The speed at which the clouds dissipated quickly, and in the blink of an eye, there was not much left.

It feels as if they are afraid of Lu Shaoqing and can’t wait to leave.

This made Sangkui directly pull his hair down.

Are you dreaming

? Has the world become so abnormal?

It’s so easy to cross the robbery, and I’ve seen it for the first time in my life.

Ji Yan had not been so outrageous before.

Only Lu Shaoqing’s is outrageous and not like the real thing.

After Xiangkui pulled a handful of his hair and twisted his thighs violently, he only believed that this was true.

Lu Shaoqing had already sat down and began to consolidate the realm.

The huge spiritual power once again roared from afar, constantly submerged into Lu Shaoqing’s body.

And seeing this scene, Xiangkui was shocked again.

He looked at Ji Yan and pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “This, this, he, can he absorb spiritual power like this?”

Xiang Kui’s current performance was not at all like an old-timer in the realm of Transformation God, but like a Xiaobai who had never seen the world.

But it’s no wonder that Xiangkui was surprised.

Lu Shaoqing’s performance is hard not to be shocked.

The world is ostensibly occupied and ruled by sacrificial gods and their minions.

The environment of heaven and earth has become bad under the infection and erosion of monsters, and it is very unfriendly to human cultivators.

The aura in the air is like it is full of impurities, there is no filtration, and it is difficult to absorb directly.

Only a small part of it can be directly absorbed, and most of the rest is harmful to human cultivators, and if absorbed into the body, it will cause harm to the body.

Just like contaminated water, if it is not filtered, drinking it will be harmful to the body.

Therefore, whether it is the current plan, or Xiangkui, the spiritual power in the body has dried up, and the recovery speed of absorbing spiritual energy from the air is very slow, relying on elixirs and spirit stones.

And Lu Shaoqing is now swallowing the sea like a whale, frantically absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, and those who come do not refuse, absorb it all.

I’ve seen outrageous things, but I’ve never seen such outrageous people.

For this kind of thing, Ji Yan had already seen it strangely, and replied lightly, “Normal things, there is no need to make a fuss.”

Looking at Ji Yan sitting at the bow of the boat, Xiang Kui opened his mouth, but finally did not hold back from speaking, “This is called normal?

“Aren’t you worried at all?”

Ji Yan closed his eyes and replied flatly, “It’s a normal thing for him.” ”

What’s the fuss about?

“Grandpa!” After

a while, in the distance, Xiao Yi, Xiang Sixian, and Zuo Die arrived from afar.

There are many monsters, but they are all low-level monsters and do not pose a threat to them.

After defeating the monster, the three of them rushed here as soon as possible.

After Zuo Die came here, looking at Lu Shaoqing who was sitting in the center of the storm, she stammered, “Really, is it really him?” Although

Xiao Yi swore that it was her second senior brother who broke through, after seeing it with her own eyes, she couldn’t help but be shocked.

Xiang Sixian was also shocked, and she also found the same problem as Xiang Kui, “Mu Gongzi, is there no problem in being able to absorb Spiritual Qi like this?”

Xiao Yi said happily, “Don’t worry, this kind of thing means little to the second senior brother.” Seeing

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the shocked look of others because of Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Yi felt that his face was particularly bright.

Xiao Yi looked at it for a moment, and ran to ask Ji Yan, “Senior brother, where is the sacrifice to the gods?” ”


This answer naturally shocked Xiao Yi and the three of them.

“Dead, dead?” Zuo Die was pleasantly surprised, looking at Xiang Kui, “Great Elder, did you defeat the Sacrifice God?” In Zuo Die’s

opinion, Xiang Kui is the strongest of the people, and such a powerful opponent as the Sacrifice God can only be defeated by Xiang Kui’s shot.

Besides, Xiang Kui’s current state is the worst, not Xiang Kui defeating the sacrificial god, can it still be Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan?

This question, he did not want to answer, it was too humiliating.

Defeating the sacrificial god can be said to have nothing to do with him.

Everything is the efforts of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

His performance is unbelievable.

Say it, feel ashamed of yourself.

When Xiangsian saw her grandfather’s embarrassed look, she instantly guessed what was going on.

It seems that grandpa can’t help much.

Xiangsi Xian guessed in his heart, and at the same time he was even more shocked.

What ability did these two junior brothers have to actually kill a Avatar God?

Xiang Kui’s face was embarrassed, and he didn’t know how to answer Zuo Die’s question.


when Xiangsixian was about to speak, helping his grandfather to relieve the siege.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice suddenly sounded, “Of course, grandpa defeated the sacrifice god, if it weren’t for grandpa, the two of us would have died a long time ago.”

Everyone followed the prestige, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t know when he ended his meditation and returned to the ship.

Xiao Yi immediately shouted happily, “Second Senior Brother

!” “Dad!” Xiao Hei also pounced at the first time, crashed into Lu Shaoqing’s arms, and squeaked, showing off how many monsters it had killed.

Lu Shaoqing touched Xiao Hei’s head and praised, “Not bad, let Uncle Junior give you spirit beans to eat.”

Then he looked at Xiang Kui and winked at Xiang Kui, “Right, grandpa, without your efforts, how can we defeat the

Sacrifice God?” Zuo Die was even more happy, showing a smug expression like Xiao Yi, “Yes, I’ll just say, without the Great Elder, how can you fight the Sacrifice God?”

A flush flashed on Xiang Kui’s face, and the shame in his heart ah.

He didn’t want this, but said that he couldn’t help at all, but it was a burden, and there was no place to put this old face.

In the end, he could only say, “Cough, this time is also a fluke.”

After that, his face turned even redder, and he wanted to get into the gap in the deck.

But in my heart, I had a little good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

This kid is quite a bit conscientious.

However, I heard Lu Shaoqing continue, “Grandpa, since the sacrifice gods have been killed, it is useless for your copper coin to ask for it, give it to me.” What

has a conscience, or stares at my magic weapon.

Xiang Kui gritted his teeth indignantly, flipped his wrist, and took out his copper coin to refine it again in front of Lu Shaoqing to show his attitude.

Beat to death and don’t give it to you.

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Stingy, what should I do when the body of the sacrifice god comes?” However

, as soon as his words fell, a ray of light descended from the sky, shining on the ship, and falling on everyone…

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