The angry Jing Changhong was like a raging beast, his eyes were red, and he released a furious aura.

It looks like he wants to die with Xiao Yi.

The five-rank spirit talisman is the most powerful spirit talisman that Jing Changhong can have.

Not a disciple of the Jing family, he does not have a few such talismans, and he is reluctant to use them until the critical moment.

Taking it out this time shows his hatred for Xiao Yi.

And after Gongsun Qing saw it, a smile appeared on his face, and he said to Qi Fei, “Brother Jing even took out the five-rank spirit talisman, this time there is no need to bother Wei Lao to make a move.”

Mi Fei’s haze expression was much better, and she even shouted at Jing Changhong, “Don’t hurt my spiritual pet.” ”

Huh…” Jing Changhong stared at Xiao Yi with red eyes, “Smelly girl, how do you want to die?”

He raised the five-rank spirit talisman, the light flashed, and the next moment he was about to strike.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the sky, “Enough, your sister, how long do you still want to use my talisman?” The

sudden sound startled several people on Mi Fei’s side.

Following the prestige, above the sky, two young men appeared.

White clothes fluttering, handsome, blue clothes hunting, dashing

and flowing two young sons, flowing like the wind, standing above the sky, like the two immortals descending from the nine heavens.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Gongsun Qing and scolded, “Boy, I’ve put up with you for a long time.” ”

There are a lot of fourth-grade spirit runes, right? Don’t use the money, who taught you to waste it like this?

“Also, the five-rank spirit talisman, you also use it?”

The sudden appearance of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan scared the few people in Qi Fei.

Silently and silently hiding on it, the four of them can’t find it, what is the other party’s realm strength?

Is it still stronger than Wei Ren?

As the four muttered, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Jing Changhong and continued, “Come, how many spirit runes do you still have in your hand?” All handed over.

“Above the fourth grade, I am too lazy to ask for the third product.”

“By the way, do you have a sixth-grade one?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, looking at Jing Changhong like looking at a little fat sheep.

I just came back and met the fat sheep, could it be that the dog Heavenly Dao is to compensate for the sins I suffered on the side of the demon world?

“Senior brother, second senior brother!”

Xiao Yi hurriedly ran to the two of them, and became a good girl in seconds.

“Stupid to death, beat these people to help.” Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “If you don’t cultivate well, you will be expelled from the division when the time comes.”

Then Lu Shaoqing said to Qi Fei, “And you, hand over the storage ring, and spare you from dying.” Facing

the sudden appearance of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, Wei Ren had a bad premonition in his heart.

Although the breath of the two was vague, his intuition told Wei Ren that these two people were very strong.

Therefore, Wei Ren stepped forward and bowed his hand to the two, “Two sons, I am the guest secretary of the Qi family, and this is the miss of the Qi family.”

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Old man, don’t be nosy if you don’t want to die, and also, hand over your storage ring.” ”

Wei Ren is also in the Yuan infancy stage, and it is still a late existence.

Even in the Qi family, few people dared to speak to him like this.

How strong can a young man, a young man with an excessively young bone, be?

The big deal is also the meta-infancy period, the same meta-infancy period, who is afraid of whom?

“Young man, didn’t your elders tell you, don’t be too arrogant when you go out?”

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Wei Ren’s face became gloomy, and his eyes looked at Lu Shaoqing with a little more anger and murder.

No wonder the little girl is so crazy, it turns out that there is a reason.

If your strength is insufficient, don’t blame me for being ruthless.

Jing Changhong also shouted angrily, “Don’t think that if you hide and no one finds out, you can pretend to be a ghost here.”

“With Elder Wei here, you can’t make any waves.”

Waving the talisman in his hand looks like he is about to strike at any time.

Mi Fei and Gongsun Qing also gradually calmed down, and Mi Fei was full of confidence in her bodyguard, and her expression relaxed.

Staring at Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, “If you know each other, obediently hand over that girl.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Wei Ren and said to Ji Yan, “him!”

Ji Yan hugged his hands, like a noble son, floating out of the dust, ignoring the trivial matters of the world.

“He just bullied the young and bullied your junior sister, you don’t care?”

“Are you doing this, a bit like a senior brother?”

When Ji Yan heard this, he glanced at Lu Shaoqing, “What do you want to do?”

“Play low-key again?”

“You care about me! Hurry up. Ji

Yan couldn’t help it, stretched out his right hand, and put his fingers together at Wei Ren.

A sword intent suddenly appeared, and an extremely strong coercion erupted, and the heavens and the earth shook, as if the sky had darkened because of this.

The sound of gold and iron resounded in the air, and Qi Fei and the others trembled in their hearts, feeling as if a divine sword had fallen from the nine heavens to destroy everything in the world.

Wei Ren’s hair stood up in an instant, and the breath of death enveloped him.

He roared, and all the spiritual power in his body erupted, like an erupting volcano, and the powerful spiritual power swept out, turning into a thick shield.


With a bang, in front of Ji Yan’s sharp sword intent, his shield was as fragile as glass, and it was instantly pierced.


A blood hole appeared on Wei Ren’s shoulder, blood splashed, and the sharp sword intent entered his body.

As if the body exploded, Wei Ren screamed miserably, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood, and the whole person’s breath languished.

After falling heavily on the ground, Wei Ren struggled up, looking terrified, “Transform, Avatar!” Wei

Ren was like seeing a prehistoric ferocious beast, and his whole body was trembling.

it, how can there be a god here?

And still so young gods?

Are you kidding?

The gap between the Yuan Infant and the Avatar God is like heaven and earth.

After knowing that Ji Yan was a god, Wei Ren’s side was already desperate.

And Wei Ren’s words made it like a cold wind blowing, blowing the three of them cold, as if the blood was flowing backwards, and the scalp was numb.

The eyes of the three looking at Ji Yan were full of awe.

Avatar God, no matter what kind of Avatar God, even if it is a Parallel Transformation God, it is not something that these little Yuan babies can deal with.

No wonder that smelly girl was so arrogant, it turned out that there was a senior brother of the Avatar God behind him.

Damn it!

The regret in the hearts of the three of them knew that they should not have clashed with Xiao Yi.

And at this time, Xiao Yi smiled and asked Qi Fei, “How?” Do you still want my spiritual pet…”

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