Oath tokens?

Xiao Yi was stunned, what is this?

Where did the second senior brother know about it?

And Jian Bei and Jian Nan were also stunned.

Jian Bei smiled bitterly, “Big brother, you might as well kill me.”

Jian Nan’s eyes were once again full of vigilance and suspicion, “You really have bad intentions.

Xiao Yi raised his hand weakly and asked, “What is a pledge token?”

Jian Bei was stunned again, it shouldn’t be.

Lu Shaoqing knew, Xiao Yi, who was a junior sister, should not know.

He looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, “Sister Xiao, you don’t know what a pledge token is?”

Xiao Yi shook her head, now her mind was full of curiosity, “Didn’t you say that?” We first came to Zhongzhou, where did I know these things?

Jian Bei looked at Lu Shaoqing even more strangely, Xiao Yi didn’t know, where did Lu Shaoqing know?

Lu Shaoqing’s mystery in his heart became a little more important again.

Jian Bei shook his head and did not delve into this issue, but slowly said what a pledge token was.

In the past, when Zhongzhou was in a chaotic battle, countless forces were fighting for resources and territory, and the brain pulp was beaten out.

Later, gradually the five families and three factions gradually came to the fore, in order to win over all forces to fight for themselves.

They have made heavy promises and paid handsomely.

After the five families and three factions completely became the most powerful forces in Zhongzhou, the way of wooing gradually changed.

For the forces or individuals who help the five families and three factions, they will owe them a favor.

Human favors are represented by tokens.

The person holding the token can make a reasonable and unexcessively demanding request to the family sect that gave the token.

When giving the token, a drop of blood is left in the token and a vow is made.

It is thus called a pledge token.

If you do not agree or fail to comply with the token holder’s request, you will be countered.

It is precisely for this reason that the eight major forces are very cautious, and they would rather verbally agree than issue tokens.

After Xiao Yi listened, he couldn’t help but mutter, “Isn’t it just swearing?” ”

Why use tokens?”

Jian Bei continued to explain, “The oath token, anyone who gets the token can use it, and it represents the promise of a family. ”

The commitment of a big family, this weight is too great.

Jian Bei said to Lu Shaoqing with a bitter face, “Big brother, the oath token needs to be issued by the family master. ”

Moreover, I’m afraid of you…” If

Lu Shaoqing took the oath token and ran to ask the Jian family for spirit stones, ten hundred million, ten billion This kind of request is excessive, but one hundred million spirit stones is not too much at all, and the Jian family also has to smash pots and sell iron to give.

The oath token is very valuable, which is equivalent to allowing the large family to work for one person, and must be used carefully.

Lu Shaoqing said seriously, “I promise not to use it indiscriminately, and I will not ask your Jian family for spirit stones.”

Jian Bei didn’t believe it at all, “I don’t believe it.” ”

Cut,” Lu Shaoqing despised Jian Bei’s distrust, “Take it and ask your Jian family how much spirit stone they want?” ”

Is there a hundred million?”

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“I might as well take it to auction, there are not ten hundred million, there are also a few hundred million, right?”

Lu Shaoqing wiped his saliva, excited to think about it.

Jian Bei was even more afraid.

Big brother, it really is a far-reaching pattern.

Actually thought of this,, is this a way that humans can think of?

“Can’t you?” Lu Shaoqing was disappointed.

“Of course not!” Jian Bei couldn’t wait to roar in Lu Shaoqing’s ear, “Is this what I can promise?” ”

Go find your dad.”

“Don’t dare, I’ll be beaten to death by my dad.”

Jian Bei said to Lu Shaoqing seriously, “Big brother, don’t think about the oath token, it’s not just our Jian family, even if it’s the Qi family, they can’t do it.”

“So, you still insist on your request, and we can only go.”

Jian Nan bit her lip lightly, but she was a little reluctant in her heart.

Lu Shaoqing mentioned her father and had successfully erected a superior image in her heart.

On the contrary, she was a little looking forward to Lu Shaoqing being able to help her break through the bottleneck and enter the Avatar God.

She thought for a while and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Just because we owe you a favor, how?” ”

As the Jian family, the future heir of the big family, their human value is also very huge.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he showed an expression of disgust.

Seeing this, Jian Bei immediately said, “Big brother, you can’t talk about it like this.”

“Twenty million spirit stones, plus the two favors of our brother and sister, just like that, otherwise pull down.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, pretending to be helpless, and agreed, “Okay, that’s it.”

“But I also have conditions, first, give me 20 million spirit stones first, and during the time that Nan Xiaoniu is with me, eating, drinking, and having fun is all yours.”

“Second, I told Nan Xiaoniu to do whatever she wants, and I can’t refute it. Rest assured, you won’t be allowed to do excessive things, it’s all reasonable. Of

course, Jian Bei couldn’t agree to them all, “First give you 10 million spirit stones, and after it’s done, I’ll give the rest.”

“What’s with your thick distrust?” Lu Shaoqing glared at Jian Bei.

Jian Bei said honestly, “Big brother, I’m afraid you ran away with the spirit stone.

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing could only agree, and he said to Jian Nan, “Make an oath, otherwise I am afraid that you will regret it at that time.” ”

Do you need to swear?” Jian Bei shouted, “Big brother, do you believe my sister?

“Naaa Just started, you began to rebel, your sister will still agree?

Jian Nan didn’t swear, but she gave a guarantee, “I promise to listen to you, but if it doesn’t work, I will kill you.” ”

Don’t be so excited,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care at all, “Your brother calls me big brother, counting the generation, you have to call me brother.”

“Come, call brother to listen.”

Call your brother?

Jian Nan really couldn’t shout, she was almost old enough to be Lu Shaoqing’s grandmother.

Lu Shaoqing is a chick in her eyes.

Jian Nan didn’t look over, just as if he hadn’t heard this.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Jian Beidao, “Our little sister has more of me, a wise and handsome big brother, and this matter is congratulated.” ”

Go grab a meal…”

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