“You want to know?” Lu Shaoqing took a spirit bean and asked Jian Bei with a smile.

Jian Bei nodded again and again, and flew over, “Big brother, don’t hide it from me, just say it.”

Jing Meng also stretched his neck, and he was also curious about what means Lu Shaoqing used.

“Oh, good luck.” Lu Shaoqing was still the one who answered.

This answer made Jian Bei roll his eyes and was speechless.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Zou Gang, who had passed out, with a faint smile on his face.

Zou Gang never expected that he would have nerve bricks in his hands.

The nerve brick is beyond imagination, looks inconspicuous, and is actually a big killer.

Even he was smashed to the point of Venus and screamed.

Cultivating the Taiyan Body Refining Technique, he is stronger than Zou Gang in both body and strength, and he is also a god realm, plus nerve bricks.

As soon as he turned his head down, not to mention the Yuan Baby, even the Avatar had to kneel.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing still retained his strength, otherwise Zou Gang’s head would be burst.

“Big brother, you liar.”

For Lu Shaoqing’s words, Jian Bei did not believe a word.

Have a fart lucky.

Jing Meng smiled slightly, and stepped forward to arch his hand at Lu Shaoqing, “Brother Lu, good means.”

“This time, everyone is not acquainted.”

Jing Meng’s eyes were burning, looking at Lu Shaoqing as if he were looking at a beautiful woman.

Lu Shaoqing knocked down Zou Dan with a brick, proving his own strength and making Jing Meng have a heart for friendship.

For Jingmeng, the more powerful friends, the better.

The more friends he has, the heavier his weight in the Jing family, and the main family will not be in his pocket by then?

“Yes, if you don’t fight or don’t know each other, I like to make friends the most.” Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, and then took out something and played with it in his hand.

“Of course, everyone is friends.” Jing Meng smiled even more happily.

Lu Shaoqing has a good relationship with Jian Bei and Jian Nan, so he can also be regarded as indirectly getting closer to Jian Bei and Jian Nan.

However, when he saw what Lu Shaoqing was holding, his smile disappeared.

“Brother Lu, you, what do you mean by this?”

What Lu Shaoqing was holding in his hand was a shadow stone, on which was Zou Gang’s lying on the ground, with a hideous and clear appearance on the corners of his head.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “You said, if I sell it to Tianji Gouzi, how many spirit stones can I sell?”

Jing Meng was shocked, and then immediately said anxiously, “Brother Lu, I will give you 10,000 spirit stones, you give me this thing.”

Jian Bei pouted next to him, smiling secretly in his heart, you don’t know anything about him.

Not to mention 10,000 spirit stones, 100,000, he will not pay attention to it.

Sure enough, Lu Shaoqing smiled and waved his hand, “I’m not interested in this bit of spirit stone.

Jian Bei complained in his heart, look, this little spirit stone.

Jing Meng seemed to be determined to get the Lingying Stone, “Brother Lu, how much do you want?” You make a price. ”

One hundred million spirit stones.” This price, Jian Bei replied for Lu Shaoqing, making Jingmeng instantly boil.

“Open, what a joke.” Jing Meng shouted.

One hundred million, he doesn’t have so many spirit stones.

And even if there is, it is impossible to give.

Lu Shaoqing glared at Jian Bei, “Yes, don’t joke with people, am I the kind of person who opens a lion’s mouth?”

“Why do I call you big brother, you still don’t know?” Jian Bei shouted, don’t you have a point in your heart?

Jing Meng gritted his teeth and said to Lu Shaoqing again, “Brother Lu, you make a price.”

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“Everyone can’t fight or don’t know each other, there’s no need to make it too ugly.”

The contents of the photo stone cannot flow out, otherwise Zou Gang will definitely make headlines and become a laughing stock.

He Jingmeng invited Zou Gang to come here to party this time, and if something happened, he couldn’t escape responsibility.

It had a great influence on him.

Lu Shaoqing shook the photo stone in his hand, gave Jing Meng the initiative of the offer, and said to Jing Meng, “How much do you think is appropriate?”

“After all, it has spread, and your face is not good-looking, maybe you will be complained by him.”

This is exactly what Jingmeng is worried about, but after all, Jingmeng is a Punchi tribesman, and he can get to this step today, more on his own.

Therefore, compared with the children of the five families and three factions, he is more like a poor bastard.

Jing Meng raised a finger, gritted his teeth, and his face showed a painful look of flesh, “One million spirit stones!” ”

He’s not rich, he doesn’t have much money.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and asked Jing Meng, “Your current value can’t let the Jing family give a vow token, right?”


Jian Bei’s head slammed directly on the table, speechless for a long time.

Jing Meng was stunned for a moment, and finally said with a bitter smile, “Now there are still half of the people in the clan who do not support me to represent the Jing family, and they don’t want my side line to become the banner of the Jing family.” ”

If he was worth enough, he wouldn’t have to make friends here.”

It is called licking dogs.

Jian Bei raised his head and roared, “Big brother, what do you think is the oath token?”

“Wildflowers on the side of the road, you said you wanted it?”

Lu Shaoqing also knew that Jing Meng couldn’t ask the Jing family for an oath token now, and he said to Jing Meng, “A million spirit stones, plus your personal favor, how?”

Jing Meng was overjoyed, “This is very good.” ”

Swear by it.”

“Boom!” Jian Bei’s head slammed again.

“I can guarantee it.” Jingmeng Road.

“Don’t, I can’t trust the assurances of your Zhongzhou people, your guarantees are useful, I might as well believe in the sow going up the tree.”


The spirit bean in Jian Nan’s hand suddenly shattered.

Abominable fellow.

Jian Nan didn’t need to think about it to know that Lu Shaoqing was mocking her.

“Don’t spoil my spirit beans.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted distressedly.

Jing Meng’s side was very cheerful, without too much hesitation, and immediately did as Lu Shaoqing requested.

Lu Shaoqing threw the photo stone to Jing Meng.

After Jing Meng got the photo stone, he destroyed it for the first time, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s better not to keep this kind of thing.

With a bitter smile, he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Brother Lu, don’t be like this in the future.”

Jian Bei became suspicious and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, that’s it?”

“You came here all the way just to get a favor in Jingmeng?”

“It’s not like you’re human.” Jian Bei is still very suspicious, no way, although he can’t see through Lu Shaoqing, he still has an understanding of Lu Shaoqing.

One million spirit stones, plus Jing Meng’s personal favor, must be of great value to others.

But with Lu Shaoqing’s appetite, this is not enough.

Jing Meng was blackmailed with a million spirit stones, and instead of being angry, he smiled and spoke for Lu Shaoqing, “Brother Bei, Brother Lu is benevolent, but it is difficult for me, I am grateful in my heart, I have made up my mind for this friend…”

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