Lu Shaoqing turned around, looked at Jian Bei lying on the ground, and wondered, “What for?” Kneeling again? Turning

to Jian Nandao, “You go back and ask people to supplement his calcium, I think he is deficient in calcium.”

Jian Bei jumped up quickly, “Big brother, what are you going to do?” ”

Go in and make friends.” Lu Shaoqing shrugged and said of course, “Otherwise, what am I doing here?” ”

Do you make friends like that?” Jian Bei was angry.

And the two people of the Jing family had already angrily looked at Lu Shaoqing and the three.

“Jingmeng Gongzi is entertaining guests, please treat yourselves with dignity.”

If they didn’t know who Jian Bei was, the two people of the Jing family would have made a move long ago.

“Jingmeng’s shelf is very big,” Lu Shaoqing continued to say, looking at Jian Bei and wanting to hit him, “Jian Beigongzi and Miss Jian Nan are here, and he won’t come out to greet him?”

“Let him come out, what to pretend?”

Jian Bei wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing with his head.

“Big brother, if you want to find something, don’t use me as a shield, okay?”

The Jingmeng inside soon came out, and Lu Shaoqing is now a big name, like thunder.

The close-up photos and full-body photos were taken clearly, and now the three-year-old children in Zhongzhou know Lu Shaoqing.

“Jian Nan, Jian Bei, and, Lu Shaoqing!” Jing Meng’s eyes shone, with a little vigilance in his eyes, but also a little doubt, he didn’t understand why Lu Shaoqing and the three suddenly came to the door.

Not long ago, Ao De was cleaned up, and Gongsun Lie was also taken to make friends.

Now that Lu Shaoqing came to the door, to be honest, Jing Meng was a little stunned in his heart.

Gongsun Lie is the nine-layer realm of the Yuan baby, and as a result, he was cleaned up by Lu Shaoqing’s senior brother, and he couldn’t release a single fart.

“Three come, what advice do you have?”

Jing Meng arched his hand, and his tone was very polite.

Jing Meng and Lu Shaoqing had seen Jing Changhong differently.

Jing Changhong was full of pride and a proud look, like a rooster with its head held high.

Jing Meng was dressed ordinarily, and he couldn’t see that he was a master of the younger generation of the Jing family, less arrogant and more modest.

Of course, Lu Shaoqing had understood that Jing Meng was not a good person to talk to.

As the number one master of the Jing family, he also has his own pride.

Although he was from the Jing family, he looked down on the clansmen who were also sidelines, and looked down on the Yan clansmen with low strength.

Only powerful people deserve his courtesy.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly and said, “It’s very simple, I heard that you gathered here to drink flower wine, and Brother Bei was itching in his heart, and he also wanted to participate.” Jian

Bei couldn’t bear it anymore, his head hit him directly, he wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing stepped out easily, easily dodged, and said to Jing Meng, “Look, he has a sperm worm on his brain, and he can’t wait.” ”


Jian Bei gritted his teeth with hatred, “Don’t talk nonsense.

Jing Meng could only smile in return, and arched his hand to the three, “It’s all coming, why don’t you come in and sit?”

Without waiting for Jian Bei to refuse, Lu Shaoqing smiled and agreed, “Okay!” ”

And take the lead, without the slightest politeness.

Jian Bei immediately looked at Jing Meng with sympathy and invited him in, what is the difference between leading a wolf into the room?

It’s really miserable, actually took the initiative to bring people in, well, I’ll watch how you die.

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After entering, in the courtyard sat a burly middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and square faces.

Although he is said to be middle-aged, he is actually about the same age as Jian Bei, less than a hundred years old.

He is also a leader among the young generation in Zhongzhou, and Zou Gang, the big disciple of the Shengyang Sect.

Zou Gang’s eyes were indifferent, drinking wine with his own care, and there were two beautiful women sitting beside him, delicate and slender, like two petite flowers, pitiful, very easy to pity.

The aura emanating from their bodies was the Jiedan period, and they were the female cultivators in the Drunken Immortal Tower.

After Jing Meng followed in, he smiled and introduced the two sides.

In fact, except for Lu Shaoqing, everyone here is from the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou, and they are already familiar with it.

After Zou Gang heard the introduction, his gaze swept over Lu Shaoqing indifferently, and there was no reaction, like a resting tiger, although calm, it gave people great pressure.

Of course, Lu Shaoqing no longer put it in his eyes.

Zou Gang did not speak, and Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to deal with him for the time being.

He came to sit down in front of Zou Gang with his own care, pointed to Zou Gang, and said to Jing Meng, “Come, give Brother Bei two such girls, Brother Bei is already burning with desire.” ”

I didn’t!” Jian Bei roared.

Grandma Li’s, don’t talk nonsense?

I Jianbei still have to mix in Zhongzhou.

Jing Meng smiled, “Of course, Brother Bei, it’s not your first time here, you have something you like, you can just order, I’ll treat you today.” ”

Let’s get together.”

“Don’t talk.” Jian Bei’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Are you blind? Didn’t see my sister here?

Jing Meng disagreed, and turned to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, how many do you want?”

“I don’t want it, I have it here.” Lu Shaoqing said to Jian Nan, “Come, sit down.” ”

Jian Nan was furious, did she think of her as a woman here?

Jian Nan wanted to rush up and kill Lu Shaoqing, “You look for death!”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Don’t be angry, outside, give me some face, and go back and have something to say.”

With these words, even Zou Gang’s expression moved slightly.

Whether it was Jing Meng, Zou Gang, or the people in the Drunken Immortal Building present, they couldn’t help but think about it, secretly guessing.

Could it be that the Jane family is looking for a son-in-law?

The gossip about these two people in the Tianji newspaper is not speculation, but fact?

Jing Meng looked at Jian Bei, are you looking for a brother-in-law?

Jian Bei’s side is already sluggish, and Jian Nan is about to explode.

“If you talk nonsense again, I’ll kill you.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Look, you can’t have a temper like this.” Sit down first, don’t let outsiders see the joke.

“What the hell, big brother, don’t you talk nonsense?” Jian Bei also hurriedly stopped it, if it goes on like this, will my sister’s reputation still be wanted?

“What nonsense am I talking about? You call me brother, isn’t she my sister? Lu Shaoqing’s honest appearance made everyone can’t help but lie down in their hearts.

Are they trying to be crooked?

A flush flashed on Jian Nan’s face, was she mistaken?

“How big is it? I can’t help it, it’s too young. Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “You have to cultivate your mind well.”

Then Lu Shaoqing took out his spirit beans again, “Here, peel the beans…”

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