One, a hundred million?

The first time he heard Lu Shaoqing personally open his mouth for 100 million, Jian Nan was also boiling.

Even if she does not lack spirit stones, she regards spirit stones as dung.

However, one hundred million still made her heart wave.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing’s tone was light and fluttering, as if he would drink saliva when he was thirsty.

It was as if it was not a hundred million, but a spirit stone.

Jian Nan couldn’t help it, and angrily reprimanded, “The lion opened his mouth. I

don’t know why, seeing Lu Shaoqing, Jian Nan felt that a fire came from her heart inexplicably, and if she didn’t open her mouth, the fire in her body would burn her out.

“Big brother, big brother!” Jian Bei’s side cried again, and directly pounced, “Big brother, I call you big brother, don’t you mention a hundred million lines?”

“Don’t say 100 million, you are my good big brother.”

Lu Shaoqing kicked Jian Bei back, “Don’t come over, I don’t like men.”

Jian Bei got up, couldn’t even care about the clothes, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, don’t joke.” ”

Didn’t you just say 10 million spirit stones?”

“We give.”

Ten million spirit stones, he and Jian Nan can still get it, and 20 million is not a problem.

But one hundred million, the Jian family can’t take it out.

Is it true that a spirit stone is not a spirit stone?

Lu Shaoqing picked his nose comfortably, flicked his fingers, and made Jian Nan’s face change so disgusting, he said, “I also said just now, the second time, the price will rise.”

“I don’t want face? Rejected me, and now come to me again, when I am a summoned beast?

“A hundred million barely soothed my wounded heart.”

“One hundred million for one god, no loss.”

Of course, one hundred million for a transformation god is not a loss, but my transformation god can definitely break through, it is only a matter of time.

That’s a loss.

Jian Bei made a bitter face, “Big brother, if there is not one hundred million, there are ten million spirit stones.”

“Otherwise, we’ll have to go back.”

Negotiation, who wouldn’t?

Jian Nan said directly, “Go!”

“You’re gone, when the time comes, Qian Qian breaks through the Transformation God, what will you do?”

“The main thing is, will your father be disappointed?”

Lu Shaoqing came lightly, which made Jian Bei and Jian Nan suddenly froze.

Xiao Yi was also stunned, is there anything to say? Also, how did the second senior brother know?

Jian Nan gritted her teeth, “What do you mean?”

“You’ve been trying, do you want your father to approve of you?” After all, you are a girl.

These words shocked Jian Nan’s heart.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, his deep eyes seemed to be able to inhale her soul and see her heart clearly.

Jian Bei’s gaze also flashed a trace of essence, but quickly converged, “Big brother, you, what are you talking about?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Jian Bei, and his calm gaze seemed to be able to see Jian Bei through.

“I don’t say it, but I know that your father prefers sons to daughters, right?”

“Among the eight major forces, there are only two forces where the strongest disciples of the new generation are women, and the Jian family is one of them. Your dad thinks it’s a bit embarrassing, right?

“I just hate that my daughter is not a boy.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Jian Bei and Jian Nan stunned.

This kind of thing, even few people in the family know, why would Lu Shaoqing know?

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Jian Nan looked at his brother suspiciously, and Jian Bei was numb, “Little sister, do you think I will say bad things about my father?”

“Big brother, how do you know?”

This is undoubtedly an acknowledgement.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slyly, like a naughty child, “You guess! ”

I wipe!

If it were someone else, Jian Beifei would have to be rough.

But in the face of Lu Shaoqing, he did not dare.

Lu Shaoqing gave him a very confused feeling, as if hiding in a dense fog, he couldn’t see through Lu Shaoqing.

Jian Nan also looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, and at this time she also believed that Lu Shaoqing had some skills.

Of course, people, it’s still so annoying.

Lu Shaoqing was right, her father did feel that the strongest disciple of the Jian family was not a male body.

This is also why her father likes to beat Jianbei.

It is because hatred iron does not make steel.

Jian Bei has already worked very hard, but her talent is not as good as her sister.

But this kind of thing, her father did not say, no one in the clan knows.

Everything was felt and understood by herself.

And Lu Shaoqing, not long after coming here, was able to know about this.

The meticulous mind is really scary.

Jian Nan took a deep breath and once again let her gaze look directly at Lu Shaoqing, this time, her eyes were a little more solemn and expectant.

“You really can let me break through to the Avatar God within a year?”

No one dares to guarantee a breakthrough in this kind of thing, and the water will come naturally, maybe you can break through by drinking saliva.

If you don’t have a chance, you will be stuck for a lifetime, and you will not be allowed to enter by knocking on the door.

Lu Shaoqing was proud and confident, “Of course, immortal cultivators never speak. ”

If I fail, I…”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and interrupted her, “Failure, that’s your reason, it’s that your qualifications are not enough, you can’t comprehend it, and it has nothing to do with me.”

Jian Bei shouted, “Big brother, you are shameless in your words.”

Jian Nan gritted her teeth and promised, “Okay, I’ll see what you do.” ”

Don’t,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t immediately agree, and put up the score, “The price has not been negotiated, what are you in a hurry?” ”

Big brother,” Jian Bei immediately said, “One hundred million spirit stones, we really don’t have them, twenty million spirit stones, how?” ”

was told by Lu Shaoqing the biggest secret of the two of them, and Jian Bei raised the price.

After all, what Lu Shaoqing is showing now is worth the price.

“You’re called Hanako? I want spirit stones, a hundred million. ”

I wipe!

Jian Bei almost squirted.

Twenty million spirit stones, is this a dispatch called Hanako?

You give me 20 million spirit stones, and I should call them Hanako.”

But after thinking about it, Jian Bei further Jia Jia said, “Big brother, can you use magic weapons, materials, and pills to offset the price?” I’ll give you thirty million.

“No, I just want spirit stones.”

Jian Bei collapsed, “Big brother, like this, you can’t talk about it.”

“Why are you people in Zhongzhou so poor? Can’t you get a hundred million spirit stones? Jian

Bei is crazy, “Big brother, there is no way to talk, goodbye!”

“Slow down!” Lu Shaoqing opened his mouth and stopped Jian Bei and Jian Nan, “Let me take a step back, 20 million spirit stones, plus one oath token, how?” ”

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