Jian Wencai’s gaze immediately sharpened, “What do you mean?” Jian

Bei got up, Ma De got used to it these days.

Could it be that he is really deficient in calcium?

He hurriedly squeezed out a smile, “Father, you just give it to him like this?”


Jian Bei didn’t understand, Jian Nan was also sluggish in place.

Neither of them understood why their father gave it directly, and did not ask more.

“Why?” When Jian Wencai heard this, he suddenly became angry and gave his son a kick.

“Why? You yourself still don’t understand?

“It’s just a bastard, the strength is not good, and the brain is not good?”

“Why did I give birth to such a stupid son as you?”

Jian Bei was kicked and fled in embarrassment.

After Jian Bei escaped, Jian Nan followed after a while.

“How?” Jian Bei hurriedly asked, “Did my father say anything?”

Jian Nan gritted her teeth, her face was complicated, and she lightly opened Zhu’s lips, “Father said, let you treat them well until you understand.”

“Otherwise, he’ll clean you up.”

When Jian Bei heard this, he almost cried.


“Little sister, do you know?”

Jian Nan shook her head, she became confused, her eyes looked at the sky in confusion, very puzzled, “Why would my father be willing to give him a vow token?”

Jian Bei was also puzzled, and he didn’t understand, so he was cleaned up by his father.

“No wonder that guy sits firmly on the fishing platform.”

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s calmness just now, both Jian Bei and Jian Nan were silent.

Jian Bei said again, “Could it be that he has already guessed this step?”

Jian Nan did not speak, but her heart was extremely uncalm.

It can even be said that it is earth-shaking, what magic does Lu Shaoqing have that can make her father directly give a vow token?

“Let’s go, let’s go ask that guy.”

Jian Bei and Jian Nan went together and found Lu Shaoqing again.

Lu Shaoqing lay on a tree here and leisurely looked at the Tianji card.

Xiao Hei stood on the branch above Lu Shaoqing’s head, sleeping with his eyes closed.

Ji Yan sat cross-legged on the roof of a room two or three miles away, Xiao Yi was not far away, sitting cross-legged under a pavilion, Da Bai and Xiao Bai lying beside her, healing and understanding under Ji Yan’s protection.

Looking at the appearance of these three senior brothers and sisters, Jian Bei couldn’t help but complain, “These three guys, they are special enough, just find a place to meditate and cultivate.”

Jian Nan had no mind about anything else, and she came directly to Lu Shaoqing.

“Big brother, I’m coming.”

Jian Bei greeted with a smile, and at the same time looked Lu Shaoqing up and down, only hating that his eyes could not see through Lu Shaoqing’s heart, and he could not know what was going on in Lu Shaoqing’s mind.

Lu Shaoqing put away the Tianji card and stretched out his hand with a smile, “How is it?” The pledge token arrived, right? Jian

Bei and Jian Nan were shocked again.

Can you even get this step?

If it’s true, this person is terrible.

For the first time, Jian Bei and Jian Nan had a kind of jealousy in their hearts towards Lu Shaoqing.

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It was as if everything was in Lu Shaoqing’s calculation.

Jian Bei laughed and said deliberately, “Big brother, you guessed wrong.”

“My dad is going to give you the pledge token.” And, to kick you out, you pack up and leave.

Lu Shaoqing sneered, “Che, you bluffed me?”

“Your sister’s expression is as if you are dead, you don’t need to guess that your father must have given you the oath token.”

“Hand it over.”

No way, completely seen through.

Jian Nan could only take out the oath token, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and he smiled even more happily, “Give it to me.”

Jian Nan couldn’t help but ask, “Why did my father give it to you?”

“Your dad must think I’m a handsome guy and must be befriended.”

This is not the truth when you hear it, and it is a handsome man.

Who is not a handsome guy?

Jian Bei said to Jian Nan, “If he doesn’t say it, he won’t give it to him.”

Then he simply used this to blackmail Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, if you don’t make it clear, you don’t want the oath token, even if my father comes, it’s useless.”

Lu Shaoqing was surprised. Are you so mean?

Jian Bei was very proud, “Compared with the eldest brother, you are average.” Modest

words could not hide his smugness.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Give me the oath token, this is an order.” Jian

Bei and Jian Nan’s faces suddenly changed.

Jian Nan had sworn before, and now she must obey Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Now it’s the maid 2.0 version.

Jian Bei could only watch his sister hand over the token to Lu Shaoqing, and his face was not too exciting.

I can’t hold this guy at all.

Jian Bei had a headache, watching Lu Shaoqing playing with the oath token, he could only open his mouth to Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, you have to promise that you can’t take it to my family and ask for 100 million.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t ask your family to take 100 million.”

“It can’t be auctioned either.”

“Okay, I promise.”

Jian Bei didn’t believe it, “You swear.” ”

It’s excessive,” Lu Shaoqing was impatient and raised the oath token in his hand, “If you are squeaky again, I will take it to your father now and let him expel you from the house.”

“Big brother, don’t go so far.” Jian Bei hurriedly smiled.

Walking two steps closer, he even thought of hooking up with Lu Shaoqing, and was kicked back by Lu Shaoqing.

“Big brother, I sincerely ask, why did my father give you the oath token? Obviously he hasn’t even seen you. ”

Hey,” Lu Shaoqing smiled, “you have to ask your father.” ”

My father just now…” Jian Bei said, saying, suddenly reacted, and immediately howled, “Big brother, you are not kind.”

“I’m calling you big brother, and you still want to continue to take advantage of me?”

Lu Shaoqing leisurely came to a pavilion and said to Jian Nan, “Come, make me some tea, peel spirit beans, watch the news, I have to have some snacks.” Jian

Nan’s face was ugly, this hateful guy really treated me as a maid?

“Don’t refuse, you swore yourself.” Lu Shaoqing sat down comfortably and sighed happily, “It’s better to swear, promise something, you can’t believe it at all.”

Jian Nan couldn’t refuse anymore, so he could only sit down angrily and start brewing tea and peeling spirit beans according to Lu Shaoqing’s meaning.

“Big brother, what are you going to do next?”


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