Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing, quietly pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, and asked in a low voice, “Second Senior Brother, how do you know so many things?”

“You’re obviously with me…” The

curiosity in her heart was like a kitten tickling her liver, and it was very uncomfortable.

This is something that Xiao Yi has never been able to understand.

Lu Shaoqing knocked on her, “Let you read more, you prefer to feed the pigs.”

“Read more when you’re not practicing.”

“Don’t let laziness corrupt your brain.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes immediately reacted, “Second Senior Brother, you know from the Tianji card?”

“Nonsense, or else?”

Lu Shaoqing Shi Shiran walked on the street, in front of Jian Bei and Jian Nan brothers and sisters.

Surrounded by bustling pedestrians, coming and going.

Here, there are quite a few mortals, and monks get along well with mortals.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the deterrence of the five families and three factions.

In the city, monks are not allowed to rely on their own cultivation to oppress mortals.

Once discovered, they are expelled at best, or erased at worst.

Therefore, Rucheng seems very peaceful here.

Lu Shaoqing looked around, feeling the peaceful and warm atmosphere.

Having just returned from Cold Star, he felt like a world away.

He sighed secretly in his heart, he had been peaceful for too long, and once the turmoil became, the world of the thirteen states would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Thirteen States, a place known as the human realm, is not as good as the demon people of the Demon World Cold Star in this battle.

However, Lu Shaoqing only sighed slightly.

As he said, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man on top of it, and it is a matter of his.

Xiao Yi continued to ask the second question curiously, “Second Senior Brother, how do you know about Sister Nan’s father?”

Jian Bei and Jian Nan, who were walking in front, also quietly pricked up their ears, and they were also curious about this question.

Although their father hoped that the strongest young clan would be a man, it was best to be Jianbei.

So even if Jian Nan is powerful, their father still has regrets.

And this was not said by their father, and no one in the clan knew about it.

How did Lu Shaoqing know?

Except that their father told Lu Shaoqing, they couldn’t think of any other possibility.

Lu Shaoqing still said that sentence, “Read more!”

“The news above is written.”

Jian Bei didn’t believe it, and immediately turned around, “Big brother, you brag, impossible things.” ”

Speculation,” Lu Shaoqing disdained, “look at the news about your father, there are always clues on it.”

“Isn’t your dad beating you all the time because you can’t get up?”

Jian Bei Jian Nan was shocked.

Just through the news on the Tianji card, can you infer that their father prefers sons?

So as to guess what Jian Nan was concerned about?

Are you kidding?

Are there such people?

Xiao Yi’s eyes suddenly lit up, revealing an adoring gaze.

This is her second senior brother.

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“Second Senior Brother, you are too powerful…” For

the gaze of the three, Lu Shaoqing did not care, but he walked a few steps faster and walked in front of Jian Bei and Jian Nan.

While walking, Jian Bei suddenly pointed to a restaurant, “How is this restaurant?”

“I often come here to eat.”

“Not good!” Lu Shaoqing passed leisurely by the door, “The door is too petty…” Along

the way, Jian Bei pointed to several times, but they were all rejected by Wu Lu Shaoqing under various excuses.

What doorway is too small, the words on the plaque are too ugly, the guy at the door is too ugly to affect appetite and so on.

After walking for more than an hour, I did not choose a suitable restaurant.

Jian Bei felt that his legs were numb, “Big brother, what restaurant do you want?”

“Just now, they are the best restaurants in Rucheng, you can’t even look at them?”

“If you don’t go back, I’ll ask someone to make you something, and you will be able to eat whatever you want.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “What’s delicious outside?”

“Outside, the main thing is an atmosphere, do you understand?”

Jian Bei was speechless, he really couldn’t understand Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts, “Big brother, you say, where you say to go is there.”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly stopped and pointed ahead, “That room, it looks good.” ”

A hundred meters away, a three-story building is very striking in the night.

The outside is richly decorated and hung with red lanterns, shining brightly, setting off the red world all around.

The vermilion gate that is more than two feet high, domineering side leakage, and on both sides stand two tall and powerful beasts, equally domineering side leakage and majestic.

The door plaque has three large characters written on it.

Ask Tianlou!

After Lu Shaoqing came here and saw the gate, he couldn’t help nodding, “This doorway is good to look at.” ”

That’s it.”

Jian Bei’s face was a little ugly, and he asked, “Big brother, can you change one?”

“Why?” Lu Shaoqing was puzzled and asked rhetorically, “Why change?”

“This is the Ao family’s restaurant, and you should also know that I don’t have much contact with the Ao family.”

This is a euphemism, in fact, the Ao family acts domineeringly, and few of the younger generation have a good impression of them.

There is not much contact.

Moreover, Jian Bei said distressedly, “Big brother, it costs a lot of spirit stones to eat here, and I don’t want to earn my spirit stones for the Ao family.” ”

Let the annoying person earn their own money, that feeling, everyone understands.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, but strode forward, “It’s just a meal, what are you afraid of?” Jian

Bei was helpless, and he could only follow in.

After entering the restaurant, I found that it was also very large, with an independent courtyard and a formation covering it, which meant that each room was an independent small world.

Bibo stream, babbling water, quiet pool, quiet play, quiet and elegant environment, and the domineering outside gate are completely two styles.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, “The environment is good, I like to eat clean.” Came

to the small pavilion and sat down, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and gave the menu to Xiao Yi, full of arrogance, as if he was a treat, “Point, give me a point, anyway, someone will treat you.”

Jian Bei wailed, “Big brother, I’m poor. Soon

, all kinds of delicacies were served.

At each end, Jian Bei’s face was bitter, and in the end, his expression was as if he had been beaten by his father for a hundred and eight tons.

“Big brother, can you finish eating so much?”

However, when he saw the three spirit pets gobbling up, Jian Bei swallowed his words back.

It seems that it is not enough.

“Come, eat, talk while eating…”

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