Jian Nan’s anger came up again, and sure enough, this hateful guy did it on purpose.

Lu Shaoqing knocked on the table and said, “How?” They dared before, but now they don’t dare here? ”

Jing Meng, Zou Gang and others pricked up their ears and had an adulterous affair.

Jian Nan looked away, not going to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing.

Just based on your words, it’s okay if I don’t clean you up, you actually think that I will peel the spirit beans for you?

Dream away.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “What is your identity, what strength?” Do things and care about other people’s opinions? Jian

Nan frowned, this guy, what did he mean?

Lu Shaoqing continued to knock on the table and said to Jian Nan, “Sit down, you stand, more like a maid.”

Jian Nan didn’t want to pay attention to it, although she stood like a maid, but sitting down was more like.

She didn’t want to peel the spirit beans.

However, Jian Bei suddenly spoke, “Little sister, sit down, it’s rude to stand here.”

Jian Nan gritted his teeth and looked away, his brother seemed to be on the same side as this hateful guy.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “If you don’t sit down, forget it, what about people?” Hurry up and let people come up and serve Brother Bei.


With a cold snort, Jian Nan sat down on the table adjacent to Lu Shaoqing.

She said coldly, “Big brother, if you dare to do such a dirty thing today, I will tell my father when I go back.” Jian

Bei’s face collapsed at once.

His father failed to hope for his son Jackie Chan and was very tired of his son.

Beating him up is a common thing, and being hugged by his father when he knows that he is here must be beaten.

Lu Shaoqing handed over the plate of Ling Bean, “Come on, peel it.” ”

Peeling spirit beans, it’s reasonable, right? You tell me you’re afraid of jokes, and I’ll take it back.

Jian Nan’s silver teeth bit secretly, but in the end, he obediently peeled the spirit beans.

She didn’t want to be scared.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, this chick is not too stupid.

And Zou Gang spoke coldly at this time, “Hmph, such a big shelf, actually let the strongest person in the Jian family peel beans for you, arrogant.”

Zou Gangcai’s expression was calm, but now he was a little disdainful and angry.

“Jian Bei, Jian Nan, you are the Jian family, but now you are like a subordinate, not afraid of disgrace to the Jian family?”

“You are not afraid of shame, I am ashamed to be with you.”

“Huh?” Lu Shaoqing was surprised, “Aren’t you dumb? I thought I was dumb.

Jian Bei smiled, “What we do, it has nothing to do with you, you better be careful with my eldest brother.”

“You see that he is not good, you can beat him up.”

Jian Bei wanted Zou Gang to make a move against Lu Shaoqing, so that he could clearly know Lu Shaoqing’s true strength.

At the same time, he gave Lu Shaoqing a preventive injection, “Big brother, my little sister and I won’t make a move today, you can see to it yourself.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing scoffed, full of contempt for Zou Gang, as if he was a disciple of the five families and three factions, high above.

“Him? I’ll be able to clean him up in a moment. ”

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What?” Zou Gang laughed angrily, “Haha, arrogant, I didn’t expect someone to be so arrogant.”

“I really don’t understand Gongsun Lie, why Ao De bowed to you.”

Jing Meng also shook his head, Lu Shaoqing’s words were so hard that even a fool couldn’t believe it.

Who is Zou Gang?

The master brother of the Holy Yang Sect, the Yuan Infant Nine-Layer Realm, and the Holy Yang Sect is also good at refining the body, and the body is strong, comparable to the fierce beast and demon beast.

Even Qian Qian didn’t dare to pack a ticket and say that he could win Zou Gang, let alone clean up all at once.

Jian Bei couldn’t help but boo again, “Big brother, do you know who he is?”

“You think you’re a god?” Clean him up at once.

Zou Gang said coldly, with a strong confidence in his tone, “Even if I am a god, I will not lose so easily.”

Lu Shaoqing was still that high-minded and arrogant look, “That’s someone else, I’ll clean you up, just one click.”

“If you look like this, you can tell it’s a thin dog.”

Zou Gang couldn’t bear it anymore, slapped it fiercely, and the table in front of him shattered in response, and the breath emitted made the two beautiful cultivators beside him pale and tremble.

Jian Bei was speechless, big brother, you really came to find trouble.

Here you can say that everyone is a fine dog, but you can’t say him.

You look at people’s figures, burly and tall, muscular, strong and powerful, where is the slightest bit of a thin dog?

“You’re looking for death!” Zou Gang was angry, murderous, and looked like he wanted to eat people.

“To be honest, you can’t help it if you don’t believe it.” Lu Shaoqing spread his hands, “Sometimes the truth hurts, but you have to learn to accept it.”

Zou Gang couldn’t bear it anymore, pointing at Lu Shaoqing and drinking, “Come, fight with me.”

“Let me see how good you are.”

“No, okay,” Lu Shaoqing became angry, “At that time, it is a trivial matter that you have no face to see people, and it will be miserable if the Holy Yang Sect does not see people.”

Jing Meng hurriedly spoke up to dissuade, “Brother Zou, forget it, everyone has something to say.” ”

Say a good fart.

At this point, if you don’t do something, is he Zou Gang still used to mix here in Zhongzhou?

Zou Gang shouted again, murderous, he now can’t wait to kill Lu Shaoqing immediately, “Go to the Duel Pavilion, you and I will fight each other, and we will also divide life and death.” ”

Really want to fight?” Lu Shaoqing frowned, revealing a look of embarrassment.

“Unless you get down on your knees and apologize, it’s not over.”

“It’s too troublesome to go to the Duel Pavilion,” Lu Shaoqing pointed at Jian Beidao, “Brother Bei’s flower wine hasn’t been drunk yet.”

“It’s okay, let’s go together.” Jian Bei couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing and Zou Gang fight.

Flower wine doesn’t matter anything.

“In this way, for the sake of the lower half of Brother Bei’s body, let’s compete here.” Lu Shaoqing laughed, like a cunning fox, flicking his tail, revealing his true purpose, “I heard that your Holy Yang Sect’s body practice is the strongest in the world.

“I’ll compare with you to refine the body, you and I will fight each other, whoever can’t bear it first, whoever loses.”

“Do you dare to agree? If you don’t dare, forget it.

This sentence blocked Zou Gang’s retreat, and if he didn’t agree, he had to be camped.

What’s more, Zou Gang sneered, his expression full of pride and confidence, “Why don’t you dare?” You also dare to compare with me? ”

On the way to refining the body, the Holy Yang Sect is the strongest.

Lu Shaoqing proposed such a competition method, which was exactly in Zou Gang’s arms.

“Come, let you see how powerful I am…”

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