
Conglong looked at the spaceship that fell to the ground, and Zhang Conglong was distressed.

The five-pin spaceship, which was sent by the sect to use him as a means of travel.

Now it is damaged here, if you want to repair it, there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of spirit stones cannot be repaired.

However, compared to distress, watching the spaceship where Ji Yan was going away, Zhang Conglong’s heart was more shocked, unwilling, and jealous.

He never expected that Ji Yan would be so powerful.

When he first entered the Yuan Baby, he dared to fight with the old Yuan Baby power.


The elder of the Yuan Pavilion, Cang Zhengchu, the strength of the middle Yuan Infant period, with the sword intent, he couldn’t suppress Ji Yan, and in the end, he had to use the realm to be able to suppress it.

The sword intent is unmatched!

Finally, under the coercion of Cang Zhengchu, he touched the Dao and comprehended the third realm of sword intent.

Kenshin is psychic.

Invincible talent!

Zhang Conglong’s expression was ugly.

He has always been unconvinced by Ji Yan, thinking that Ji Yan is just a little better than his talent and a little bit better luck.

He has always regarded Ji Yan as his biggest opponent, and has always hoped to defeat Ji Yan and become the first person in the younger generation in Qizhou.

Today’s events made Zhang Conglong feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Ji Yan had already left him far behind.

If he wants to catch up with Ji Yan, he can put in more than ten times or a hundred times the effort.

Facing such an opponent, even Zhang Conglong couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration in his heart.

Too strong, do you still have a chance?

Zhang Conglong asked himself in his heart.


Zhang Conglong was Zhang Conglong after all, and his gaze gradually became firmer.

Ji Yan, I will not lose to you.

You are proud now, I will definitely catch up and defeat you completely.

You will never be able to turn over.

Zhang Conglong’s fighting spirit became high.

“You, my opponent.”

Suddenly, Zhang Conglong felt a black shadow flash next to him.

He turned his head and saluted, “Elder! ”

The person who came is Cang Zhengchu.

Cang Zhengchu turned his back to Zhang Conglong and asked, “How are the disciples?”

Zhang Conglong said, “Back to Elder, except for some disciples who were injured, the others are fine. ”

Shao Cheng’s sword was full of murderous intent, and he hated it so much that he would kill the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion with a single sword.

However, Cang Zhengchu’s rescue was timely, except for some disciples who were injured, no lives were caused.

Cang Zhengchu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

If something happened to these disciples, it would be difficult for him to explain to the sect.

But thinking of today’s events, he felt very angry in his heart.

In the face of Ji Yan, he has already bullied the small with the big and the small.

The sword intent competition can not be competed, and it is already very humiliating to use the realm to make up for the suppression.

In the end, he actually let Ji Yan enter the realm of the sword heart and god and touch the Dao.

Ji Yan was able to break through, and he had half the credit.

It hurts my chest just when I think about it.

He wanted to kill Ji Yan, but not only did he not finish it, but he was chased by Ji Yan’s master Shao Cheng and slashed indiscriminately.

When he chopped indiscriminately, he was also cordially greeted by a little girl.

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These qi do not find a mouth to vent, which is not good for the body.

When Cang Zheng first thought about it, it seemed that the current plan could not be moved, and whoever moved was an enemy of the Lingxiao faction.

Shao Cheng is also not easy to find trouble, and has an angry bonus, and it is easy to turn into a life and death fight when fighting.

Think about it, only.

So, Cang Zhengchu asked lightly, “Who was that girl who spoke wildly just now?”

“Is it really Junior Sister Ji Yan?”

Zhang Conglong said, “She said so, and Ji Yan also admitted that it should be right.”

“However, I heard my brother mention it.”

Cang Zhengchu drank, “Zhang Zheng, you can tell me.”

Zhang Zheng, who was next to him, hurriedly came over and told him about what happened in Juxian Tower before.

“Hmph, the newly acquired disciples also dare to speak wildly and insult me to return to the Yuan Pavilion.”

Cang Zhengchu’s eyes flashed with hatred.

He was an elder of the Guiyuan Pavilion, and insulting him was humiliating the Guiyuan Pavilion.

There is nothing wrong with this logic.

“Since they are Ji Yan’s junior brothers and junior sisters, what is the strength?”

Zhang Zhao said disdainfully, “I asked, Junior Brother Lu Shaoqing, if he doesn’t learn or have no skills, he is favored by Shao Cheng, he is lazy and lazy, and his strength is at most in the foundation period.”

“Maybe not even a foundation building period.”

“As for that girl, it’s only the refining period, it’s not a worry.”

Hearing that Ji Yan’s junior brother and junior sister’s strength was so low, both Cang Zhengchu and Zhang Conglong showed similar expressions on their faces.


No one in the younger generation can beat it.

A long sword, pressing the young people of Qi Zhou can’t raise their heads

, but there are such junior brothers and sisters, no wonder they rarely mention it, they must be afraid of shame.

He coldly ordered, “The sect is not shameful, when you arrive at the Lingxiao Sect, you know how to do it, right?” ”

Since you can’t find other people to vent your anger, you can only let the juniors go to the juniors to vent their anger for themselves.

Zhang Zheng’s strength is not great, and his talent is very far from his brother.

But for this kind of thing, he understood it quickly.

He said, “Elder, I know how to do it.

Cang Zhengchu nodded, “Good job.” Don’t disgrace Guiyuan Pavilion.

Zhang Zheng patted his chest and said, “Elder rest assured, I will not let the elder down. Cang

Zhengchu glanced at the spaceship that had fallen to the ground, it was badly damaged and could not fly.

With a wave of his sleeves, he put the spaceship away.

He ordered, “Hurry overnight and rest in Lingxiao City.” After

saying that, he disappeared.

Zhang Conglong looked at the disappeared Cang Zhengchu and wondered in his heart.

Why did the elders not speak to him head-on, but carry him behind their backs?

Zhang Zheng’s side was allowed, and his expression was excited.

This is with a divine will to be able to act according to it.

Zhang Conglong did not object to this matter, and he was also the one who was scolded by Xiao Yi.

His own brother came forward to help clean up Xiao Yi, and it was best not to use him to make a move.

Zhang Conglong just said lightly, “Don’t be careless.

Zhang Zheng was full of confidence and said confidently, “Big brother, don’t worry.”

“The two of them are just jumping beam clowns, and I can easily clean them up.”

Zhang Conglong didn’t pay much attention to it, in his opinion, the rest of the Lingxiao faction was not Erer, and only Ji Yan was worthy of his attention.

“Ji Yan, you wait for me…”

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