In a flash, Lu Shaoqing’s figure appeared in the space of the ring, looking at the surrounding still had an aura of decay.

Lu Shaoqing greeted the coffin on the table very depressed, “Dead ghost, are you okay?” He

stepped forward and knocked on the table and continued, “Alas, you are also a bit of a dead ghost, but you are also a big guy.”

“The big guy should give a little bit of strength and get better himself, instead of letting a small character like me worry about you.”

There was no movement, as if he had died completely.

Lu Shaoqing was used to it, and took out the spirit stone with distress, and this time he earned fifty-three million, he left three million as capital, and the remaining fifty million began to be put into the incense burner one after another.

The incense burner did not refuse to come to this, and swallowed as much as he could, like a bottomless abyss.

Seeing the continuous investment of spirit stones, Lu Shaoqing became more and more distressed.

While throwing in the spirit stone, he chattered, “Can you eat it?”

“Do you dare to eat less?”

“You’re a big guy, can you give me a way to live?”

“This is a spirit stone, it’s hard to make money…” All

the fifty million spirit stones were thrown into the incense burner, but it seemed that there was no movement.

Lu Shaoqing patted the table and drank, “Is it okay to give some reaction?”

“You can’t let me practice now, so you can give some gift in return, right?”

“Give me exercises, give me secret recipes, give me all the useful, and my senior brother and sister, they also want it.”

“Don’t eat and don’t work, I don’t feed idlers.”

There were a few more breaths of silence, and when Lu Shaoqing was about to go crazy, the light flashed, and information appeared on the desktop.

It is also much bleaker than before.

Lu Shaoqing looked down and saw that it was a sword technique.

“Immortal Sword Technique?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, first rubbed it down and then said.

Anyway, the dead ghost brother gave good things.

“Dead ghost, is there anything else?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked expectantly.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no movement, and the dead ghost little brother did not plan to take care of him.

“Okay, I’ll just take it reluctantly.”

Lu Shaoqing then left here and glanced down at the storage ring in his hand.

Only two of the three cracks in the ring are now left, and the surface is a little more shiny, and the situation is moving in a good direction.

Lu Shaoqing was even more relieved in his heart.

This ring is very important to him, and if it is broken, it will not be used.

The hole cards are gone.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I can only work hard and earn some spirit stones to support you.”

After Lu Shaoqing touched the ring, he then held the jade Jian in his hand and comprehended the Immortal Killing Sword Technique he had just obtained.

After watching it twice, Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes, and a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, revealing a bit of surprise.

“Very strong!”

Lu Shaoqing has come to this point, although the kendo talent is not as good as Ji Yan, there are few people in this world who can compare with him.

After reading the Immortal Sword Technique, he knew how powerful it was.

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It is definitely beyond the existence of the Heaven-level sword technique.

Although the Fire Sword Technique is strong, he is only a younger brother in front of the Immortal Sword Technique.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin, “Shouldn’t it be the same grade as the Meteorite Grand Summoning Technique?” ”

Meteorite Grand Summoning Technique, whose real name is Immortal Fireball Technique.

The power is extremely great, and Lu Shaoqing has always guessed that it is the existence of surpassing the heaven-level exercises, but it is because he and Xiao Yi’s strength is weak and cannot exert their true power.

The sacrificial god seemed to be frightened when he saw the Immortal Fireball Technique.

It can be seen that the origin of the fairy fireball technique is extraordinary.

Then Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, “Junior sister can learn, just to make up for her lack of profound sword skills.

“However, the name has to be changed so that no one can see it.”

The things given by the dead ghosts are not ordinary products, and before that, Lu Shaoqing renamed the Immortal Fireball Technique to the Meteorite Great Summoning Technique to prevent people from knowing anything from the name.

There is no shortage of ancient traditions in this world, I have not seen it, but maybe some texts have recorded or heard of it.

In order not to make people feel evil, it is better to keep a low profile.

The Immortal Sword Technique also has three moves.

Starfall, moon and void extinction.

After Lu Shaoqing pondered it carefully, he put the fingers of his right hand together, gently swiped, and pointed at the door.

A terrifying aura appeared, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, the void seemed to be pierced by a long sword, and a powerful force fell from the sky like starlight, smashing everything around.

The doorway, the wall, and the ground all disappeared in an instant, turning into ashes.

A large hole appeared in the ground.


“Ah…” With

an exclamation, Jian Bei’s voice sounded, and a wisp of blood spurted out.

Jian Bei fell from the void, his hands panicked, and he cried out in horror, “Big brother, big brother, it’s me, it’s me.” ”


Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, withdrew his finger, the terrifying aura disappeared, and the surrounding area returned to quiet and peace.

Only the deep pits appeared on the ground, as well as the disappeared gate and half of the wall, and told Jian Bei that he was not dreaming just now.

Jian Bei got up, his eyes looked at everything in front of him in horror, he secretly came here to see what Lu Shaoqing was doing, and he was almost killed.

“Big brother, what kind of strength are you?” Jian Bei swallowed his spit, carefully plopping his liver and jumping, just now he really felt the breath of death.

He was sure that if Lu Shaoqing wanted to kill him, the blow just now could kill him.

He is also a seven-layer realm of the Yuan Infant, and as a result, he can’t even resist this move.

Lu Shaoqing replied lightly, “Avatar, can’t you see it?”

Jian Bei suspected that Lu Shaoqing was a god, but Lu Shaoqing’s answer like this made him feel uncertain in his heart.

After all, he couldn’t tell whether Lu Shaoqing was telling the truth or lying to him.



Jian Bei was about to cry, and it was really painful to chat with Lu Shaoqing.

Because he didn’t know that Lu Shaoqing’s sentence was true, and that sentence was false.

“Well, you came to me, you won’t just come to peep, right?” Lu Shaoqing bypassed the topic and asked Jian Bei’s intentions.

“Big brother, you’re on fire…”

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