Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, and in Jian Bei’s opinion, Lu Shaoqing’s fox tail was constantly flicking.

And Zou Gang has already become his prey and can’t run away.

Seeing this, Jing Meng sighed, but there was no way to stop it.

He was also a little depressed in his heart, since Lu Shaoqing came in, his identity as the master had become unimportant.

This banquet was reconciled by Lu Shaoqing.

After swearing, Zou Gang’s expression became a little more fierce, and there was no way back.

If he can’t win, he is a laughing stock.

“Come on!”

Jing Meng waved his hand and asked the other idle people here to retreat. Avoid getting things out here.

Jian Bei was curious, “Big brother, what are you going to do?”

“You are a figure like this, you and Zou Gang are compared, what do you want?”

Lu Shaoqing is tall and thin, polite, like an otaku, Zou Gang is burly, muscular, Kong Wu is powerful, like a fitness expert.

From the first glance on the surface, normal people will think that Zou Gang’s strength is strong.

Zou Gang had already walked to the open space in the courtyard and shouted viciously, “Come out and die.” ”

Watch me punch you little dog to death.

Lu Shaoqing smoothly took the nerve brick from Xiaobai’s hand and walked out with it.

Lu Shaoqing held the nerve brick and raised it at Zou Gang, “I’m a sword cultivator, it’s not too much to take a weapon, right?” Several

people present instantly focused their attention on the nerve bricks.

However, no matter how much their divine sense explored, they could not detect any abnormalities.

Zou Gang sneered, he was not stupid, and put a shackle on Lu Shaoqing in advance, “We are simply comparing strength, if you show the slightest sword intent, even if you lose.”

“Of course, normal people, who would use sword intent?”

“Don’t worry,” Lu Shaoqing smiled, not caring at all about the shackles that Zou Gang gave him, “I only test strength with you, compare physical strength.

“Okay, come on.” Zou Gang patted his chest with his hand, making a dull thumping sound, like slapping an indestructible boulder.

“Watch me break you with one punch.”

Lu Shaoqing stepped forward with a nerve brick, “Come, come, watch me clean you up.” ”

Arrogant!” Zou Gang did not refuse to sneer, his expression was full of confidence, “Hmph, let you see how powerful I am.”

Jing Meng, who was watching from the side, couldn’t help it, and he asked Jian Bei, “Brother Bei, what does he want to do?”

“He doesn’t really think he can defeat Brother Zou in one round, does he?”

“Who knows?” Jian Bei shrugged, “Perhaps, he really has this ability.”

For Jian Bei, Lu Shaoqing was a person he couldn’t see through, like a layer of fog, unable to know what kind of person Lu Shaoqing was.

When Jing Meng heard this, he couldn’t help but smile, “Brother Bei, you won’t really believe it, right?”

“Who is Brother Zou, don’t you know?”

“Even Miss Nan doesn’t dare to say that she can defeat him in one move, right?”

Jian Nan snorted, threw the peeled spirit beans into his mouth, and also fed a few to Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

“I think he should be thinking of using this way to get closer to Brother Zou and make friends?”

Jing Meng looked at Lu Shaoqing in the field and guessed according to his own thinking.

He Jingmeng likes to make friends, and he makes friends with people from five families and three factions, so that they can become his external helpers and better enhance his weight in the Jing family.

“Make friends?” Jian Bei’s face was strange, and he said to Jing Meng, “The way he makes friends is completely different from yours.

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At this time, Zou Gang’s voice came, “Come, let’s do it.”

Everyone followed the prestige, and the surface of Zou Gang’s body seemed to light up with a layer of light, a faint earthy yellow, like a layer of incomparably solid iron shell, shrouding him in it.

Jing Meng sighed, “The Heaven-level Body Protection Technique of the Holy Yang Sect is indestructible and invincible in the same realm.

Jian Bei was also secretly amazed, anyway, this trick, he couldn’t crack it.

What about you? What would you do?

Lu Shaoqing came to Zou Gang with a smile and looked at Zou Gang, “Then I’ll do it.”

Zou Gang shouted, “Come…” Without

speaking, a crisp voice sounded.


Lu Shaoqing sturdily slapped the nerve brick on Zou Gang’s head.

Seeing this scene, Jing Meng, Jian Bei, and even Jian Nan couldn’t help but frown.

It hurts to watch.


Jing Meng shook his head, “Such an attack is nothing to Brother Zou.

However, as soon as his words fell, Zou Gang’s body swayed, his eyes rolled over, he fell straight to the ground, and passed out.

This scene shocked Jian Bei and the three.

The expressions of the three became very exciting, and they couldn’t believe what they saw.

Parallel goods are not so fragile, right?

Moreover, Zou Gang is also a senior brother of the Shengyang Sect, the strongest existence in the younger generation.

On the way to refining the body, Qian Qian is not as good as him.

Knocked unconscious here at once?

It’s better to be killed all at once, at least it will be much more reasonable to be killed all at once.

Looking at the swollen piece on Zou Gan’s brain, like a hideous corner of his head, Jing Meng jumped up in shock, like a frightened little girl, screaming, “This, this is impossible…”

Jian Bei rubbed his eyes, and after confirming that Zou Gang really passed out, he smiled bitterly.

Lu Shaoqing, who came back with a brick in front of him, became more unfathomable in his eyes, and more dense fog shrouded Lu Shaoqing.

Jian Bei swallowed his spit and asked with difficulty, “Big brother, how did you do it?” ”

Zou just happens to be the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby, and the Avatar God can’t knock him unconscious at once.

Lu Shaoqing Shi Shiran came back and smiled, “Good luck.”

One butt sat down, glanced at the table, and said to Jian Nan with dissatisfaction, “What about Lingdou?” It’s not kind, you actually eat it.

“Hmph!” Jian Nan’s face was a little unnatural, and he snorted coldly, not wanting to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing.

Good luck?

What about playing? Tease me?

Jing Menghe glanced at each other and agreed that Lu Shaoqing was all of them.

Lu Shaoqing felt that there was some means to kill Zou Gang at once.

Jian Bei’s gaze fell on the nerve brick held in Xiao Bai’s hand, but he quickly vetoed the idea in his heart.

A brick that can knock over the ninth layer of a Yuan Infant at once is definitely an artifact-like existence.

It is impossible to give it to a gluttonous ape as a weapon, even if the ape has some strength.

Jian Bei held back very uncomfortably, and asked again, “Big brother, how the hell did you do it…”

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