It is still a spaceship to rush, and this time the spaceship is Jianbei’s spaceship.

The five-product quality spaceship is majestic and atmospheric, majestic and extremely fast.

It was much better than Lu Shaoqing’s previous spacecraft.

After getting on the spaceship, Lu Shaoqing stepped on the deck of the spaceship and exclaimed, “It’s worthy of the Jian family, this spaceship is really good.”

Jian Bei smiled slightly, “Such mortal things made the eldest brother laugh.”

Xiao Yi did not speak here, she held a silver pen and a gold book, and after coming to the ship, she still lowered her head and wrote hard.

The words that were written quickly disappeared, and Xiao Yi’s breath was calm, like a calm volcano.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan also noticed Xiao Yi’s state, and the two did not bother.

Calculate the time, it’s been almost a year, after so many fights, it’s time to break through.

Hai Lao’s side barely suppressed the injury, and although the black mist in his body was dispelled, it would take a while to heal.

He followed out to protect Jianbei, a member of the Yan clan.

Jian Bei had an accident, and he also had to lose his head.

Although Lu Shaoqing and his party saved them, he was grateful, but he was full of vigilance for Lu Shaoqing and his group who suddenly appeared.

No way, Ji Yan’s performance scared him.

The monster that beat them to the point of being powerless to fight back was chopped to death with a single sword.

This must not start in the late infancy?

What a face-turning, he couldn’t resist.

Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with Jian Bei’s behavior, “Beigongzi, you are too reckless to do this.

“How can you go with them?”

If you don’t know the details of the other party, you should take the initiative to keep your distance.

He took the initiative to lean up, and also called out to the eldest brother, and lost the face of the Jian family.

Jian Bei dismissed Hai Lao’s worry, “Hai Lao, don’t worry, if they want to harm me, they don’t need to help, just let me be killed by monsters.” ”

Old Man Hai has a headache, this guy, as rumored in the family, is a bumbleman.

“Beigongzi, I’m afraid they have other plans. Don’t forget who you are.

Jian Bei still smiled, looking heartless and lungless, “It’s okay, I don’t have 100 million spirit stones anyway.” Hai

Lao couldn’t help but stomp his foot, if this guy had half of his sister, the Jian family could take off directly.


Hai Lao knew who Jian Bei was, so he didn’t bother to persuade.

Forget it, so be it.

Be careful, and go to his sister when the time comes.

Jian Bei smiled slightly, looking at Ji Yan sitting at the bow of the ship, Lu Shaoqing sitting on the side of the ship, and Xiao Yi sitting on the deck writing hard.

But there was a strange light in his eyes.

He patted Hai Lao’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, they are not bad people.

“My instincts are accurate.”

Gut feeling? Hai Lao couldn’t help but roll his eyes, he didn’t want to deal with Jian Bei.

Hai Lao still couldn’t help but persuade Jian Bei again, “Beigongzi, they are coming from an unknown way, so you still have to be careful.” ”

Don’t talk about that Ji Gongzi, let’s just say that Xiao girl, the young age is already in the Yuan infancy stage, what a terrible talent.”

“Even Miss Nan only stepped into the Yuan Baby when she was thirty years old, right?”

The Yuan baby, who is less than twenty-five years old, is enough to scare a large group of people to death.

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Jian Bei nodded, “Yes, so, it is good to get closer to them.”

Looking at Xiao Yi who lowered his head, Hai Lao couldn’t help but sigh, “I have to say that Miss Xiao stepped into the Yuan Infant realm at such an age, and she is a terrifying talent.

“I think that at the age of thirty, you should be able to enter the middle Yuan Infant realm.”

As soon as Hai Lao’s words were finished, a fluctuation suddenly came from Xiao Yi’s body.

This fluctuation was very familiar, Hai Lao was stunned, and Jian Bei was also stunned.

Only Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were indifferent, even the three spirit pets were the same, they did not move, and they did not even open their eyes.

“She, is she going to break through?”

Hai Lao is numb.

Jian Bei was also numb.

This age is a yuan baby is scary enough, and in silence, it is necessary to break through.

Is this still human?

Jian Bei couldn’t help it, and ran to ask Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, who are you?”

“Good man!” Lu Shaoqing grinned and gave himself a thumbs up, “Handsome guy plus good person!” ”

Jian Bei has a black line, admittedly, you are a handsome guy, but, will anyone praise themselves like this?

The powerful aura roared, like seawater pouring in, constantly absorbed by Xiao Yi.

Hai Lao’s face changed again.

It’s just that breaking through from one layer to the second layer realm requires such a huge amount of aura, which is one-third more than a normal person.

Is that why they are strong?

Hai Lao’s heart became more and more jealous.

However, he saw Jian Bei’s eyes next to him shine, as if he saw a peerless treasure.

He misunderstood, and couldn’t help but remind Jian Bei in a low voice.

“Young Master Bei, their identity is unknown, and their strength is so strong, they can’t be frivolous.”

“If you like it, you have to show a sincere attitude.”

Jian Bei touched his head and smiled, “Haha…..”

He didn’t say anything, but waited for Xiao Yi to break through, and he immediately rushed over.

“Sister Xiao, you are really powerful.”

Xiao Yi’s side had just finished breaking through, and before he could find the second senior brother to show off, he first smelled a.

Xiao Yi showed a disgusted expression, no matter what five families and three factions you have, for her, dislike is dislike.

“Who’s your sister?” While going.

Then Xiao Yi ran to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, how is it?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t look at Xiao Yi, pillowed his head, and said slowly, “It’s okay, but it’s still far behind.”

Jian Bei, who came over, was dumbfounded when he heard this.

In disbelief, he said, “No, it won’t? Is that far from it? Then he

shouted even louder, “If I were like Sister Xiao, my father would have to set up a banquet for three months, and even the passing dogs would have to set a table.”

Lu Shaoqing sat up and was stunned, “No, is your father’s request so low?” Then he

looked at Jian Bei again, and then he also felt that this was the truth, “Yes, it’s not surprising that you are like this.” ”

In other words, with your ability, is your Jian family planning to give up?”

“You’re not Qian’s opponent like this.”

Hearing this, Jian Bei suddenly raised his head and said proudly, “Don’t be afraid, I have a sister, a genius sister…”

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