The sky shattered, and the space was turbulent, spreading throughout the space.

The broken space formed countless vortices, constantly devouring everything around it.

The earth crumbled, and the land turned into pieces layer by layer, like a void beast constantly devouring the earth.

Thousands of miles, millions of miles, tens of millions of miles, and even hundreds of millions of miles away can feel the terrifying coercion.

The invisible coercion pressed everyone to the ground, and the terrifying power made many mortals die instantly.

It was like a big hand squeezing this piece of heaven and earth, wanting to completely erase the world.

The huge figure was just a roar, and the fluctuations emitted and the damage caused by its own coercion could be called extinction, which was really terrifying.


The black fog on the huge figure lingered, and it was not clear to see the appearance, and with an angry roar, the sky shook, and then a huge hand fell towards Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s performance really frightened Xiangkui.

I knew that Ji Yan was very powerful, but I didn’t expect Ji Yan to be so powerful.

The huge black hand is not to mention the existence above the realm of fitness, but this god of transformation can be strangled with a sword.

What kind of strength is this?

Or not people?

What kind of big guy can teach such an apprentice?

Could it be that the big guy is also a legendary power?

Fit realm, or even Mahayana period?

Xiangkui’s body is already trembling.

However, he had just begun to snort, and the Optimus Giant appeared.

Seeing the huge hand attacking Ji Yan, Xiangkui became even more powerful, and his heart was desperate again.

Now it’s really over.

No one can save them.

This suspected sacrificial god came to a powerful existence, and it was already invincible.

Xiangkui wanted to save Ji Yan, but now he couldn’t move.

The powerful coercion was like countless mountains pressing him to the ground, and he could only barely use his magic weapon golden copper money to protect Xiangsi Immortal by his side, and he was powerless to do anything else.

Above the sky, after Ji Yan stabbed out that sword, the whole person had actually fallen into a coma.

The sword just now was very terrifying, capable of crushing a huge black hand.

But the sequelae were also extremely terrifying, and the last bit of spiritual power in Ji Yan’s body was absorbed and squeezed dry.

Now he is the weakest since birth, unable to move, unable to mobilize any strength.

However, even if he was unconscious, he did not want to fall, but stood with a sword, the unyielding fighting spirit in his body, and the fierce fighting intent supported him to stand, his head held high, his eyes were angry, and he looked directly at the enemy in front of him.

Even if he is unconscious, he seems to continue fighting.


Xiang Kui closed his eyes, he couldn’t bear to watch a genius like Ji Yan fall.

This is a human loss.

However, just when Xiang Kui was desperate, the Optimus Giant Hand was about to fall on Ji Yan.

A strong light suddenly erupted from the ground.

“Swoosh!” With a sound, a ball of light rushed out from the ground and rushed straight towards the huge figure.

When Sang Kui heard the movement, he opened his eyes and saw a ball of light that streaked across the sky like a shooting star, and was shocked.

Where did this come from?

The light on the surface of the photosphere was very strong and fast, and Xiangkui’s eyes were so wide that he couldn’t see what it was.

The ball of light was fast, cutting through space, passing through countless spatial cracks, going all the way to the sky, and finally disappearing into the endless void.

The next moment, the huge figure suddenly stopped.

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In Xiangkui’s eyes, the huge figure first stopped, and then began to tremble.

Finally, a roar came from the Nine Heavens.


The sound of magic destroys the world, and wherever the sound goes, destroys everything and crushes everything.

The sky is shattering again, the earth is falling again, and the world is once again in a state of collapse.


Under the attack of this voice, blood sprayed, and he could no longer support his body and fell from the sky.


Wuqiu Jian used the last trace of his strength to protect Ji Yan, and then fell into a crack, swallowing it by rolling magma.


Xiang Kui was also in this roar, frantically coughing up blood, the elixir was stuffed into his mouth, and he worked hard to run the seven-rank magic weapon in his hand.


Even the seven-rank magic weapon had cracks in this terrifying power.

But the voices come and go quickly, and they are not specifically aimed at them.

They also survived it.

“Whew, phew…” After

using the last bit of strength to wake up the three of Sangsi, he passed out.

When Sangkui woke up, he found that Sangjisen was guarding his side.

“Grandpa, are you awake?”

Xiangjixian said with surprise in his tone, and a relaxed expression appeared on his tired face.

Xiangkui felt his state, and he was still in bad shape, but he felt much better.

A lot of spiritual power has also been restored in the body, and he can barely move.

Cultivators in the Transformation God Period, the level of life has reached a very high level, as long as they are not completely killed, they can slowly heal with their own life force.

Xiang Kui looked around, Ji Yan was lying not far away, Xiao Yi was guarding the side, but the three spirit pets had disappeared.

The left butterfly was suspended in the sky, seemingly on alert.

Xiang Kui looked at the distance again, the side was in a mess in the distance, the dark ground seen with the naked eye, and even some cracks were still flowing out of magma, countless thick smoke rose up into the sky, and the sky was shrouded in thick smoke and gloomy.

The ground seemed to have been ploughed several times, and it had already changed greatly, and the place where they were also turned over, was a flat ground that had been carved out afterwards.

Heaven and earth are quiet, giving people a feeling of desolation and death.

Xiang Kui glanced at the sky, above the sky, there were still huge void cracks in some places, and the black void made people’s hearts palpitate.

Sangkui asked her granddaughter, “How long has it been?” ”

It’s been three days. ”

Three days?

Does the world seem calm and the battle is over?

But how did it end?

Xiang Kui had just sat up under the help of Xiang Si Xian when he heard Xiao Yi shouting.

“Senior Brother!”

Xiang Kui turned his head to see that Ji Yan had woken up and had already stood up.

I rub!

Am I really old?

Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but be deeply suspicious.

Ji Yan’s injury was heavier than him, and his state was even weaker than him, but Ji Yan stood up directly, looking more energetic than him.

Ji Yan stood up, his eyes roamed around, and finally raised his head and looked at the sky….

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