The strength of the young cultivator is actually quite good, it is the seven-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant period.

The age is not less than a hundred years old, with such strength, so young, and surnamed Jane, the identity is about to come out.

People from the Jane family.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “People from the Jian family?

Jian Bei nodded and scratched his head, very embarrassed, like a shy young man, “That’s right, let the seniors laugh.” Jian

Bei’s embarrassment and gentle attitude made Lu Shaoqing have a good opinion of him.

Compared with the three guys in Qianfei, Jian Bei was simply a clear stream, not high and high, nor domineering.

Didn’t count saving the wrong person.

Jian Bei was stared at by Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, his face was even more ashamed, and he lowered his head slightly.

The Jian family is one of the five families and three factions, and its strength is strong.

As a member of the Jian family, he behaved so badly here, he was ashamed of his origin.

“Young Master North!”

The old man who was beaten to the ground also hurriedly rushed over from a distance at this time, looking nervous.

“Hai Lao, are you all right?” Jian Bei reacted to this, there are still people alive on his side.

“No, it’s okay!” Hai Lao is very weak, the priest monster strength is a little stronger than him, the black mist is strange, invading his body, causing him a lot of damage.

However, although he was seriously injured, he did not dare to let himself relax, and a pair of seemingly cloudy eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan with vigilance.

People are always the most dangerous existence.

Although those black monsters are terrifying and weird, they are dangerous, but the people in front of them are equally dangerous in the eyes of Hai Lao.

Ji Yan killed that terrifying monster with a single sword, and the strength he displayed made his heart jump.

Moreover, at such a young age, Hai Lao no longer dared to guess Ji Yan’s strength.

Lu Shaoqing could feel Elder Hai’s vigilance and vigilance against him, and he said to Jian Beihai, “You guys better hurry up and heal your injuries.”

“Otherwise, leave the aftermath, and you won’t want to go any further in this life.”

The weirdness of the black mist, even Lu Shaoqing did not understand.

I just heard Xiang Sixian and Xiang Kui say that black mist enters the body and devours everything in the body, including flesh and blood essence.

If it is not removed in time, it will leave sequelae and it will be difficult to go further for life.

Heavy rules, naturally ga.

Hai Lao’s face changed, his identity was the same as Wei Ren, he was both guest secretaries, and he naturally wanted to go further when he joined the big family.

Therefore, he didn’t talk much nonsense in the end, and quickly sat down and concentrated on clearing the black mist in his body.

Even Jian Bei didn’t dare to be careless, and a lot of black mist invaded his body, so he quickly sat down to heal his injuries.

Xiao Yi took three spirit pets, murderous, raised his sword in his hand, and simply killed the black monster.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xiao Yi returned happily, “Senior brother, second senior brother, get it.” Then looked

at Jian Bei and Hai Lao curiously, “Who are they?”

After knowing that it was someone from the Jian family, Xiao Yi wrinkled his nose, revealing a little displeasure.

“Why are these people again?”

Whether it was Jingyang, Gongsun Su, or the group of Wei Fei who had just met, they all left an extremely bad impression on Xiao Yi.

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Five families and three factions, Xiao Yi did not have a good impression at all.

Even, Xiao Yi muttered, “We should wait until they are all hung up, and then we will strike.”

Then Xiao Yi waved the Lanshui Sword and said excitedly, “Second Senior Brother, do you want to grab their storage ring now?”

“I’ll come, I’ll come!”

Although the second senior brother took the big head, she could also drink some soup.

Well, if you drink too much soup, you will naturally be full.

At this time, Jian Bei had already woken up from meditation, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a pure-looking and sweet-looking girl gesturing at him with a long sword, which made him instantly break out in a cold sweat.

Jian Bei hurriedly said, “Senior, I have something to say.”

Lu Shaoqing slammed a hammer at Xiao Yi’s head, “Give me a side.”

Then smiled at Jian Bei, “Beigongzi, don’t care, the little girl doesn’t understand things.”

Jian Bei smiled bitterly, “Senior…” ”

Don’t call me senior, don’t you see that my strength is weaker than yours?” Just call it normal. Of

course, it was still the same as before, his name was Mu Yong, and Ji Yan and Xiao Yi only said their surnames, not their names.

Jian Bei is as good as the stream, as a disciple of the big family, he knows how to get closer to the master.

Jian Bei immediately called, “This time, the three Mu brothers have given a helping hand, and the grace of saving lives will be rewarded.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and he smiled even more happily, “Is it?” You mean to get paid?

Jian Bei said solemnly, “Of course. As long as Mu Gongzi speaks, I will definitely try my best to satisfy it.

“I’m afraid you won’t be satisfied.”

When Jian Bei heard this, his face finally showed a proud expression, and he had a bit of a look that a child of a big family should have, “Mu Gongzi, you said and laughed, what other requirements can’t I satisfy?”

“Even if I can’t be satisfied, my Jian family can be satisfied.”

“Can you?” Lu Shaoqing asked lightly.

When Jian Bei heard this, his face turned red, as if he had suffered great humiliation, and he said loudly, “Brother Mu, are you questioning the strength of my Jian family?”

“My Jian family is one of the five families in Zhongzhou, what else can’t we do?”

“I’m also a member of the Jian family, if I can’t even repay the lifesaver, what kind of Jane family should I be?”

“As long as you open your mouth, I will definitely be satisfied, otherwise I will call you big brother.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily and gave a thumbs up to Jian Bei, “Domineering, this is the domineering that the children of the big family should have.”

Being praised by Lu Shaoqing, Jian Bei’s pride in his heart was even stronger, and he raised his head slightly, “Say, Brother Mu, what do you want?”

“Whether it is rare treasures, practice cheats, elixir materials, I can promise you.”

Lu Shaoqing had already begun to rub his hands, and said with a slight embarrassment, “How embarrassing…”

Jian Bei became more confident, his eyes widened, “Say.”

“If I could, I would like 100 million spirit stones.”

Jian Bei’s smile froze, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly.

Even the sea elder next to him couldn’t help but open his eyes, suspecting that he had misheard.

“One hundred million spirit stones, can you give it?” Lu Shaoqing looked at Jian Bei with a smile, wanting to show his sincere gaze to Jian Bei.

Jian Bei was dumbfounded for a long time, his lips trembled, and he slowly spoke, “Big brother…”

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