Xiao Yi’s words were pumped on the faces of the three of them like a slap.

The faces of the three were very ugly.

Xiao Yi picked up Xiaobai, touched its head, and said to the three of them, “This is my senior brother’s spiritual pet, do you still want it?” ”


The hearts of Qi Fei, Jing Changhong, and Gongsun Qing were like 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past.

They roared in their hearts, your sister, did you say you could die earlier?

It was said earlier that this spirit pet was a spiritual pet who transformed the power of God, and gave them a hundred dares, and they did not dare to make an idea.

Xiao Yi smiled and said to Qi Fei, “Sanba, didn’t you say that it was your spirit pet?” Come on, you take it. Mi

Fei noticed that Ji Yan’s gaze fell on her, and her body couldn’t help but tremble, and she almost peed.

Her lips twitched instinctively, and she said to Ji Yan hard, “Senior, senior, I, I didn’t know that this was your spiritual pet.”

“I, I have no malice, I did not mean to offend seniors.”

Ji Yan’s bone age is very young, less than thirty years old.

If Ji Yan hadn’t shown his strength, Mi Fei would definitely not have put it in his eyes.

She is much older than Ji Yan.

However, no matter what, Ji Yan is a god, not something that a small baby like her can offend.

Even if it was a member of the Qi family, he did not dare to easily offend a Avatar God.

Ji Yan was too lazy to speak, and everything came forward by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and said to Qi Fei with a smile, “Little chick, don’t be nervous, we are good people.”

Then stretched out his hand, and the spirit talisman in Jing Changhong’s hand fell off from Jing Changhong’s hand as if it had been blown away by the wind, flew straight into the sky, and gently fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

Feeling the surging spiritual power above, Lu Shaoqing’s face was overjoyed.

Five-grade spirit runes, take it and sell it, and the spirit stones must be in millions.

A little closer to two and a half small targets.

After putting away the five-rank spirit talisman, he then asked Jing Changhong again with a smile, “Jing Gongzi, do you still have a six-rank spirit rune?”

“If you have it, take it out, you can give me the talisman, this is an opportunity that many people can’t ask for, I advise you not to be ignorant.”

After a pause, he nodded at Gongsun Qing, “Yes, Gongsun Gongzi, people, only by knowing the advance and retreat can we live longer.” With

these words, he almost returned what Jing Changhong and Gongsun Qing had said to Xiao Yi before.

Let the faces of Qi Fei, Jing Changhong, and Gongsun Qing be hot and very ugly, and a wave of anger rose in their hearts.

No one has ever dared to treat them like this.

Jing Changhong clenched his fists, his nails plunged deep into his flesh, blood came out, he forcibly endured his anger and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Give me back the spirit rune.” ”

Don’t give!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to refuse directly, “You loser, you still have to use such an expensive spirit talisman to deal with my stupid junior sister?”

“It’s really untidy, come, quickly hand over all the talismans in your hand, and I will keep them for you.”

Jing Changhong was about to vomit blood, and felt that he was hurt even more.

Where did this bastard’s person come from? Abominable.

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Gongsun Qing spoke coldly, “What are you?” We came out to experience this time is the meaning of the academy, and we have no intention of causing trouble.

“In order not to let the Fei girl have an accident, the Qi family also asked Wei Lao to protect her.”

Although it seems to be a concession, the hidden threat is very clear.

Take the academy and the Qi family to pressure people.

Lu Shaoqing nodded and asked Gongsun Qing, “This chick is a concubine of the Qi family?” Sounds awesome. ”

That’s right,” speaking of his identity, Qi Fei immediately felt confident and proudly said his identity, “I am a member of the Qi family, and my brother is Qian Qian. ”

Qian? Who? Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, and then immediately became serious and humbly asked, “Can you talk about it?” Sounds like a great deal. ”

Hmph,” seeing Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, Mi Fei’s heart was more confident, and the previous high-minded appearance gradually recovered, she raised her head slightly, and said her brother proudly, “My brother Qian Qian, known as the first genius of Zhongzhou, is not only our Qi family, but also the most powerful existence in the young generation of Zhongzhou.” ”

At the age of thirty, he broke and stood up, became a Yuan Infant in one fell swoop, and now he is the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby, and is impacting the realm of the Transformation God, and is expected to break the record again, and enter the Stepping into the Transformation God before the age of a hundred.”

“Moreover, he is also the most powerful sword cultivator among the young generation in Zhongzhou, a long sword, no one can match.”

Speaking of his brother, Mi Fei is full of pride.

Even Jing Changhong and Gongsun Qing showed awe.

In their minds, Qian Qian is a mountain that they cannot cross, and they cannot give birth to the slightest sense of challenge.

After introducing her brother, Mi Fei became more and more proud.

She pricked her ears, ready to wait for Lu Shaoqing’s exclamation, but waited, waited, waited for a word.



Mi Fei suspected that she had misheard, and she stared at Lu Shaoqing with wide eyes.

Did this guy not hear or what?

Respond with an oh word?

Oh, is the word a mantra for your brothers and sisters?

, my brother is so powerful, so awesome, you just replied with an oh word?

You say a few more words, worship, can you die?

Jing Changhong and Gongsun Qing were also uncomfortable to die when they heard an oh word, and they wanted to complain in their hearts.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was indifferent to the name of Qian Qian, Gongsun Qing couldn’t help but say, “Haven’t you heard of the name of Prince Qian?”

Xiao Yi pouted, “Is it awesome?” ”

You only enter the Yuan Infant at the age of thirty, why not three hundred years old?

I’m only in my twenties, I’m all a baby, am I proud?

“Why…” Qi Fei just spoke, but she noticed Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi’s bone age was so dazzling in her eyes, and there was a girl in front of her who had entered the Yuan Infant earlier than her brother.

Mi Fei could only grit her teeth and change the words in her mouth, “My brother is now in retreat to impact the gods, once successful, he will…”

“Oh,” Lu Shaoqing snorted again, “It’s quite powerful, go back and help me say cheer to him.” Another

oh word, Qi Fei’s words were choked again, and she remembered that there was also a god in front of her, and the bone age was younger than her.

“By the way,” Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile, “Your Qi family, are there any other gods?” ”

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