Lu Shaoqing shouted sharply, “Don’t, you can’t call me big brother, you’re older than me.” ”

Big brother, big brother!” Jian Bei was about to kneel down for Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, I’m really your younger brother.”

“You’re the big brother I haven’t seen in years.”

Jian Bei pounced, eager to hold Lu Shaoqing’s legs to recognize the kiss.

Lu Shaoqing kicked Jian Bei into the air, “Don’t, I still like the way you looked just now.”

“I still like that sentence, what else is there that I can’t satisfy?”

I don’t like the way I looked.

Jian Bei lowered his head, thinking of finding a slit in the ground to get into.

It’s too full of words.


Jian Bei raised his head and looked at Lu Shaoqing, like a grudge woman, full of resentful eyes.

“Big brother, your request, really, change to a few.”

“I beg you.”

Jian Bei wanted to cry a little in his heart, and even the sea elder next to him was bloody, and he seemed to be injured invisibly.

One hundred million spirit stones, I really dare to say it.

The Jian family has been passed down to this day, and the accumulation of wealth is unimaginable.

However, there was not a hundred million spirit stones in the warehouse.

There are things worth 100 million, but there really is no 100 million spirit stones.

Give some time, a hundred million spirit stones are not impossible to take out, but take it out, what does the Jian family eat with so many mouths?

Jian Bei’s face was bitter, as if wearing a mask of pain, “Heaven-level exercises, five-grade magic weapons, and pills can be used.”

“I want 100 million spirit stones.”

The pain mask was on the verge of tears, “Big brother, there really isn’t.

Lu Shaoqing was disappointed, “No? Just now you were arrogant, I thought you would have it. ”

Alas, disappointment.

Thought you could get a small goal here.

Jian Bei scratched his head, embarrassed in his heart and wanted to give his hair to the light.

“Big brother, I didn’t expect you to want this.”

Normal people, who would want a hundred million spirit stones?

Exercises, magic weapons, and even pills are normal choices.

Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Bei angrily, “Don’t fill up the big head next time, make me happy for nothing.” ”

Yes, yes,” Jian Bei nodded repeatedly, really like a little brother, “What the eldest brother said is extremely true, I listen to you.” ”

Mainly, Jian Bei went back to his family to ask for 100 million spirit stones, and his family must think he was crazy.

Will definitely send him to heal.

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, “It’s really hard to earn spirit stones.” ”

When will the two and a half small goals go down here?

Seeing this, Jian Bei couldn’t bear it, and reminded Lu Shaoqing again, “Big brother, except for spirit stones, other things are possible.”

However, thinking of his recklessness just now, Jian Bei learned his lesson and did not dare to say too much, he added, “As long as I can do my best, I can promise my eldest brother.” ”

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Spirit stones, I also have millions of them on me, big brother, or do you have them?”

Although he wanted it very much, Lu Shaoqing pouted, forced his heart to be distressed, and said disdainfully. “What do I want you to do with this spirit stone?”

Jian Bei was suddenly in awe, this big brother Niu Biah, millions of spirit stones can’t be seen, only more than 100 million can enter his magic eyes.

Jian Bei admired Lu Shaoqing even more, his eyes were clear, “It’s really worthy of being a big brother, high wind and bright festival, and the pattern is far-reaching.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Jian Bei, who had a thick face and a bit of stupidity in his clear eyes, and muttered in his heart, this guy can’t be a humble, right?

However, I like Hanhan the most.

“Brother Bei, can you tell me what you came across?”

Xiao Yi immediately pricked up his ears next to him, and he wanted to come over.

Ji Yan glared at her, “You’re very idle, aren’t you?”

Xiao Yi immediately prodded, she had nothing to do, she could only take out her silver pen and gold book and write her battle experience next to her.

And it quickly immersed itself.

Jian Bei looked at the black corpse in the distance, the ground was eroded by the monster’s corpse and blood, and his companion was also corroded in the black, turning into a pool of blood, and it was still black blood.

The surrounding trees are also eroded, withered, and slowly dying.

Jian Bei looked cold, this kind of monster was too terrifying.

At the same time, looking at Lu Shaoqing, the eyes of the three were once again full of gratitude.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing and their move, this time he would have turned into a pool of blood like his companions and disappeared into this world.

Jian Bei collected his mood and began to tell Lu Shaoqing what happened to them.

Jian Bei is also a student of Zhongzhou College and came to the Yiyu forest with a few companions to practice.

The requirement of the academy is that students spend a period of time in the Yiyu forest, and hunting some fierce beasts is considered to complete the experience.

Jian Bei and his companions entered the Yiyu Forest, and when they came here, a black crack suddenly appeared, and black monsters emerged from it to attack them.

The crack closes and disappears after the black monster appears.

There are many black monsters, fierce and cruel, and led by priest monsters, even if there is Hai Lao, a bodyguard of the six-layer realm in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, he cannot resist the siege of the monsters.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, his brows furrowed.

It’s a strange thing.

Once a crack appears, monsters will swarm and invade the world.

Instead of just a priestly monster and his minions.

This looks like a small and medium-sized tribe in the old northern desert.

At the same time, the crack will not close easily.

So far, it seems that the only person who can close the crack is him, the guy who has gone off track.

Xiao Yi suddenly interjected, “Second Senior Brother, you said, will monsters be able to come and go freely in this world?” ”

If so, the world is dangerous.

But this speculation is not true, if the monster can come and go freely, it would have already mobilized heavy troops to kill.

Lu Shaoqing thought about it, and finally felt that he didn’t want to.

Regarding his Mao affairs, there are so many tall people here in Zhongzhou, even if there is something, it is their business.

Hearing Xiao Yi’s words, Jian Bei was surprised, “Brother Mu, do you know this kind of monster?”

“No, we met for the first time too.” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, this kind of thing could not be admitted.

At the same time, he proposed, “Brother Bei, it’s too dangerous here, why don’t you leave the Yiyu forest first?” ”

That’s right,” Jian Bei didn’t doubt that he had him, “let’s get out of here first…”

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