“I’ll help you ask your father, if your father gives you a vow token, I am willing to do everything according to your orders in the future.”

“But if my father doesn’t give it, the agreement between us will be nullified.”

Jian Nan’s eyes were cold, and her tone was resolute, wanting to take this opportunity to get rid of Lu Shaoqing.

After getting on the thief’s ship, I can only find a way to get off the ship myself.

Jian Bei looked at his sister in surprise, “Little sister…”

Lu Shaoqing did not refuse, “The 10 million spirit stones will not retreat.” Anyway

, if you want to retreat, you can’t retreat, and Lu Shaoqing now only has ”

I lean, big brother, you are so dark.” Jian Bei shouted, “You have to retreat at least half, right?

“The wind is so strong that I can’t hear clearly!”

Lu Shaoqing picked his ears, ignored Jian Bei’s words, and said to Jian Nan, “Swear by it.”

Jian Nan couldn’t help but laugh, “Do you really think my father will give you the oath token?”

Jian Bei also shook his head, self-confidence is not such a self-confidence method.

“You don’t care, you swear.”

Jian Nan was very crisp and swore directly.

“Okay, wait for your good news.” Lu Shaoqing Shi Shiran left, “I’ll take my girlfriend shopping…” Jian

Bei watched Lu Shaoqing leave, scratched his head, and said to Jian Nan, “Little sister, do you really want to void the agreement?”

“Ten million spirit stones are wasted.”

Jian Nan snorted, complaining a little about Jian Bei, “It’s all to blame on you, causing me to waste time following him in vain.”

Jian Bei shook his head and said his opinion, “I think he still has some skills.” ”

Didn’t you see that he got both oath tokens?”

Jian Nan was silent for a while before slowly saying, “He will only make more enemies like this.” ”

It really angered the five families and three factions, and even if there were more oath tokens, they couldn’t keep him.”

“What’s more, what good is it for us if he does this? On the contrary, it will make our Jian family offend others.

“Following him, I will never be able to break through the Avatar God, and I can only rely on myself to break through the Avatar God.”

Jian Bei’s opinion was a little different, he said, “Although this guy offends people, he is very smart and limits things to the younger generation, and does not involve the older generation.”

“Whether it is Gongsun Lie or Zou Gang, he asked them to send the news back, and the older generation can’t come forward even if they are angry, otherwise it will be a complete joke.”

“So, he still…”

Jian Nan interrupted Jian Bei, “Forget it, no matter how he is anyway, I don’t want to be called by him as a maid.”

“I don’t want to…”

Speaking of this, her face turned a little red, and her heart was a little annoyed.

There are actually rumors that she and Lu Shaoqing are a couple, which is unbearable.

Jian Bei said, “What if Dad really gave the oath token?”

“Then you will really become his handmaiden.”

Jian Nan gave his brother a roll of his eyes, and laughed like a flower in full bloom, “Do you think it’s possible?”

When Jian Bei heard this, he was also silent, it was indeed difficult to have this possibility.

Finally he said, “I’ll go for you.” ”

No,” Jian Nan refused, “I’ll go by myself.”

Although Jian Nan wanted to go by himself, Jian Bei was still not at ease and followed Jian Nan’s side.

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The two came together to meet their father.

Soon, the two returned home and came to their father.


The two saluted a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance.

Jian Wencai, the head of the Jian family, Jianbei Jiannan’s father, the four-layer realm in the middle of the Strength God Period.

Jian Wencai made a straight face, did not smile, looked at his children, his expression was calm, and he couldn’t see what he was thinking in his heart.

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing his father like this, Jian Bei beat a small drum in his heart, and his breathing was much lighter.

Secretly warned himself in his heart that it seemed that his father was not in a good mood today, so he had to be careful.

Thinking of this, he simply stopped talking.

Jian Nan couldn’t help but muttered in her heart when she looked at her father like this.

But when they all came, she could only bite the bullet and speak, “Father, the eldest brother brought back three guests a few days ago…”

Jian Wencai said lightly, “I heard, young master.”

“It doesn’t hurt to get to know such a master. Learn more from them, especially the son of Jiyan. These

words sounded like they did not object to the two of them contacting Lu Shaoqing, but had the meaning of encouragement.

Jian Nan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and then continued, “In the past few days, my eldest brother and I have followed Ji Yangongzi’s junior brother, Lu Shaoqing…”

and then said the agreement with Lu Shaoqing.

“Within a year, break through the Avatar?”

Jian Wencai also heard it for the first time, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, looking directly at his daughter.

“Is this possible?”

“Don’t let yourself be mistaken by being impatient.”

Jian Nan did not dare to face Jian Wencai’s gaze and lowered his head, “I, I know.”

“You are a genius of our Jian family, you can’t be too hasty and mislead yourself. Your failure is a trifle, and the Jane family cannot be laughed at.

Jian Nan’s head was lowered even more, and her voice was weak, “Yes!”

Jian Bei couldn’t bear his sister like this, he said, “Father, I think that guy still has some skills. ”


Subsequently, Jian Bei said everything that had happened in the past few days.

And when Jian Wen knew that Lu Shaoqing had two oath tokens in his hand, his eyes flashed, and finally he groaned.

And seeing his father groaning, Jian Bei and Jian Nan did not dare to speak casually for a while, and the atmosphere became a little dull.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Jian Wen spoke, “What happened when you came to me this time?”

Jian Nan hesitated, but finally said Lu Shaoqing’s request truthfully.

After Jian Wencai listened, his face was a little strange, “He actually wants my Jian Family Oath Token?”

“Did he say a reason?”

Jian Nan shook his head, and Jian Bei said, “He said that father you are a good person, heroic and hospitable.

Jian Wencai heard this and laughed, “Haha, did he really say that?”

Jian Bei nodded, glanced at his sister, and said, “Father, you don’t have to worry about him, that guy is very annoying, I’ll go back and tell him that you don’t want to.” ”

Unwilling?” Jian Wencai smiled, casually a light blue token appeared in his hand, and threw it to Jian Nan, “Take it, tell him, the Jian family’s oath token is sent.” ”

Plop…” Jian Bei habitually knelt…

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