“I’m a wounded, give some face, big brother. Looking

at Lu Shaoqing as if he was discussing with Yu Yun, Xiang Kui almost hit the side of the ship.

He couldn’t help but say to Ji Yan, “Is this his grasp?” What

kind of heavenly joke

? Xiang Kui’s gaze was a little more caring, this kid should have been hit in the head by the sacrificial god, stupid.


kidding, it was exclusive to the Heavenly Dao, and the task was to kill the human beings who were seeking a breakthrough, and they could kill one by one, to reduce the burden on the Heavenly Dao.

No matter how evil you are, you are also a human being, and besides, the way of heaven has no thoughts, how can you give you face?

However, when the second robbery thunder appeared, Xiang Kui almost shouted, and wanted to say loudly, look, will the Heavenly Dao give you face?

The shining light shone and tore through the void, causing the sky to shake, and the rumbling sound was deafening.

Looking at the robbery thunder without mercy, he looked like he was going to split Lu Shaoqing into slag.

Xiang Kui couldn’t help but stomp his foot and slammed the deck, “Bastard boy, don’t you do something?” Lu

Shaoqing stood in place without moving, intending to face the thunder directly.

In Xiangkui’s view, this is looking for death.

“Boom!” the

thunder fell heavily on Lu Shaoqing.

However, the next moment, Xiangkui’s eyes widened and he cried out in disbelief, “This… Ahhhh

Because Lu Shaoqing stood in place intact, there was nothing at all.

Even the breath did not weaken in the slightest.

Xiangkui subconsciously rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

Soon, the third thunder of robbery fell, still full of momentum and thunder.

However, the result was still the same, Lu Shaoqing stood intact in place.

The fourth, fifth, and eighth, the thunder fell one by one, the power seemed to be great, but Lu Shaoqing was just able to resist, and there was nothing at all.

In Xiang Kui’s eyes, these thunderbolts were like a hand gently stroking Lu Shaoqing, without causing him the slightest harm.

Such an outrageous thing made Xiangkui roar.

Outrageous, outrageous.

Is this a crossing?

This is a vacation.


worldview had collapsed, and he even wondered for a moment if he was dreaming.

Only in dreams can such outrageous things happen.

A Yuan Infant Ninth Layer can kill a Transformation God Ninth Layer, and he begins to cross the Transformation God Heavenly Tribulation at a young age, and the power of the Heavenly Tribulation becomes light and fluttering, which is weaker than the Foundation Building Heavenly Tribulation.

Xiangkui looked stupidly into the distance, the impact was too great, his brain was blank, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.

Ji Yan couldn’t help but open his eyes and look at Lu Shaoqing in the distance.

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With amazement in his eyes, he is worthy of being his junior brother, and he is still playing steadily as always.

Xiangkui, a master of the Avatar God, was also made to burn his brain.

Xiang Kui subconsciously asked Ji Yan, “He, how did he do it?” This

is a heavenly calamity, not an ordinary thunder and lightning, it struck even the soul was wiped out, and reincarnation did not think about anything.

Ji Yan was silent for a while before he slowly spoke, “I don’t know.” ”

Although he is a junior disciple, Ji Yan can’t fully see through Lu Shaoqing.

However, Ji Yan rarely asks, everyone has their own secrets.

Xiangkui’s hand unconsciously touched his head, this scene, without pulling a little hair, it is difficult to say.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the sky, there were many clouds, but there was no danger in his eyes.

The reason was the golden ball of light in his body.

When the thunder appeared, the golden ball of light jumped, revealing a longing, the desire to eat.

This feeling is not unfamiliar to him, and he has a group of foodies under him, and he knows it well.

The first thunder fell, and although he was chopped, most of the thunder submerged into his body, entered the sea of knowledge, and was absorbed by the golden ball of light.

Just like the dog tenant before absorbing black lightning.

Only a small part of the thunder fell on him, and the remaining power was nothing to him who was refining his body, and he easily blocked it.

From the second thunder, although he was huge, Lu Shaoqing could feel the power of the thunder weaken, as if his words really worked.

As for why, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t figure it out.

He could only guess that it was related to the golden divine punishment he had absorbed before, and everyone came from the same source.

As for whether this is really the reason, he did not delve into it.

No way, he can’t touch the truth at all in this realm.

Everything, he can only blame his painting style is abnormal.

Anyway, he is used to this abnormal painting style.

A series of eight robbery thunders were absorbed by the golden ball of light, Lu Shaoqing raised his head, and the ninth robbery thunder fell.

The Heart Demon is coming.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were a flower, seven or eight enchanting beauties, showing their delicate bodies.

One by one, they stood in front of Lu Shaoqing and scratched their heads, throwing winks at him and making various seductive gestures.

The ambiguous atmosphere is pervasive, fragrant, and full of endless temptation.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin, looked at it, and praised, “Beauty, peerless beauty.” ”

It’s a pity,” then Lu Shaoqing shouted, “didn’t you give some spirit stones?” The

woman twisted even more, sticking towards Lu Shaoqing, and called Gongzi sweetly.

Lu Shaoqing did not have the slightest pity for the meat, waved it with one hand, the beauties disappeared, and the heart demons also disappeared, “It’s good to give me some spirit stones, let me lie down and watch the beautiful women dance.”

“Really, you can’t do it at all, and learn to do the heart devil?”

Lu Shaoqing was very disdainful, he didn’t even know what he wanted, it was too wasteful.

Then clapped his hands and shouted to the clouds above the sky, “Still coming?”

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