Xiao Yi’s side was stunned, and several powerful auras came from a distance, and the powerful aura emanated without scruples, like an overlord in the forest, shocking countless birds and beasts to scatter.

The streamers streaked by, and then several figures appeared in Xiao Yi’s line of sight.

An old man with white hair and flowing hair, his breath was vague and low, and his slightly gloomy appearance gave people a lot of pressure.

Although the breath is obscure, Xiao Yi, who is already in the Yuan Infancy Stage, has already guessed the strength of this person, and the worst is also a master in the Yuan Infant Period.

The rest were three people, three young men.

Two men and one woman, the man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is beautiful and moving.

As a cultivator, unless it is a special exercise, everyone is a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and there are no ugly ghosts.

Looking at their position, the old man was closely behind the three people, while the two men stood left and right beside the woman.

It can be seen from this that the woman is the highest status among the people.

After the four people came here, they couldn’t help but show surprise when they saw the star-spotted leopard whose head had been cut off.

The strength of the star spotted leopard is not weak, especially the adult star spotted leopard, which can generally reach the yuan infancy stage, or even stronger.

Fast speed, strong strength, is a tyrant in the forest.

Ordinary cultivators encountered a difficult way to escape the poisonous hands of the star-spotted leopard.

“Little sister,” the woman among the four began, dressed in a pale yellow dress, and asked with a smile, “did you kill this beast?” ”

The yellow color is soft, and it stands to reason that wearing pale yellow clothes will give people a gentle and cute feeling.

However, in the face of the woman, Xiao Yi did not have that feeling, but had a faint dislike, and it was difficult for her to have a good impression of the woman in front of her.

The appearance of the woman seems to be beautiful, but in fact, her eyes are narrow and long, revealing meanness.

However, the first time they met, it was in this environment, Xiao Yi did not have the idea of making trouble, and she replied lightly, “That’s right.” ”

The attitude is flat, not friendly, but not bad either, it is the attitude that strangers should have.

“You killed it?” Suddenly, a man beside the woman spoke, and the man’s eyes were deeply suspicious, “What strength do you have?” Can you kill a star-spotted leopard in the meta-infancy stage? ”

No man can suspect it, Xiao Yi converges his breath, unless deliberately exposed, his true realm will not be easily detected by others.

At present, the three of them have not converged their breath, the three of them are all in the Yuan infancy stage, and their strength is not much stronger than Xiao Yi, and naturally they cannot perceive Xiao Yi’s true realm.

They could only guess Xiao Yi’s strength from his appearance and age.

Xiao Yi looks sweet, although she is in her twenties, her appearance is still immature, plus her bone age, a proper little girl.

How strong can such a girl be even if she cultivates from her mother’s womb?

Therefore, the man who opened his mouth guessed Xiao Yi’s strength, “How powerful can you be this little girl?” Is there a period of settling?

The woman also smiled and said, “Yes, little sister, it’s not good to lie.” Xiao

Yi’s youth made these people’s hearts relaxed, and their smiles became more and more confident.

At this time, another man spoke, “Brother Jing, look at the three spirit pets around her. Xiao

Hei lay on Xiao Yi’s head, closed his eyes and raised his mind, and did not look at people.

Da Bai and Xiao Bai turned into the bodies of small pets and stood at Xiao Yi’s feet.

Although they are all the appearance of little guys, their three spirit pets are full of spirituality, and their breath is also extremely powerful, and they can tell at a glance that they are not ordinary products.

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The man who spoke first smiled, “It turns out that there is a spiritual pet.”

The woman’s eyes lit up and she exclaimed, “The spirit pet looks cute.” Her

gaze mainly fell on Big White and Little White, Little Black was too dark, like a crow, not easy to please.

In the spirit pet, white is more pleasing than black.

The woman’s gaze made Xiao Yi’s heart more and more unhappy, and she spoke, “What are you?”

Xiao Yi’s question made the three of them couldn’t help but laugh, and their smiles were more calm and calm.

“Little sister, my name is Mi Fei,” the woman said her name with a smile, and then she pointed to the man on her left and said, “This is Jing Changhong.”

“This is Gongsun Qing.”

Jing Changhong, the man who spoke first just now, looked at Xiao Yi’s gaze with contempt.

The man named Gongsun Qing didn’t say much, but his eyes were very sharp, scanning the surroundings like a sharp sword, and you could see this person’s vigilance and caution.

Mi Fei did not introduce the old man behind him, and the old man stood with his hands tied, standing on the side, like a servant, wandering away from everyone.

Whether it was Mi Fei or Jing Changhong, Gongsun Qing stood proudly after reporting his name, and his body exuded a strong sense of superiority.

It seems that their names have a lot of origin.

However, for Xiao Yi, these are the names he has heard for the first time.

What Qi Fei, Jing Changhong, it’s better for her to care more about another name.

“Gongsun Qing?” Xiao Yi spoke, his willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his gaze became a little different.

Gongsun Qingcheng’s mansion was deeper, and he did not fluctuate in Shangxiao Yi’s gaze, but asked lightly, “You know me?”

Xiao Yi shook his head, “I don’t know.” The

doubts in Gongsun Qing’s heart became even greater, and at the same time, he secretly became vigilant.

And when Mi Fei saw that Xiao Yi’s expression did not change after hearing their names, she couldn’t help it, “Little sister, you really don’t know us?” ”

Are you famous?” Xiao Yi asked rhetorically.

Qi Fei was stunned, and Jing Changhong and Gongsun Qing were also stunned.

Where did this little girl come from?

They are famous not because of their names, but because of their last names.

Jing Changhong snorted, “Little girl, Miss Fei is from the Qi family, I am from the Jing family, and Brother Gongsun is from the Gongsun family.” Xiao

Yi was not so stupid that he didn’t know anything.

The five families and three factions in Zhongzhou are like thunder.

Xiao Yi reacted at once, “Is this Zhongzhou?” ”

You are from the five families of Zhongzhou?”

“Hehe, it’s not stupid,” Jing Changhong became even more proud, “That’s right, the three of us are from the Five Families. ”

The five families and three factions in Zhongzhou are famous, this is the foundation of Jing Changhong’s superiority and self-confidence.


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