Xiao Yi stood on the spaceship and couldn’t help but exclaim when he saw the prosperity of Rucheng, “It’s really prosperous!” ”

Rucheng, located in the center of Zhongzhou, is the most central location.

It’s not called a center at all.

This is also the place where Zhongzhou’s spiritual energy is most concentrated, and the main spiritual veins gather in it.

Rucheng used to be a small city, obscure, but with the development of time, the spiritual veins here were discovered.

Rucheng became the main target and battlefield for the major forces in Zhongzhou.

This place was once shattered, and the city you see now is the city after I don’t know how many times it has been repaired.

Later, with the development of time, it gradually formed a place headed by five families and three factions, and countless families and sects lived below.

Looking down, as far as the eye can see, there are rows of buildings and bustling people, looking up from afar, like a black line extending to the sky.

The holy land on the cold star is also like a small county town compared to here.

The spacecraft streaked across the sky and flew directly in such a direction.

After flying for a while, suddenly the bustle behind them disappeared instantly, and Lu Shaoqing and them seemed to have entered another world.

Lu Shaoqing also felt that there were spiritual power fluctuations in the air, and he could feel the hidden formation.

And the formation level is not low, at least it is a large array of five ranks, or even six ranks.

At the same time, the aura here is more than ten times richer than in the outer city.

The white mist is faint, and under the rich spiritual energy, the place is filled with a light and gentle atmosphere, like a fairyland.

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly, with such a place, even a pig will become fine.

Although the Lingxiao Sect is also known for its rich spiritual energy and is unique in Qizhou, it is still much worse than here.

If the Lingxiao Sect had such a concentration of aura, he and Ji Yan would have become gods long ago.

Seeing Xiao Yi exclaiming, Jian Bei felt proud in his heart, and his face lit up, “This is the place that belongs to our Jian family.” ”

Rucheng can be said to be big, but it is small for masters.

Therefore, a big force like the Jian family will open up space and connect with Rucheng.

Just like Rucheng, this is the front yard of the family, and the space opened up is the backyard of the family.

But even in the front yard, the area is extremely vast.

Usually traveling around the city is the main way to teleport arrays.

After returning to Rucheng, Hai Lao’s expression was much better, and his heart relaxed.

Here, no one dares to make trouble.

You have to report to Miss Nan.

After returning, Hai Lao left in a hurry under the pretext of recuperating from his injuries.

After leaving, Hai Lao immediately went straight to the place where Miss Nan was cultivating.

“Miss Nan, are you available?”

Hai Lao came to the door, very respectful.

It was completely different from the previous attitude towards Jianbei.

After a while, there was no movement inside.

Elder Hai thought for a while, and then said, “Miss Nan, it’s about Young Master Bei. The

next moment, the closed door opened automatically.

A girl in white appeared, with a delicate jade-like face, eyes shining like stars, long black and shiny hair, and wearing a white flow-sleeved long skirt like a fairy who came out of a fairyland.

The genius girl of the Jian family, Jian Nan.

“What did he cause again?” Jian Nan’s expression was cold, and her voice was as beautiful as a oriole.

Hai Lao immediately said what he encountered on the road, and then expressed his worries.

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“Miss Nan, the monster we encountered this time, this is the first time I have seen it, brutal and weird, very unknown.”

“The monster that I tried my best to kill was killed by that Ji Gongzi’s sword, which is not normal.”

Although it is more powerful than me, it can’t be so powerful, right?

Normal people, who would be so powerful?

Seeing that Jian Nan’s expression did not change, still high and cold, and full of goddess, Hai Lao continued, “Young Master Bei brought them back, I am worried that they are coming towards Young Master Bei.”

“After all, Young Master Bei treats people sincerely, and I’m afraid that he will suffer a loss.”

High emotional intelligence and sincerity.

Low emotional intelligence is a.

Hai Lao knew that the relationship between Jian Bei and Jian Nan was very good.

Jian Nan would not have any of his brothers being calculated.

After Jian Nan listened, he frowned slightly, and his tone was a little unhappy, “Leave him alone, it’s his business that he suffers a loss.”

“I’m busy, don’t bother me with such trifles.”

After speaking, he was just about to turn around and leave, when suddenly Jian Bei’s voice came from a distance.

“Little sister, little sister…” Jian Bei rushed over, his tone was excited, his eyebrows fluttered, and he seemed to have encountered something too happy.

After coming here, I found that Hai Lao was also here, “Hey, Hai Lao, didn’t you say that you were going to heal your injuries?” How is it here?

Hai Lao arched his hand a little embarrassed, “Ask Miss Nan about something, I won’t bother the two.” Then

he hurriedly took his leave and left.

Watching Hai Lao leave, Jian Bei’s expression changed, his eyes flickered and stared in the direction Hai Lao had gone, but he quickly returned to his normal appearance.

Returning to his eyebrow dancing again, “Little sister, do you know who I met this time?” ”

Master, peerless master.”

Jian Bei faced his brother, his gaze softened, but he still said coldly on the surface, “This is what you think is a master.”

“Beware of being deceived.”

Jian Nan didn’t believe there were any masters.

As Elder Hai said just now, his brother is likely to meet a guy with bad intentions.

As a member of the five families and three factions, such a thing is too normal.

After all, the significance of each major force’s lineage is too great.

If nothing else, deceive a sum of money, and the resources obtained can make a small force soar into the sky.

Jian Bei said seriously, “No, they are not liars, they are really masters.

Jian Nan looked at his brother with an affirmative face, speechless, “Use your brain to figure it out, don’t want any reward, the target must be you.”

Jian Bei smiled, “He wants 100 million spirit stones.

Jian Nan was even more speechless, raised her hand and wanted to hit her brother, in front of her brother, she didn’t have to pretend to be cold, “You are really angry with me, 100 million spirit stones, just an excuse, make you unable to pay, and then use this as an excuse to approach you.”

“Who in a normal way would make such a request?”

“Haha,” Jian Bei smiled even more happily, “Little sister, don’t worry, big brother has a big pattern and won’t lie to me.”

“And big brother?” Jian Bei slapped his forehead, his eldest brother was helpless.

“If you want to be deceived by him, just deceive,” Jian Nan was weak, and suddenly didn’t want to pay attention.

Let Jian Bei suffer some losses, just let him learn some lessons, and he will become a little shrewd in the future.

Jian Bei smiled, “They are masters, maybe you can find inspiration from them and let you break through the Avatar God?”

“You have to come on, you can’t lose to that guy.”

Speaking of this, Jian Nan’s mood became worse, “I don’t have to worry about your affairs.

“I’m going to practice, don’t come and quarrel with me.”

Jian Bei grabbed Jian Nan, “What’s the hurry, anyway, it’s not in a hurry at this time, go, and I will meet them…”

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