The three of them thought that after reporting their identity, they would shock Xiao Yi.

This kind of thing is not unencountered by them.

There are thousands of families and sects in Zhongzhou, but there are only five families and three factions that can be called the strongest.

As members of the five families, they are qualified to be proud and self-confident and superior.

Xiao Yi, a young man like Xiao Yi, knew at a glance that it was not a big family, and the people of the gate sect reported their identities, and Xiao Yi would definitely bow down.

However, what they were waiting for was Xiao Yi’s words.


The three of them were suddenly messy in the wind, and countless question marks flew over their heads.

What does this oh mean?

Do you know their identity, or do you not know their identity?

But either can show that Xiao Yi does not pay too much attention to them.

Xiao Yi barely squeezed out a smile at Mi Fei, “Mi Daoyou, can you tell me how to get out of this forest in the right direction?” Xiao

Yi didn’t feel very good about Mi Fei in her heart, so she didn’t call her sister.

When Xiao Fei heard this, she felt Xiao Yi’s attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, she smiled slightly, pointed to the direction on the left in front of her, “Go over there, keep walking, and you can walk out in about a few days.” ”

Can you swear?” Xiao Yi was not stupid, Jing Changhong, and Gongsun Qing’s expressions changed slightly, and did not hide her eyes.

Xiao Yi looked like Xiaobai in front of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, he didn’t understand anything, and he looked stupid.

Actually, Xiao Yi is smart.

It looks silly in front of the two senior brothers, that is, the two senior brothers are too amazing, and a genius like her can only be like a stupid thing in front of them.


Xiao Yi’s words made Mi Fei stunned, and then her face became gloomy, “Little sister, do you mean to say that I lied to you?” ”

No,” Xiao Yi shook his head and laughed instead, “I just think it’s a little safer, if Qi Daoyou didn’t lie to me, it’s a very simple thing.” ”

I just lied to you, so I can’t swear.”

Jing Changhong snorted, “Little girl, don’t go overboard.”

“This is not your home, this is a dangerous Yiyu forest.”

“It doesn’t hurt you to go out alone and be humble.”

The words were already filled with dissatisfaction and threatening.

“Oh, okay.” Xiao Yi didn’t want to cause trouble, and the two senior brothers didn’t know where to go for love.

If the two senior brothers do not return in time, she will be very dangerous.

After all, loving people sometimes forget many things.

It is not impossible to forget a cute little junior sister who will forget a light bulb.

So, let’s keep a low profile and be modest.

Xiao Yi hugged his fist at the few people and saluted slightly, “In that case, I won’t disturb a few.”


After speaking, Xiao Yi took the three small preparations to leave, and the direction that Mi Fei pointed to just now was definitely not right.

As long as you follow the direction that Qi Fei is pointing, it is almost the same.

Seeing that Xiao Yi was about to leave, Mi Fei spoke again, “Little sister, what’s your name?”

Without much affection for Mi Fei, Xiao Yi was hindered by politeness and replied, “My surname is Xiao, so I don’t have to have a name.” ”

It turned out to be Sister Xiao,” Mi Fei’s smile widened, her eyes flowed, and she continued to ask, “I wonder where Sister Xiao came from?”

“You don’t look like you’re from Zhongzhou, right?”

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If they are Zhongzhou people, it is impossible not to know their names, although they are not the most dazzling disciples in the family, they are still a little famous.

And Xiao Yi’s reaction to them was only one oh word.

Xiao Yi’s heart immediately became vigilant, “What are you asking these for?” ”

In the world of immortal cultivation, in the wild, the most dangerous thing is not the poison of ferocious beasts, nor all kinds of dangerous forbidden places, but human beings.

Qi Fei smiled even more happily, she pointed to Da Bai and Xiao Bai, put forward her own request, and said, “Little sister, can you sell me your two spirit pets?”

“The price is good, you can set a price, as many spirit stones as you want.”

Da Bai and Xiao Bai are all dressed in white hair, and now they are petite, looking fluffy and very cute.

Moreover, they exude a strong aura, full of spirituality, and they are peerless good spiritual pets at a glance.

Mi Fei liked it when she saw it at first sight.

The benefits of having a good spiritual pet for a monk are self-evident.

Xiao Yi glanced at the old man who seemed to be wandering outside the world, and it was very difficult to resist the urge to curse.

Forget it, senior brother, the second senior brother is not there, or endure.

She shook her head and refused, “I’m sorry, they are my partners, relatives, not for sale.”

Jing Changhong smiled, already showing naked contempt, “Beasts are beasts, and they are also partners and relatives?”

“This is what only people from small places do.”

Gongsun Qing, on the other hand, asked, “Are you a disciple of the True Martial Academy?” ”

Three of the five factions refer to the Shengyang Sect, the True Martial Academy, and the Tianji Pavilion.

Among them, the True Martial Academy is good at imperial beasts.

If Xiao Yi was a disciple of the True Martial Academy, they would not dare to come here easily.

However, Xiao Yi directly denied it, “No, I have nothing to do with your so-called five families and three factions.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field immediately became a little different.

Qi Fei and Jing Changhong showed meaningful smiles.

Even Gongsun Qing laughed contemptuously, not a disciple of the five families and three factions, dare to pretend in front of them?

Gongsun Qing still asked cautiously, “Are you a student of the academy?” How come I haven’t seen you. ”

Academy?” Xiao Yi was puzzled, but she quickly reacted, “Zhongzhou Academy?

“That’s right!” Gongsun Qing already had a guess in his heart, “It seems that you are not a student of the academy either.

“Nonsense, if she’s a student at the academy, how could we not have met?” Mi Fei suddenly gritted her teeth, “After all, she can also get on the chaotic leaderboard of the academy like this.” ”

The messy leaderboard, Jing Changhong and Gongsun Qing know what it is.

The two didn’t have to say this, Jing Changhong stepped forward, and the breath on his body loomed towards Xiao Yi, “Little girl, obediently sell the spirit pet to the Fei girl, it’s good for you.”

“This is a good opportunity to climb the Qi family, don’t be ignorant.”

Qi Fei smiled, and then full of superiority, “Sell me the spirit pet, and I will cover you here in Zhongzhou in the future.”

“I said it, don’t sell!” Xiao Yi was also angry in his heart, these guys are really annoying.

Are all people in Zhongzhou so annoying?

Before, he was also a guy from the Jing family and the Gongsun family, right?

It’s really annoying.

“Sister Xiao, for your sister’s sake, sell it to me, I really like it.”

Mi Fei’s pretentious tone made Xiao Yi almost want to vomit.

No wonder the second senior brother beat me before, and I was not allowed to speak in this tone, it was really disgusting.

“I don’t sell, what do you want?”

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