“Ji Gongzi, the Jian family will have a thick reward!”

Jian Bei was unwilling to give up, his sister’s distress, he saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart.

I finally met a young master.

Being so young is a god, and his experience must be more effective than those older gods in the clan.

Ji Yan disagreed, Jian Nan was not angry, and he couldn’t talk about much disappointment.

After all, not everyone is willing to share their experience, and it is reasonable to be rejected by Ji Yan.

Jian Nan did not force it, she said to Jian Bei, “Big brother, let’s not disturb Ji Gongzi.”

“I can do it myself, and I won’t let my father down.”

When the two of them were about to leave, Ji Yan suddenly spoke, “This kind of thing, my junior brother can do it.”

Jian Bei and Jian Nan were stunned.

Can that guy really do it?

If someone else said it, they would still be suspicious.

As for Ji Yan, a voice in their hearts told them that Ji Yan’s words were credible.

“Except for him, no one else can do it…” The

two said goodbye to Ji Yan, not far away, Xiao Yi rushed out from the side.

“Hehe, Sister Nan, hello!” Xiao Yi greeted with a grin.

She doesn’t have a good attitude towards Jian Bei, and it’s different for a beauty like Jian Nan.

Jian Nan and Mi Fei are different, so she came out with a smile to stop the two.

“Are you trying to break through?” Xiao Yi asked, “You are so young, you don’t need to be in such a hurry, right?”

Jian Bei spoke, “What do you understand? When you get there, you definitely want to go further. This doesn’t mean you don’t want to. ”

It’s like climbing to a peak, and finding that there is still a road ahead, so naturally I think about moving on, continuing to reach another peak.”

The family’s high hopes can also turn into pressure.

The Qi family’s Qian is like the sky, and the limelight is incomparable, and the Jian family, which is also a big family, does not want their people to lag behind.

Sometimes, it’s all about face.

What’s more, there is another reason.

Xiao Yi nodded, “Understand, I understand, isn’t it just a face?”

“Die to face and suffer sin.”

“I should learn from my second senior brother and live a dashing and comfortable life.”

Jian Bei remembered Ji Yan’s words, groaned slightly, and asked Xiao Yi, “Sister Xiao, Ji Gongzi said, can my eldest brother help my little sister break through?”

Jian Bei didn’t really believe that Lu Shaoqing had that kind of ability, but he felt that Ji Yan couldn’t lie.

When Xiao Yi heard this, he nodded repeatedly, “Yes, no one else in this world can do it except my second senior brother.”

Xiao Yi’s confident look was so that Jian Bei Jian Nan was in a trance.

That guy who looks unreliable is actually worthy of such trust from senior brothers and sisters?

Jian Nan didn’t believe it, “He? Hum! There

was a deep dissatisfaction with Lu Shaoqing between the tones, that guy hangs a child, a proper disciple.

Jian Bei next to him had a slightly strange look on his face and asked, “Really?

For the expressions of Jian Bei and Jian Nan, Xiao Yi said that he was used to it.

In this regard, Xiao Yi didn’t bother to explain, but just said to them, “You won’t lose anyway, right?”

“What if it does?”

Subsequently, Xiao Yi jumped to find Lu Shaoqing.

Leaving Jian Bei and Jian Nan in place.

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Jian Nan looked at Xiao Yi’s back as she left, and shook her head, she didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing would have that kind of ability.

“Big brother, I’m leaving, you entertain them here.”

Jian Nan did not ask Jian Bei to drive people away.

Ji Yan is a Huashen, and having good dealings with a Huashen is good for the Jian family and Jianbei.

Jian Bei suddenly pointed around and said to Jian Nan, “Little sister, take a look around.”

Jian Nan looked around suspiciously, the surroundings were scattered by her, a mess, and the houses not far away had collapsed and had become a ruin.

Her stunning face revealed doubts and looked at her brother, she didn’t understand what Jian Bei meant.

Jian Bei looked at his sister and asked, “You were angry just now, right?” It stands to reason that everything is ruined here.

“But look…”

Jian Nan understood, she couldn’t control her anger twice just now, and powerful spiritual power surged out.

With her strength, even if it is not full strength, this place should be destroyed even more and the scope should be larger.

However, the scope of the destruction here is limited to a radius of two or three miles, and does not even extend beyond this residential area.

Jian Bei reminded again, “There is such a big movement here, but no one in the clan has come to see it, what do you say is the reason?”

Jian Nan was stunned, and after she felt it carefully, she finally found that something was wrong.

“This, this is the formation?”

Circling around here, the formation encloses this place like a necklace, and it is well hidden, and if you don’t look closely, you can’t find it at all.

Jian Nan’s face was shocked, “When was this arrangement?” Is it arranged by the family? The

cleverness of the formation and the firmness of the formation exceeded her expectations.

“Not before they moved in.” Jian Bei continued to remind, “I heard my little sister say that my eldest brother knows formations.

“Is he?”

Jian Nan frowned.

Jiannan was skeptical.

“So,” Jian Bei laughed and said to Jian Nan, “My eldest brother may still have some skills, why don’t you try it with him?”

“It’s not a loss to try anyway, is it?”

“What if it does?”

Looking at Jian Bei, who looked a little cunning when she smiled, Jian Nan’s heart jumped, and she suddenly felt that her brother had become a little strange.

It’s not like my brother before.

“Go, ask the eldest brother…” Xiao

Yi jumped to find Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing was watching with the Tianji card again after a while.

It seems very laid-back.

“Second Senior Brother, I told them, I should come.”


Lu Shaoqing replied lightly, his gaze did not leave the Tianji card, it seemed that there was a different kind of magic on it.

Xiao Yi was not surprised by this, she knew that her second senior brother was using the Tianji card to understand the dynamics of Zhongzhou, so as to grasp the latest information.

“Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi continued to ask, “You are so obsessed with Sister Nan, do you fancy her?” Aren’t you afraid that the master brother will be jealous?

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her, “Put away your yellow brain pulp for me, or I will hammer you to death.”

“Second Senior Brother, if you don’t tell me what exactly you want to do, it’s hard for me not to think so.”

“Go aside, don’t quarrel with me, quarrel again, don’t follow me when the time comes.”

Xiao Yi immediately covered his mouth and didn’t say it, but if he didn’t follow the play, it definitely couldn’t.

Soon, Jian Bei and Jian Nan appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing.

“Big brother, can you really let the little sister break through within a year and enter the Avatar God?”

Lu Shaoqing put away the Tianji card and showed a confident smile, “Yes, one hundred million spirit stones…”

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