Jian Bei continued to catch up and continued to ask, “Big brother, you have to tell me honestly, what do you want so many vow tokens for?” ”

One for the Gongsun family, one for the Shengyang Sect.

Lu Shaoqing already had two oath tokens in his hand.

Once it spreads, it must cause a big shock.

It is equivalent to Lu Shaoqing holding the favors of two of the five families and three factions.

Has a huge amount of energy.

Lu Shaoqing did not agree with Jian Bei’s statement, “Is it much? I don’t think it’s enough.

“The more this stuff, the better.”

Jian Bei almost fell headlong again.

He couldn’t help it again, and roared angrily, “Two is not much? How much do you want?

Lu Shaoqing said slowly while walking slowly, “At least seven, right?”

“I wonder if collecting seven can summon the Divine Dragon.”


Jian Bei boiled.

Even Jian Nan was speechless.

Seven oath tokens, placed in history, no one can do it.

This is whimsical.

Jian Nan shouted boilingly, “Big brother, don’t you dream, okay?” ”

Seven Oath Tokens, what do you think?” It might be easier for you to kill a god.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Is it difficult to kill the gods?” ”

Bragging, bragging…” Jian Bei almost jumped up and yelled at Lu Shaoqing.

A handsome face was distorted and extremely uncomfortable.

Who do you think you are?

Lu Shaoqing said again, “I think it’s okay, look, don’t I have two?”

“If you work harder, you’ll soon be able to collect seven.”

“Dreaming!” Jian Bei continued to shout loudly, turned into a loudspeaker, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “It is already your great luck to have two oath tokens.

“Don’t make trouble, you will be careful to be beaten to death when the time comes.”

“An equinox can’t do it, big brother, just let me beg you.”

This is the reason why Jian Bei wants to roar.

Now that Lu Shaoqing lives in his house, Lu Shaoqing continues to make trouble, and it is easy for others to count the pot on him, even the Jian family.

That’s not fun.

“It’s okay, I’ll be careful, I won’t be killed.” Lu Shaoqing’s answer made Jian Bei’s heart jump, does this guy still want to continue to make trouble?

In order to prevent Lu Shaoqing from continuing to make trouble, he persuaded Lu Shaoqing from another angle, “Big brother, think about it, you offended the Ao family, the Ao family will definitely not give you the oath token, right?” ”

The Mi family prides itself on being the first family, and the Qian family is also known as the number one master in Zhongzhou, you can’t take them.”

“My Jian family will definitely not give it to you, you can’t get the Jing family, the remaining Tianji Pavilion and the True Martial Academy, even if you get them all, you won’t be able to make up seven.”

“Don’t think about it, okay?”

“Be down-to-earth, you shouldn’t be whimsical.”

Jian Bei now can’t wait to turn into a troll, pull Lu Shaoqing’s ears, and pour his words into Lu Shaoqing’s mind.

Let him stop messing around.

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After listening to it, Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed, “This is also ah, it’s a little difficult.” ”

Yes.” Seeing that Lu Shaoqing seemed to be able to listen to his words, Jian Bei’s heart relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face, “So, big brother, settle down.”

“It’s only right to help my sister break through to the gods.”

Lu Shaoqing continued to nod, deeply impressed, “It is necessary, this is the right thing.”

Then, he said to Jian Nan, “Come, chick, go to your father now and ask him to give me a vow token.” ”

I wipe!

Jian Bei knelt down again.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Jian Bei and added, “By the way, ask your father, do you have calcium tablets at home?” Take some to make up for your brother, kneel at every turn, very embarrassing the face of the Jane family. ”

Big brother,” Jian Bei jumped up, stretched his neck and roared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Are you sick?”

Jian Nan’s gaze also meant the same thing, and he felt that Lu Shaoqing had a hole in his brain.

“Are you going to take the two of us hostage to blackmail my father?” Jian Bei roared angrily, turning into a roaring son, only hating that he could not kill Lu Shaoqing.

“Go and ask,” Lu Shaoqing said, “I know from the Tianji newspaper that your father is a very good person, not a stingy person.

“He is bold and welcoming, and he must have tried his best to meet the requirements of a handsome guest like me.”

“You know a fart.” Jian Bei continued to roar, “You have never seen my father, you know a hair.”

“Big brother, don’t you make trouble for me? I beg you.

Lu Shaoqing simply ignored Jian Bei and said to Jian Nan, “Go, Nan Xiaoniu, go back and ask your father now.”

“Don’t tell me unreasonable demands, this one is reasonable.”

Jian Nan snorted, “Stop dreaming.

Jian Bei flashed and blocked Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, “That’s right, big brother, don’t dream.”

“It’s impossible for my dad to give you a pledge token.”

“You are just a guest I invited, and you have nothing to do with the Jian family.”

In the last sentence, Jian Bei bit hard.

His meaning was clear, Lu Shaoqing could only be regarded as Jianbei’s guest, at most an ordinary friend.

There is no help to the Jian family, and the Jian family does not need Lu Shaoqing’s help, there is nothing to talk about, and there is no favor.

As for helping Jian Nan break through the Transformation God, it was just a private transaction, even without Lu Shaoqing’s help, Jian Nan would break through the Transformation God in the future.

Even if the Jian family admits the affection, it is impossible to give a pledge token.

“It’s okay, go and ask, what if I give it?” It doesn’t hurt if you don’t give it. Lu Shaoqing did not listen to Jian Bei’s words.

“Asked, maybe there is a chance, if you don’t ask, then there is no chance at all.”

“Go ahead, Nan chick.”

“It’s also a workout.”

When Jian Nan heard this

, she couldn’t help but show a disappointed look in her eyes, and she couldn’t take exercise at every turn, which disappointed her too much.

Following Lu Shaoqing these days, Lu Shaoqing is exercising to instruct her to do things.

She didn’t learn much from these exercises.

She also doesn’t think there’s anything to learn from these so-called exercises.

Now she was also asked her father for a pledge token.

This would undoubtedly make her father even more disappointed in her.

It’s time to put an end to this ridiculous and boring thing.

Thinking of this, Jian Nan suddenly spoke, “Yes, I promise to help you ask.”

“But I have a condition…”

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