“Renyi?” Jian Bei seemed to have heard a big joke.

“You might as well say I’m benevolent.”

Jing Meng now really wants to get closer to Lu Shaoqing, so he spares no effort to say good things for Lu Shaoqing.

“Brother Bei, this is a bad word, Brother Lu did not get an inch, but gave me things at a reasonable price, isn’t this benevolence and righteousness?”

One million spirit stones, earning a million spirit stones with his current strength is a breeze.

Lu Shaoqing held the photo stone in his hand, and the lion opened his mouth, asking for 10 million, and he had to find a way to make it up.

He also knew what happened between Lu Shaoqing and Ao De.

Ode’s forced loan of money to gambling has been secretly joked at by everyone.

What Lu Shaoqing did today and what he did to Ao De can simply be described as a great benevolent person.

What is it that such an act is not benevolence?

If you don’t make friends with such people, do you want to make friends with scumbags?

Lu Shaoqing thought deeply, very satisfied with Jing Meng’s words, and agreed very much, “That’s right, I am a benevolent and righteous person.

Then he despised Jian Bei, “Only you, a petty, would look at me like this.”

Jian Bei knocked on the table and shouted, “Big brother, I’m telling the truth. ”

I can’t see through you, but I already know a little bit about you.

Jing Meng still smiled happily, no longer entangled on this topic, he said, “Okay, I’ll go wake up Brother Zou.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “No need, I’ll come!”

With a wave of his hand, Zou Gang, who had passed out on the ground, was smashed in the face by a water ball that suddenly appeared.



Zou Gang, like a sleeping person, was suddenly awakened, jumped up and roared, but soon he came back to his senses.

The pain in his head made him have to cover his forehead and look at

Lu Shaoqing angrily, “You…” Lu Shaoqing took a leisurely time, leisurely chirped the spirit bean, and said to Zou Gang, “You lost.” Zou

Gang’s face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and shame, anger, and disbelief could all be seen on his face, which was very wonderful.

“You, what kind of demon method did you use?”

Zou Gang finally couldn’t help but speak, he couldn’t accept the result of really falling down.

His performance seems to be inferior to that of a mortal, which is too humiliating.

His gaze fell on the nerve brick in Xiaobai’s hand, but this brick looked like an ordinary brick, not like an artifact.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Whether it’s demon law or not, you lost anyway.”

“Hmph!” Seeing this, Zou Gang didn’t bother to ask, and arched his hand to Jing Meng, wanting to leave.

He was put down by Lu Shaoqing for a round, and he was completely faceless to stay here.

“Just leave like that?”

Here it comes.

Jian Bei’s spirit was shocked, and his waist was straight.

In his eyes, Lu Shaoqing was wagging his fox tail again, and once again showed a fox-like smile.

Zou Gang was stunned and turned back dissatisfied, “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing slowly took out a photo stone again.

The above content is exactly the same as the content of the photo stone given to Jingmeng before.

Zou Gang lying on the ground, high-definition photos of hideous corners of his head.


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There was a sound of heads banging against the table next to them.

Watching Jing Meng’s head hit the table, Jian Bei’s eyes were full of sympathy.

Look, this is the benevolent guy in your mouth.

Sure enough, a naïve child, too naïve.

“What do you want to do?” Zou Gang was angry, the despicable guy, actually took pictures as a souvenir?

Lu Shaoqing said what he had said to Jing Meng before, “You said, if I take it and sell it to Tianji Gouzi, how many spirit stones can I sell?”

“You’re looking for death!” Zou Gang’s murderous aura immediately permeated, and the icy killing intent made the surroundings feel like a layer of frost.

Word spread that he had been knocked down by a brick, and he really had no face.

The shadow stone fell into the hands of the Tianji, and within a day, the entire Zhongzhou would be able to know about it.

Thinking about the consequences, Zou Gang felt that today he and the Lingying Stone must keep one.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care at all, “Don’t scare me, you thin dog, if you fight again, I can clean you up at once.”


Zou Gang was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

Jing Meng looked up from the table, and his forehead almost turned vicious.

“Brother Lu, you are not kind like this.”

Jing Meng gritted his teeth, and the resentment in his heart began to increase.

Isn’t this playing him?

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “I really don’t know how there was an extra photo stone just now.”

“This is the second and final one.”


Jing Meng knew why when he said Lu Shaoqing benevolence, Jian Bei had a different opinion next to him.

Sure enough, I suffered a loss from my origin.

As a side branch, I have too little knowledge.

Looking at Zou Gang’s look of wanting to eat people, Jing Meng was too lazy to talk nonsense, “Okay, a million spirit stones plus my favor, you give me the shadow stone.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I only sell this photo stone to him.”

“Of course, the price will be different.”

Zou Gang immediately showed disdain, “Blackmail me? What a big boldness.

“Are you going to make enemies of my Holy Yang Sect?”

Lu Shaoqing scoffed, “Take the family sect behind it to scare people at every turn, except for this, you won’t have anything else?”

“You can go back and call your parents, I’ll wait here.”

Zou Gang’s face was a little ugly.

He looked at the shadow stone, and finally had to ask coldly, “What do you want?”

Jian Beile spoke, like a dogleg, “He wants 100 million spirit stones.” ”

100 million spirit stones, this number can make people boil at any time.

Zou Gang was not powerful, and his blood immediately boiled, “Mix, mix!” ”

If I had 100 million spirit stones, would I still be here talking to someone like you?

“Do you think I’m a bully?” Zou Gang looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, his body was surrounded by the spiritual power of the earth attribute, and the faint yellow made him like a god of war, majestic and arrogant, “Forced me, it’s a big deal that everyone will die together.” However

, this can’t scare Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing said slowly, “You’re all like this, don’t you feel anything in your body?” ”

When there was a pinprick sensation in his body, Zou Gang’s face changed greatly, and his momentum was exuded….

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