Lu Shaoqing suddenly wailed, covering his right hand and shouting, heartbroken, as if he had lost ten million spirit stones.

The sudden wailing of Lu Shaoqing startled everyone.

Why did the good end suddenly howl?

“Second, Second Senior Brother, what happened?” Xiao Yi asked timidly, while cautiously taking a few steps back.

Now Lu Shaoqing is very dangerous, she doesn’t dare to get too close.

“You guys are waiting for me here, I have something to deal with.”

Then took Xiao Hei off his shoulder and threw it to Xiao Yi, and his figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Leaving behind a confused look, everyone did not understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

“Senior brother, what’s wrong with the second senior brother?” Xiao Yi ran to ask Ji Yan.

Ji Yan also didn’t understand, shook his head, looked at the direction where Lu Shaoqing was gone, thoughtful.

Lu Shaoqing’s side came to a million miles away before stopping, and storage rings appeared in the palm of his hand.

The ring is very inconspicuous, and it may not necessarily be picked up if it is lost on the road.

And this is the most important thing for Lu Shaoqing, it is the reliance that he has always been able to follow Ji Yan’s footsteps, and it is also the last hole card that he dares to come to the sacrifice god this time.

However, now there were cracks on the surface of this storage ring, and there were still three of them, almost splitting the ring in half, which frightened Lu Shaoqing.

Without this storage ring, wouldn’t he have to cultivate honestly?

In this way, he has a lot less time, how can he keep up with Ji Yan’s footsteps?

“Your sister, is that white light you?” Lu Shaoqing’s heart trembled, “Don’t die.” You die once, and you’re done if you die again.

Lu Shaoqing tried to take something from it, and found that the basic storage function of the storage ring still existed, and he was somewhat relieved in his heart.

Then quickly arrange the formation and try to enter. In the end, he was able to enter smoothly, which made Lu Shaoqing feel a lot more at ease.

However, after entering the storage ring, Lu Shaoqing found that the situation did not seem optimistic.

Before the starry sky above the head in the Time House was twinkling with starlight, but now a starry sky has fallen into darkness, and the stars in the entire starry sky are as if they have lost their lives, and the starlight is dim.

The room here is no longer the white fog before, clean and tidy, like a fairyland, now like an old house that has not been inhabited for a long time, and the desolate atmosphere rushes towards you.

Here, the Xianji Bridge was casually placed in the room.

Lu Shaoqing ignored the Immortal Bridge, but came to the table, the table and the spirit cards on the table were cracked, and the incense burner fell.

The coffin placed on the table also lost its light, and was quietly placed on the table, as if it were really dead.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it with a heart-wrenching death, “Dead ghost brother, shouldn’t you really die?” ”

Lu Shaoqing can already be sure that the white light is the little brother of the dead ghost.

I don’t know how many years of accumulated strength, in order to deal with the black shadow has almost been exhausted, now should be barely left with the last breath.

Lu Shaoqing did not hesitate too much, straightened the incense burner, and put all the spirit stones in his hand.

The light flashed, and the spiritual power of the spirit stone was instantly absorbed.

Although there was no intuitive with the naked eye, Lu Shaoqing could feel that the surrounding environment seemed to be a little better.

There is a play!

Lu Shaoqing breathed another sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately, he could only eat.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing continued to take the spirit stone out and continued to put it into the incense burner.

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“Eat, eat and get better quickly.”

Although he was distressed, Lu Shaoqing did not hesitate and hesitate, if he could not be saved, he would cry.

This is his hole card to stand in this world and not lag behind other geniuses.

Moreover, this hole card not only allows him to improve rapidly, but sometimes protects his life.

Just like this time, if there was no dead ghost brother’s shot, he would definitely be dead.

The spirit stone was constantly thrown in, and as much incense burner as it was thrown in, it was like a bottomless pit.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Shaoqing had already cast more than ten million spirit stones.

Lu Shaoqing was already covering his chest while continuing to throw spirit stones.

This time, the pure input, output, is estimated to be gone.

Although what, but the distress is real.

“If you eat so much, will you be fat?”

“Tell you, it’s really not good-looking to be fat, there is a lot of fat, more meat, it’s really not good for the body.”

“Moreover, it is easy to be called dead fat and discriminated against.”

“It’s almost done, when you are full, you will quickly say, if you eat too much, you will die…”

After a while, 20 million spirit stones were thrown in, and Lu Shaoqing was already grabbing his chest.

Thirty million spirit stones, still not moving, Lu Shaoqing clutched his chest, his expression was painful, and his left hand was already trembling.

“Wouldn’t you?” Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry, “I have only a little left, fifteen million is gone.”

“I haven’t found a Taoist partner yet, can you leave me some wife?”

“I have a master who is more than a hundred years old to support, and a newborn daughter to raise, big brother, you stop, okay?”

“I beg you…” Lu

Shaoqing was so sad, he had secretly abducted and robbed Cold Star before and saved more than 47.5 million spirit stones.

Later, he cultivated once, using 400,000 spirit stones on both sides.

Combined with daily expenses, there were still 45 million spirit stones left.

I thought of returning to the Lingxiao Sect as an otaku with this huge amount of money, spreading spirit stones all over the room, using spirit stones to cultivate when I had time, and lying on it to sleep when I didn’t have time.

Isn’t that kind of day beautiful?

As a result, now that this kind of thing happened, he really wanted to cry.

“Your sister’s Mu Yong, your sister’s Holy Lord, your sister’s old man, and…”

Lu Shaoqing became more and more angry the more he scolded, pointing at the coffin and shouting angrily, “Your sister’s dead ghost.” ”

Although the scolding is scolding, the spirit stone still has to be given.

It’s just distress.

“Fourteen million spirit stones, and some fractions have been given to you, and now there are really none.” Lu Shaoqing left a million spirit stones for himself, and took out all the remaining spirit stones.

The light of the incense burner flickered, and all the spirit stones were absorbed into spiritual power and turned into ashes.

And the surrounding aura also became softer, and a faint cloud began to rise, although it was not as good as before, but at least it would not give Lu Shaoqing a feeling of dying at any time.

Lu Shaoqing looked sad and withdrew with tears in his eyes, and after withdrawing, seeing the storage ring on his hand, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes shed tears.

“Once a poor ghost…”

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