The power that erupted from Lu Shaoqing’s body did not belong to Lu Shaoqing, as if attached to Lu Shaoqing, it suddenly burst out and stabbed into the body of the black shadow like a knife.

The sudden burst of power caught both Lu Shaoqing and Black Shadow off guard.

The stomach of the black shadow’s body was directly cracked, and the pure energy surged out madly.


The black shadow roared in pain, struggling like a beast, and the pain made it crazy.

“Damn, I’m going to wipe out this remnant soul of yours completely.”

It struggled, wanted to retreat.

But where will Lu Shaoqing do what he wants.

The black shadow is very powerful, the power here is comparable to a tyrannosaurus, let it come at him a few more times, he will definitely be smashed into the sky.

Although I don’t know where this power in my body comes from, it is enough to deal with the black shadow in front of me.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, turned into an octopus and clamped the black shadow into a dead grip, “Don’t move, let’s get close and close.” ”

Ants, let go!”

The black shadow struggled, and the powerful force burst out, constantly impacting Lu Shaoqing, trying to break free from Lu Shaoqing’s shackles, making Lu Shaoqing very painful.

“Marde, can you settle down a little?”

Lu Shaoqing only had one mouth left on his body to move, and cursed angrily at the black shadow, “Is it okay to calm down?”

“What are you doing so impulsively?”

“Don’t struggle like a pig, I can’t do it, lean, I’m very hard…”

The black shadow seemed to be even more angry, and roared angrily again, “Ant, damn it!

The white eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing, making Lu Shaoqing feel cold in his heart.

A thought popped up in his heart, this guy is definitely big, and it may even be a higher-level existence.

But at this point, even if you are afraid, you cannot be instigated.

No matter what kind of big man you are, no matter what big thing you have, if you want to kill him now, that is his enemy.

Since it is an enemy, let’s kill it.

Evil was born on the side, Lu Shaoqing opened his mouth and bit on the shoulder of the black shadow.

With this bite, the black shadow roared again in pain, struggling even harder.

On Lu Shaoqing’s side, his eyes lit up.

A stream of pure energy poured in from his mouth and swallowed into his stomach.

The wound that was injured just now immediately improved a lot, and his spirit became more vigorous, and his body became more powerful.

The limbs can clamp the black shadow more powerfully.

Since this is the case, then you are welcome.

Anyway, at this point, it doesn’t matter what you are, you can eat it.

Immediately letting go of his stomach, Lu Shaoqing gulped down the energy of the black shadow.

If it is placed outside, he will definitely not, because it seems to be sucking blood.

But now everyone is in an energy state, not sucking white and not sucking.

“Roar…” The

black shadow seemed to be shocked, it never expected that someone would be able to devour its energy.

“You, you, can’t be…” At

present, the black shadow struggled even more, but Lu Shaoqing was more and more energetic, and the other was getting stronger and stronger, in contrast, the power of the black shadow was gradually weakening.

I don’t know how long it took, but soon, the black shadow stopped struggling, and Lu Shaoqing could already feel that the black shadow’s body became soft, as if it had been emptied inside.

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Lu Shaoqing let go of his mouth, and the black shadow had no energy to be devoured by him.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the black shadow’s eyes again, and with another force, he found that after the black shadow really stopped moving and did not move, he slowly released his limbs.

Clamping on all the time is not an option.

After Lu Shaoqing let go, he immediately retreated three times and carefully prepared his guard.

However, he is not very worried now, he has devoured part of the power in the black shadow, the injury he suffered just now has healed, and it seems that the strength has advanced.

If you really fight.

Lu Shaoqing calculated for a moment and muttered, “I should be able to run faster.”

Looking at the black shadow’s shriveled body, like a deflated balloon, without moving, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice, “Strange, such a strong body, how can you take two breaths to dry like this?”

“I just took two puffs, and I didn’t use it as a furnace, how could it dry so quickly?”

Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, he had not practiced the exercises of nourishing yin and replenishing yang and absorbing stars, but simply devouring, how could he squeeze such a strong man dry?

There are quirks!

Lu Shaoqing was more vigilant.

Maybe there is some hidden danger.

But at the moment, the black shadow was motionless, as if hanging up, Lu Shaoqing waited for a while, and then slowly approached.

Just two steps closer, suddenly the black shadow moved.

The body shook, which startled Lu Shaoqing and hurriedly retreated.

After running a few steps, Lu Shaoqing found that the black shadow’s body fell limply.

Is it really hanging?

When Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, a light suddenly burst out from inside the black shadow’s body, and something rushed out from inside.

“You remnant soul, why are you still there? You should have died a long time ago and still want to make a comeback?

“Dreaming! I will completely destroy this thought of you today and make you disappear forever.

As the icy and cruel voice sounded, an even smaller figure rushed out from inside.

A small black man the size of a head and like a baby rushed out, and a white light wrapped around it.

The little black man’s face was also blurry and could not be seen clearly, but Lu Shaoqing could feel from it that it was full of hideousness, gritting his teeth, as if he had a hatred that rushed to the sky.

The aura emanating from its body was gloomy and cold, like the abyss of hell, giving Lu Shaoqing a shuddering feeling.

The white light wrapped around it is the opposite of the breath of the little black man, full of kindness and warmth, and has a feeling of spring.

Two very different breaths are constantly entangled, like water and fire, canceling each other out.

But in the end, it was the little black man who was superior, and in the mutual conflict cancellation, the white light gradually receded.

And Lu Shaoqing could guess the reason when he saw this.

The white light is the power in the body, rushing into the black shadow’s body and fighting with the black shadow.

Over the others, White Light was Black Shadow’s main enemy, so after he sucked outside for a while, Black Shadow simply abandoned him and concentrated his strength to deal with White Light.

The strength of both sides is constantly weakening, but in the end, it is the little black man who wins.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and he waited quietly on the side.

I don’t know how long it took, when the white light had been suppressed to the last point, the rampant laughter of the black shadow sounded.

“Haha, you remnant soul, you still want to fight me?”


The black shadow shouted, mobilizing the last of its strength to destroy the white light in one go.

Lu Shaoqing also made a move at this time….

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