It was still that sword, as if opening the heavens and the earth, the sword light covered everything and occupied everyone’s hearts.

In front of this sword, the void accelerated and shattered, and countless spatial turbulences swept out.

The rules of absolute edge slashed through, rattling, and even the air was strangled into nothingness.

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die were dizzy.

Originally, the two were pressed to the ground and had difficulty breathing.

Now seeing Ji Yan’s sword again, the two felt that their heads were beaten to a stick, and the feeling of nausea and dizziness instantly rushed to their heads.

The eyes of the two began to turn white, even if the two of them were Yuan babies.

But in this situation, they still want to vomit.

“Don’t look!”

Xiangkui’s voice came with difficulty, “Close your eyes, that kind of realm is not something you can comprehend. ”

Ji Yan’s kendo is too strong, and his comprehension of the sword has surpassed his own realm.

When the yuan infancy stage, it has already made people in the Jiedan stage vomit blood.

Now that the realm of the gods is realm, it is so profound that even people in the Yuan Infant realm cannot see through it.

If you want to watch it, the Dao heart will be disturbed, the light will vomit blood and coma, the strength will be greatly damaged, and the heavy Dao heart will collapse, and it will become a waste person from then on.

Xiang Kui looked up, he was also half-kneeling on the ground now, and the pressure of the black hand was too strong.

Even if he is a god, he can’t have any resistance in the face of the black hand.

And Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are different.

Dare to strike at it successively, Xiangkui must not be admired, heroic boy.

However, Xiangkui’s gaze did not carry any hope, and even began to show despair.

The black hand is too strong, it is definitely an existence beyond the refining void realm, not the Mahayana period, it must also be the merging period, and it may even be stronger.

It’s useless.

Xiang Kui looked at the plan that rushed to the sky, and silently thought in his heart.

Ji Yan is like a fearless warrior with a fierce fighting spirit and a murderous spirit, charging at an enemy that is stronger than him.

However, as Xiangkui thought, the black hand is too powerful.

It’s so powerful that it’s desperate.

This sword was the strongest blow that Ji Yan unleashed, and people in the same realm, even two small realms stronger than him, could not resist.

The sword light fell fiercely on the back of the black hand.

The light on the surface of the black hand flashed slightly, and Ji Yan’s all-out blow was like a fresh breeze, and he could not leave the slightest trace on the black hand.

Even making the black hand pause could not be done, and the black hand still fell from the sky unhurriedly.

And the goal of the black hand is clear, that is, Lu Shaoqing.

Whether it was the plan to attack him, or Xiao Yi, who was pressed to the point of immobility, the black hand ignored it and went straight to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was hit hard, almost no place in his body was good, and the whole person was already on the verge of fainting.

That force was too strong for him to resist at all.

In front of that power, he felt as if he was a child, facing the attack of this peerless martial arts master.

If he can live, he is powerful.

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The black hand kept falling towards him, and the powerful pressure made the land around him collapse, detached, and the place where he lay was like an island.

Lu Shaoqing’s face showed bitterness, and he slowly raised his right hand and looked at his storage ring.

Without speaking, maybe even the dead ghost brother can’t beat the black hand.

It was so strong that he couldn’t help but give birth to despair.

Alas, maybe life ends here, and I don’t know if I can be born again.

Looking at the plan standing in the sky in the distance, Lu Shaoqing tried his best to transmit the sound, “Don’t roll yet?”

“Just avenge me in the future, every New Year’s holiday, remember to burn more spirit stones for me.”

“Yuanbao candle, I don’t want…” The

voice came into Ru Jiyan’s ears, and a wave of anger came out of his heart.

He was angry at his powerlessness.

As a senior brother, he has his own pride and self-respect.

He did not allow himself to lag behind his junior brother, and he did not allow himself to be worse than his junior brother.

In this battle with the sacrificial god, his performance has already failed.

Now, facing a powerful black hand, his strongest blow is not as good as a mosquito bite in the eyes of the enemy.

The enemy’s target was Lu Shaoqing, and as a senior brother, he could not protect his junior brother, which was also a dereliction of duty.

Moreover, the enemy’s target is Lu Shaoqing, not him, which also shows one thing, he is not the slightest threat in the eyes of the enemy, and he is not as good as Lu Shaoqing.

The more Ji Yan thought about it, the angrier he became, and this was the angriest one in his life.

He can accept his failures, but he cannot tolerate being despised, let alone his incompetence.


Ji Yan roared in a low voice, and his anger rushed straight to his brain, and his reason was also consumed by anger.

At this time, the Wuqiu Sword suddenly flashed, and a bright light emerged from the Wuqiu Sword and did not enter Ji Yan’s body.

Ji Yan had previously absorbed the power of the broken sword fragment from the Xuantu World, and Wuqiu Sword fused the broken sword fragment to repair the sword body.

Even Wuqiu’s sword spirit Wuqiu did not realize that there was still a power hidden in his body.

After this light did not enter Ji Yan’s body, Ji Yan’s whole person froze.

The next moment, Ji Yan stabbed out with a sword.

A plain sword, like a beginner who picks up a sword for the first time, a sword stabs out crookedly.

However, the next moment, an earth-shattering sword intent burst out, sweeping across the entire world.

Ji Yan’s breath became hollow, as if he had disappeared in this world and entered another world, incompatible with this world.

Wuqiu’s sword pierced out in his hand, the void exploded, heaven and earth trembled, heaven and earth were like pieces of paper, cut in half by scissors.

Millions of zhang, the big black hand as big as the sky was also like paper paste, and it was directly split in half.

A huge black mist surged out, and this big hand was condensed by the black mist.

The sword light that rose up into the sky completely strangled the black mist and swept everything away.

“Damn, damn it, this, this is…”

The voice just now was full of horror and roared in disbelief.

The black hand disappeared, and then a tall figure condensed by black fog appeared, black figure, black mist lingering, as if in the clouds, the face seemed to be real, it was not clear at all, and it could only barely see the outline of a human figure.

The huge figure, the terrifying aura once again made the sky shake, and the powerful coercion made the earth constantly crack and collapse…

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