Jian Bei gave Lu Shaoqing the place where they settled was a small Zhuangyuan, and the courtyard alone occupied several miles.

The spiritual energy here is rich, the white mist is vague, the trees are lush, the sky is blue, the underground is gurgling water, and the cranes in the sky are dancing, which can be called a small wonderland.

After Lu Shaoqing and the three came in, Ji Yan ran to a roof without saying a word, which was the place where the aura was most concentrated.

“Izuku?” Lu Shaoqing despised, “Can you have a little bit of relief?” ”

Have you probed for anything here?”

“Aren’t you afraid of a trap that will kill you?”

Ji Yanpan sat down and entered cultivation, ignoring Lu Shaoqing.

If there was a danger, he did not notice it, Lu Shaoqing would also remind him as soon as possible.

Lu Shaoqing immediately turned to Xiao Yi and said, “Look, you can’t learn from your senior brother as a person, you have to learn from me, be polite.”

Xiao Yi nodded repeatedly, not daring to say another word.

Lu Shaoqing slowly walked around here, if nothing else, he might live here for a while.

Of course, security here must be guaranteed.

Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing, and along the way, she began her path of solving her confusion after holding back a stomach problem.

“Second Senior Brother, do you have any purpose in coming to the Jian family?”

Lu Shaoqing squinted his eyes, “What kind of bullshit are you?” Do you have to have a purpose when you come here?

“Wouldn’t you think about it yourself? You two bastards are going to study at Zhongzhou Academy, and there is still half a year before the school starts, do not live here, you say, where do we go to find a place to live? ”

Renting a house, do you give spirit stones?”

Xiao Yi stuck out her tongue, but she still didn’t believe these words, she pulled the corner of Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, “Second Senior Brother, I don’t believe it.” ”

Don’t believe it?” Lu Shaoqing backhanded and pumped Xiao Yi’s hand away, “Believe it or not.” ”

Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi began to sell Meng Sajiao, reached out again and pulled the corner of Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, shaking and asking, “Just tell me, I’m your junior sister.” ”

Really, do you actually want to hide this cute junior sister from me?

Lu Shaoqing pumped Xiao Yi’s hand away again and asked rhetorically, “What makes you think I have a purpose?” ”

Really, am I not honest enough like this?

Xiao Yi smiled even more happily, and proudly stepped closer, as if he wanted to tell a big secret, “With the character of the second senior brother, you will not easily save this guy Jianbei.” ”

He is also a member of the Jian family, there must be a lot of good things in the storage ring…” Speaking of

this, Xiao Yi winked at Lu Shaoqing with an expression I understood.

Jian Bei is also a fat sheep, but Lu Shaoqing did not attack the fat sheep, but wanted to make friends.

It’s like a wolf and a sheep making friends, who will believe it?

At least, her own junior sister didn’t believe it.

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, “Sin, how can there be such a junior sister?”

“To actually doubt Senior Brother like this, you are an anti-bone junior sister.”

Xiao Yi smiled even more happily, looking proud like a puppy who stole food, hehe, “Hmph, Second Senior Brother, your careful thinking can’t hide from me.” ”

Huh? Pretty smart, right? Lu Shaoqing smoothly rewarded Xiao Yi’s head twice, “It seems that my usual knocking is very useful.”

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“Let’s fight enough this time!”

Xiao Yi’s pupils contracted, lying in the groove, the lesson link came, without saying a word, he immediately turned around and ran.

But it was too late, and curiosity dull her reaction.

Eat a sturdy meal of stir-fried chestnuts.

Covering his head with tears in his eyes, after the pain passed, curiosity once again took over the heights.

“Second Senior Brother, please, just talk about it, I’m dying of curiosity.”

Xiao Yi held his head, a few steps away from Lu Shaoqing, extremely vigilant and cautious.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help it, this fool didn’t satisfy her curiosity, and she was bound to be annoyed to death.

“I want spirit stones!” Lu Shaoqing held his hands behind his back, looking at the sky slightly, the sky was blue and the white clouds were over, but he was embarrassed underground, “I’ve been very poor lately, so…”

Xiao Yi had already begun to take the initiative to make up for it, “So, Second Senior Brother, are you thinking of stealing all the Jian family?”

“Just like what you did before at the Tiangong Gate?”

The Jian family is richer than the Tiangongmen, don’t say all the theft, steal a little bit can retire in place, don’t do anything, directly eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime.

Lu Shaoqing was furious, “I’ll kill you now, how can it be reasonable, am I that kind of person?” Xiao

Yi’s side ran away without saying a word.

“Don’t run, I’ll kill you idiot now…”

When Jian Bei came with Jian Nan, he saw Lu Shaoqing running around after Xiao Yi, and the place that occupied several miles was full of figures from both sides, looking like a frolick between senior brothers and sisters.

However, the voice revealed did not have the slightest sense of playfulness.

Lu Shaoqing chased while shouting to die.

No matter how you look at it, you want to hunt down and kill the enemy.

After discovering the arrival of Jian Bei’s two siblings, Lu Shaoqing stopped.

“Big brother, what are you doing?”

Lu Shaoqing had a good time, Shi Shiran stopped, patted the clothes on his body, and sighed, “Shimen is unfortunate, I am ready to kill her and bury her here.

Jian Bei’s head was full of black lines, and he was not interested in saying, “Big brother, don’t tease me.”

“Come, big brother, let me introduce you, this is my sister.”

Lu Shaoqing had long noticed Jian Nan.

Dressed in a white long dress, delicate and beautiful, high and cold, exuding a strong breath of life, like a 10,000-year-old iceberg.

But beneath the bumpy body hides a powerful force, like a volcano that can erupt at any time.

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly in his heart, I have to say that Jian Nan can rank first on the Fenghua list, not all of it is a bonus to family lineage.

Jian Nan was originally displeased with the person brought back by his brother, because of preconceived reasons.

Now that I met, I saw Lu Shaoqing’s scolding and rude appearance, and I didn’t like to add a few more points.

Then, Lu Shaoqing looked her up and down, unscrupulously, and made her feel as if she had stripped naked in front of Lu Shaoqing, and her heart was a million uncomfortable.

This unease made her look at Lu Shaoqing even more unhappy.

“What to see?” Jian Nan suddenly spoke, “Look at it like this again, gouge out your dog’s eyes…”

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