqing.

Although the sacrifice to the gods was done very secretly, it was still wiped away by Ji Yan.

The first time rushed over from a distance, he delivered this blow for Lu Shaoqing.

“Poof!” The

weapon transformed into black mist roared, pierced Ji Yan’s body heavily, and then threw it out fiercely.

Bright red blood spilled all over the sky, Ji Yan’s face was pale, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he quickly fell into a state of weakness.

was thrown out heavily, and his life and death were unknown for a while.

“I’m your uncle Cao!” Lu

Shaoqing’s eyes instantly turned red.

A wave of anger rushed straight to the brain, what calmness, what reason was consumed by anger in an instant.

The angry Lu Shaoqing now only wanted to kill the sacrificial god in front of him, “I’m going to kill you!” The

spiritual power in his body rioted madly, like a violent beast, restless, wanting to destroy this world.

In the sea, lightning and thunder, silver snakes dancing, hurricanes and huge waves are set off.

The golden ball hanging in the body suddenly moved, first rotating slightly, and finally dripping and spinning, emitting a golden light like the sun.

The next moment, it disappeared from Lu Shaoqing’s sea of knowledge.

“Kill me?” the sacrificial god came with a hideous expression and a wounded body, “I will make you forever.” ”

Before the person arrived, the black mist had swept in, and the terrifying aura was like a divine power, under the heavy pressure, people had no power to resist.

The sacrificial god’s eyes were filled with hatred, the wounds on his face burst out black blood, and the face of the spider loomed.

Lu Shaoqing was right in front of her, and she wanted to completely kill Lu Shaoqing, and even her soul was completely annihilated.

Otherwise, the hatred in her heart will be difficult to counteract.

“Die!” In

the blink of an eye, the sacrificial god had already killed in front of Lu Shaoqing, the five fingers of his left hand were bent, like claws grabbed out, the air snorted, and he grabbed Lu Shaoqing’s head.

Just when the sacrificial god was about to catch Lu Shaoqing, a terrifying aura erupted from Lu Shaoqing’s body, and the next moment, a golden ball of light appeared.

The dazzling golden light made the god sacrifice move, and his eyes subconsciously closed.

A feeling of familiarity surged into my heart, the soul of the god began to tremble, and fear filled my body.

The sacrificial god screamed, “This, this…” “No, it can’t be…” The

sacrificial god

was frightened as if he had seen the most terrible thing, like a witch.

The golden ball of light spun around drippingly, hitting the door of the sacrifice god.

The soul of the god sacrifice was frightened, and she finally knew why Lu Shaoqing was so different now.


However, no matter how fast she was, she couldn’t be faster than the speed of a ball of light.

“Boom!” The

golden ball of light fluttered and crashed into the sacrificial god, and the light skyrocketed…

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