“What do you mean?”

Jian Bei took out the Tianji card and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Didn’t you read the news?” You’re on the headlines.

“Word has spread about what you’re doing.”

When Jian Bei said this, there was unconcealed schadenfreude in his tone.

Lu Shaoqing took out the Tianji card suspiciously, glanced at ten lines to browse the news above, and finally he couldn’t help but scold his mother.

“Abominable Tianji, have you eaten enough?”

What happened two days ago, Xiao Yi and Zhang Conglong competed, Gongsun Lie came forward to interfere, and Ji Yan appeared to save the scene, these things can be taken as headlines.

However, it was Lu Shaoqing who dominated the headlines.

I have to say that the Tianji Pavilion’s Tianji Pavilion is professional.

The reason for Xiao Yi and Zhang Conglong’s competition, they found out clearly.

What happened after Gongsun Lie was taken away by Lu Shaoqing, they also found out.

Therefore, the headline on the Tianji News is him Lu Shaoqing.

The image of him is clearly photographed with a photo stone, and it is also the kind that is enlarged and close-up.

The half-length and the whole body have one each, occupying half of the wall.

Then use three large characters plus a question mark as the title.

Who is he?

Then the following is to talk eloquently, analyze what happened that day, and finally summarize all the information, and finally all point to Lu Shaoqing.

The above also wrote his origin clearly and in great detail, it was almost like going to the Lingxiao faction to interview the leader.

If Lu Shaoqing has wet the bed, it is estimated that it will also appear on it.

After Lu Shaoqing looked at it again, his gaze fell on the author’s position.

“Tube bird?”

Lu Shaoqing put away the Tianji card and asked Jian Bei, “Who is this tube bird?” ”

Nonsense, doesn’t Tianji Pavilion care about it?”

Jian Bei smiled, and the color of gloating was even greater, “Guan Bird is the ace of Tianji Pavilion, and his great-ancestor is Guan Xun, the third elder of Tianji Pavilion.

“Guan Xun, a hundred years ago was already in the late stage of the Transformation God, it is rumored that a few years ago it went further, and few people know the real strength.”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “Do you know how to manage the big cow?” ”

You said that he, the son of Guan Bird, that kid is said to not like cultivation, he was sent to other states to practice, and he only came back a few years ago, but now he is in the realm of the Yuan Baby, and he can be regarded as a rising star.”

After Jian Bei briefly introduced the tube bird, he tentatively asked, “Big brother, were you really just in the Jiedan period a few years ago?” ”

No,” Lu Shaoqing began to run the train with his mouth full again, “I was already a god at that time, and now I am about to refine the void.”

Jian Bei couldn’t help but boo, “Blow, continue to blow.”

“I see that you are at most in the middle of the Yuan Infant period now.”

“But in this way, you are already a peerless genius, even better than Qian Qian’s talent.”

When Qian Qian was at Lu Shaoqing’s age, he had not yet broken through the Yuan Baby.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “I can suppress him with one hand.”

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“Don’t compare him to me, he lowered my grade.”

Jian Bei booed a few more times, bragging like this, you are also powerful.

“Big brother, it’s useless if you want to keep a low profile.”

“Hey,” Lu Shaoqing sighed, looking up at the sky, very sad, “Yes, it’s useless to keep a low profile.” , the abominable, fortunately I don’t know what color profane pants I wear. Although

he was dug up, Lu Shaoqing did not worry too much, but had a few distractions.

After all, the Heavenly Mechanic knew his strength a few years ago, and did not know what realm he was now.

And the world’s guess of his strength realm will only be guessed according to common sense, just as Jian Bei guessed his strength just now.

“Big brother, do you have any plans next?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “No, go and call your sister, let’s go out and go around.”

“What are you going to do when you go out?” Jian Bei asked warily.

“Go to relax, I was picked up by someone, and I was very scared.”

Jian Bei was speechless, “Aren’t you afraid when you go out to relax?”

Jian Bei didn’t believe this at all, he looked at Lu Shaoqing warily, “Big brother, I think you are going to do something.” ”

I called out to go out for a meal before, but I got into trouble with Ao De and brought Gongsun Lie back.

“Am I that kind of person in your mind?” Lu Shaoqing despised Jian Bei, and then left directly, shouting, “Nan Xiaoniu, go, let’s go shopping.” Of

course, Jian Bei was not at ease, and he followed as soon as possible.

Xiao Yi and Zhang Conglong were injured by the trial, and at the same time, they also understood a lot, and they needed time to recuperate and digest the gains from the comprehension, and Ji Yan personally protected her Dharma.

Therefore, only Lu Shaoqing followed Xiao Bai with his feet, and Xiao Hei stood on his shoulders, and came to the city with Jian Bei and Jian Nan.

In fact, Jian Bei found that Lu Shaoqing also had a clear goal this time.

After coming to the street, it didn’t take long to go straight in one direction.

“Big brother, what are you going to do?” Jian Bei was shocked, shopping to relax? I believe you are a ghost.

Jian Nan looked in that direction, his expression was a little disgusted, and said lightly, “What is that place, don’t you know it yourself?”

After Jian Nan’s reminder, Jian Bei reacted, “I wipe, the eldest brother is going to visit the kiln?”

Lu Shaoqing led people straight to a luxuriously decorated building.

Red lanterns hang in the doorway, and the foot bands on both sides of the floor are inlaid with red gilt beads, and the smell of fragrance wafts through the air.

The whirling breath revealed everywhere makes people’s hearts shake.

Drunken Immortal Tower!

There is also a simple magic array within the three zhang of the door, which is used to isolate the fragrance inside and prevent it from affecting mortals passing by.

The scent inside had no effect on the monks, but the mortal had to go into heat on the spot after taking a sip, and finally exploded and died.

“Big brother, do you really want to go in and visit the kiln?” Jian Bei followed, and Jian Nan’s face was livid, revealing an expression of disgust.

Men, all pig’s trotters, all lower animals.

Lu Shaoqing corrected Jian Bei’s statement, “It’s not about visiting the kiln, it’s about drinking flower wine.” Alas, Lao Di has been stripped of his essence, so scared, he can only come here to relax and relax himself.

“It’s stressful, no way.”

Jian Bei rolled his eyes, and Jian Nan said directly, “Shameless.” ”

Don’t call, you go first,” Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Nan, “I don’t have much experience in drinking flower wine for the first time, you lead the way…”

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