Lu Shaoqing strolled in Lingxiao City, feeling the fireworks in the world.

A city where monks and people live together will always be a city that never sleeps.

There are monks who come here to relax after a busy day.

There are mortals who leave early and return late, who run to drill camps and are trapped in life, and there are mortals who seek a line of immortal fate.

Lu Shaoqing came to a five-story building made of second-grade Qingliu stone.

This is the Tianji Pavilion at Lingxiao City Tianji Station.

As one of the three major sects of Qizhou, the news of the Lingxiao faction is very important.

The Tianji Pavilion’s Tianji masters are stationed here, mainly responsible for the news events around the Lingxiao faction.

“Those who are genius are journalists.”

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin, “Could it be that the ancestor of the Tianji Pavilion is a Blue Star person?” ”

The Tianji Pavilion’s Tianji Station is all over the thirteen states under the world, and all the big and small information in the thirteen states cannot be concealed from the sensitive nose of the Tianji people.

Disciples are all over this world, and Tianji Pavilion is naturally the largest intelligence trafficker in the thirteen states.

They have the most intelligence in their hands and the most professional.

Under the banner of interviews, gathering information is very easy.

Lu Shaoqing did not hesitate too much and entered inside.

After entering the inside, you will find that the interior is magnificently decorated and dazzling.

“The materials of the first and second products can be found everywhere here.”

“What a dog.”

Lu Shaoqing was deeply envious.

Although the Lingxiao faction is said to be a gate faction, in fact, the Lingxiao faction is the poorest of the three main sects compared to Shuangyue Valley and Guiyuan Pavilion.

The sect consumes too many resources.

There are not many resources left for disciples.

Therefore, the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect were no match for the disciples of the other two factions.

At least in terms of financial resources, many disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect had to go out to work and earn some spirit stones in addition to doing sect tasks to earn contribution points.

It’s not like Shuangyue Valley, lying on the spiritual vein to live a life.

It is also not like the Guiyuan Pavilion, the territory is expanded and occupies a large area.

Therefore, the spiritual veins found in Duchang, Ling Xiao sent this side decisively to fight for the first.

The fight is for spirit stones.

Now seeing that one of the sites of Tianji Pavilion was so rich, it deeply stimulated Lu Shaoqing.

I can’t wait to start looting here.

Working to make money or something is not suitable for Lu Shaoqing.

However, Lu Shaoqing finally suppressed this idea.

“Forget it, it’s still important to do business…” Lu

Shaoqing came to the front desk.

He asked the little girl at the front desk with a big grin, “Is Shan Yue there?”

The little girl at the front desk looked at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously and said, “Do you have something to do with Senior Sister Shan?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Give her a big news.” ”

The little girl at the front desk is a cultivator in the refining period, she does not have a domineering attitude, and when she hears that there is big news, she goes to inform Shan Yue.


“Who is looking for me?”

Lu Shaoqing followed the prestige.

A twenty-five-six-year-old girl came down from upstairs.

She is not the kind of overwhelming appearance, but she is the kind of attractive type.

The black hair was smoothly tied back directly, and then matched with a light blue long skirt, which was very competent, and her fair skin added a lot of points to her.

She is not the kind of overwhelming appearance, but she is the kind of attractive type.

The black hair was smoothly tied back directly, and then matched with a light blue long skirt, which was very competent, and her fair skin added a lot of points to her.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know Shan Yue and hadn’t seen it before.

Knowing Shan Yue, it was just that I saw the news she often sent out on the Tianji card.

Knowing that she is an ace genius.

Lu Shaoqing came to her, and it was more important.

Shan Yue is a fan of his master brother.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Shan Yue and muttered secretly in his heart.

Sibling love, it seems to be okay.

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Shan Yue is a few years older than Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Shan Yue, and secretly said in his heart, alas, I, who is a junior brother, can also be considered responsible.

In order to get the master brother off the list as soon as possible, a lot of brain cells also died.

The body is okay, I don’t know what the temper is.

When Shan Yue heard that someone was looking for her, she came down from upstairs and was stared at by a pair of eyes.

His gaze fell on her, looking at her unscrupulously.

Lu Shaoqing’s first impression left a bad impression on Shan Yue, and Shan Yue was displeased in his heart, and asked with a straight face, “Are you looking for me?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “That’s right.

“Is it? What’s the big news for you? Because

of Lu Shaoqing’s gaze just now, Shan Yue’s tone was not good.

Lu Shaoqing immediately scored in his heart.

Well, the temper is a little worse.

Bad reviews.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Do you want the news about Ji Yan?” ”


“Ji Yan Gongzi?”

Shan Yue was surprised, and his face showed surprise, but then, thick suspicion rose, “You mean really?

In Shan Yue’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing’s breath was ordinary, and if he didn’t feel it carefully, he was not much different from mortals.

Although he looks a little handsome.

But, it’s not her thing.

Her dish is Ji Yan.

She likes the sharp, handsome feeling.

“Do you really have news about Ji Yan Gongzi?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, pretended to look, sighed, and said, “Alas, when I came here, I didn’t even have a place to sit, not even saliva.” ”

Gongzi, please over here!”

Shan Yue could only take Lu Shaoqing to the reception room, and then said, “Gongzi, you can talk about it.” ”

What about water?”

“There’s a place to sit, and there’s not even saliva?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was full of contempt, “Your Tianji Pavilion is so luxuriously decorated outside, and the feelings are cut out from the inside?”

“It’s a good villain who is also a guest, and he doesn’t even have to drink saliva.”

“If you pass it out, aren’t you afraid of losing the face of Tianji Pavilion?”

“This can’t work, come out to mix, it’s about face, how can it be so cut?”

“If your head knows that you are doing this, will he cut you?”

Shan Yue collapsed.

“Come, come, this is the high-grade spirit tea, you drink it slowly.”

“Tea is here, you don’t drink enough, add it yourself…” Shan

Yue didn’t expect that this guy’s mouth was even more broken than a woman, and she couldn’t stand it.

She had never seen anyone like this.

So righteous, whose place is this?

Who is the owner here?

“That’s right.”

Lu Shaoqing took a sip of tea and her eyes lit up, “Good tea!” Then

a few more drinks in a row.

Shan Yue’s gaze became more and more unkind, and he became more and more suspicious that this guy in front of him came here to cheat for tea.

She said coldly, “This tea, five hundred lower grade spirit stones one or two.”

She wanted to remind Lu Shaoqing to be more interesting.

Don’t just drink tea here and don’t do anything.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes brightened and drank faster, “Ouch, not bad, make me another pot.” ”


This guy is a shameless guy.

Shan Yue labeled Lu Shaoqing.

Shan Yue gritted his teeth and said, “What about the big news you said?

Lu Shaoqing said, “Let’s make a pot of tea first…”

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