The little black man saw that he was about to completely suppress and destroy the white light on his body, and victory was in sight, and he was overjoyed.

The laughter revealed its original laughter.

The laughter is the same as the laughter of the gods.

As Lu Shaoqing guessed, this is not the essence of the sacrifice god, but also the doppelganger of the body of the sacrifice god.

At this time, a pair of hands suddenly appeared on the little black man’s head.

The little black man was shocked, and the breath on his body tumbled, so shocked that it almost jumped.

It forgot that Lu Shaoqing was still around.

To be precise, it can’t look at Lu Shaoqing at all.

“So what is fierce for?” Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded faintly, very regretful, “Can’t everyone sit down and talk well?” ”

The words on the lips are gentle, but the hands are not rubbed at all.

Holding the little black man’s head with both hands, he twisted it vigorously, like twisting his neck.

The little black man’s attention was focused on the white light on his body, and when he was about to win, he relaxed his vigilance.

If it was usual, Lu Shaoqing would definitely not be able to sneak up on it.

Moreover, in peacetime, even if it is a sneak attack, Lu Shaoqing can’t help it.

However, now, it fought with the white light and suffered great damage, and it was absorbed a lot of energy by Lu Shaoqing, and its strength plummeted.

It was when the little black man was the weakest, and Lu Shaoqing was also the most suitable time to make a move.

Twisting hard, there seemed to be a clicking sound.

The little black man’s head was instantly twisted by him, and the turbulent energy gushed again, just like a person whose head was cut off, and blood spurted violently.

At the same time, the white light flashed again, inflicting one last damage on the little black man, and then dissipated.

“Damn, damn it!”

“Ants, you damn it!”

An angry voice sounded, and the entire space shook.

The crazy and tyrannical aura erupted from the little black man, and the hatred rushed to the sky.

The little black man’s head grew again, but its body shrank a circle compared to simply.

When the little black man grew his head and wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing, he found that he couldn’t move.

Looking closely, it was once again controlled by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing clasped his hands and grabbed the little black man deadly.

“Don’t move, let me have a good taste!”

Lu Shaoqing opened his mouth and bit the little black man’s body fiercely.

As Lu Shaoqing guessed, pure energy poured in from his mouth again.

“Let go, let go of me…” The

little black man struggled, but because of the weakness of his body and the loss of strength, he was like a fish swimming in a net, and he couldn’t break free.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was constantly devouring his power, it was helpless.

With the devouring of Lu Shaoqing, the little black man became smaller and weaker in Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

In the end, I don’t know how long time passed, and the little black man struggled for the last time in the hands of Lu Shaoqing, and then disappeared completely.

Before disappearing, he left a cruel sentence, “You wait for me

…” “Whew…” Lu

Shaoqing just breathed a sigh of relief, and before he could take a second breath, a white light appeared in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing immediately became vigilant.

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This is also not a good lord.

But before Lu Shaoqing could say anything, the white light flashed directly and rushed directly into his body.

Then, the next moment, Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness returned to the body.

Lu Shaoqing, who opened his eyes, stood up and sent out what seemed to be a wind layer in the sky.

Surrounded by a knife-like wind, whistling and blowing his clothes to a hunting sound.

In this kind of place, even if the Yuan Baby comes, it will be torn apart by the strong wind and blow the Yuan Baby.

However, Lu Shaoqing was already in the realm of the Transformation God and had the practice of cultivating the flesh, so he was like a boulder, facing the wind and not moving.

After carefully feeling his body, he didn’t seem to find anything wrong.

The injured body is now better, and most of his strength has recovered.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing found that his realm had reached the second layer and the second layer realm.

“I wipe, so much energy is wasted…” Lu Shaoqing was heartbroken.

The breakthrough so quickly was entirely due to the absorption of the energy of the black shadow just now.

There was a layer of thick mist floating on the surface of the body of the Yuan Baby, which looked like it was in the clouds.

This is the state of transition from the Yuan Infant to the Yuan God, and once the Yuan Infant is completely transformed into the Yuan God, it can enter the realm of refining void and become a higher-level life being.

Spiritual power is purer and more majestic.


Lu Shaoqing sighed sadly, “When I arrived at the Avatar God, I still didn’t turn white, but became darker, what a crime.” The

Yuan Infant was still black, and the surrounding mist was also black, which made Lu Shaoqing look sad.

The rebel still didn’t dare to go out to meet people.

After a while, Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and the surrounding space shook slightly, like a gentle ripple.

The range of Lu Shaoqing’s body has quietly changed.

The wind was still howling around, but within a radius of five zhang around Lu Shaoqing, it was like another world, and above his head, there was a gray ball of light hanging above his head, like a bright moon shining high in the sky.

The wind blew in, Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, the wind disappeared instantly, and the next moment it appeared from above his head from above the ball of light, blowing outside, and colliding with the wind outside.


Two gusts of wind collide and then disappear.

“Is this absorbing the attack and then returning it to the other party?”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, so good.

“In the future, please call me Murong Qing!”

This is my own field, but I have just come into contact with the field, and I am not yet proficient in using it.

There was no opponent here, and after Lu Shaoqing groped a little, he put it away.

The figure moved and fell towards the ground.

Lu Shaoqing descended from the sky and soon appeared in front of Ji Yan and several people.

“Second Senior Brother!”

Looking at the familiar Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Yi’s tears couldn’t be held back again, and he was about to pounce without saying a word.

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Yi’s head, and Xiao Yi, who had little short legs, couldn’t do it if he wanted to give Lu Shaoqing a big hug.

“Second Senior Brother, you finally came back, I, I thought you…”

Lu Shaoqing knocked on Xiao Yi’s head unceremoniously, “Do you think I’m dead?”

Xiao Yi nodded repeatedly, “Yes, you have disappeared for most of the month, and I can’t feel your breath.”

“If it weren’t for Senior Brother saying that you weren’t dead, I…”

Lu Shaoqing disdained, I am a person with hole cards, but the next moment, Lu Shaoqing suddenly wailed, “Lying groove, how can this be, your sister…”

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