Bao Yi also wanted to say something, hoping that the two would not have to fight.

But Jian Nan is too lazy to talk nonsense, this is the place of Jian’s family, she can shoot directly.

Jian Nan’s slender jade hand waved, and a powerful spell pressed towards Bao Yi like a storm.

“Sister Nan!” At

this moment, Bao Yi’s heart was hammered again, and this time it was hammered, shattered into the ground, and blood dripped.

It hurts and hurts, and being stabbed by the woman he likes is simply torture in the world.

After Bao Yi blocked Jian Nan’s attack in embarrassment, Bao Yi was anxious.

He can block it once, but he can’t resist the second time, the third time.

If you don’t fight back, you will be beaten sooner or later.

Therefore, Bao Yi had

to hurriedly shout, “Slow!” After drinking Jian Nan, he hurriedly shouted at Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, do you dare to fight me?”


Jian Nan heard this, he also stopped his hand, and he felt a little expectant in his heart.

If it really works, that’s fine.

She had enough of the days she had been with Lu Shaoqing for more than a month.

Lu Shaoqing laughed, his white teeth shining in the sun, and this scene fell in Jian Bei’s eyes, and his heart jumped again.

He seemed to see Lu Shaoqing flicking his fox’s tail again, revealing a sly smile.

Jian Bei supported his forehead, it seems that Bao Yi is fierce and less lucky.

Lu Shaoqing was embarrassed, “Why is it?” ”

If you win, I have to return a beautiful woman to freedom, I take her out shopping, and the thief has face.” ”

Also take her out shopping?

Little thief!

Bao Yi’s teeth are almost crushed, “Do you dare

?” “Of course you dare, but you lose, what can you give me?”

Jian Bei shouted in his heart, and the fox’s tail flicked higher and higher.

“I lose?” Bao Yi seemed to hear the big joke, “I will lose?” ”

If you dare to fight, I will kill you hateful bastard.”

“You don’t have to talk about it like this. Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “If you don’t give a promise, I can let her continue to beat you.”

“What do you want?” Bao Yi seemed to regain a bit of pride, “As long as you open your mouth, I promise you.”

After speaking, he also looked at Jian Nan and gave her a wink.

If I behave well, I will definitely be able to make Sister Nan impress me.

Jian Bei’s gaze looking at Bao Yi was full of sympathy, and you don’t know how much appetite he had.

Jian Bei did not open his mouth to remind, well, still that sentence, let go of the helping complex, respect the fate of others.

“One hundred million spirit stones, do you have it

?” still the same reaction, Bao Yi boiled, “Didn’t you wake up?”

100 million spirit stones, you said you want it

?” “Cut,” Lu Shaoqing immediately despised it, “Poor ghost, still learn to pretend to be a big head

?” “Didn’t you just say that you agreed when I opened my mouth?” Bao Yi’s

face turned red, and it was difficult to see as if he had eaten.

I wanted to show it in front of Jian Nan, but now I look like a bragging, and I don’t want to feel more uncomfortable in my heart.

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“You, you are a lion opening its mouth, change, change…” When

he said this, Bao Yi did not dare to look at Jian Nan.

Too shameful.

“Then a pledge token.

“What?” At this moment, Bao Yi jumped up directly, as if there were needles under his feet, and jumped three feet high.

Jian Bei shook his head, it seemed that he had just come out of retreat, and he came without all the news being clear.

Alas, it can be regarded as a deep affection.

It’s a pity.

Bao Yi had to mobilize the spiritual power in his body to calm his boiling blood qi.

He stared at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief, “Tu Bun, what do you think the oath token is?”

“As long as I speak, you agree?” Bao

Yi’s face turned even redder, he now wanted to go back and slap himself twice.

Lu Shaoqing continued, “This can’t work, that’s not okay, are you still embarrassed to come and shout with me

?” “I don’t have a little family background, and I still want to learn from other heroes to save beauty?” ”

If I were Nan Xiaoniu, I wouldn’t even look at a guy like you who can only brag.”

“You’re even more unlikable than a fine dog.” As

soon as the call was reprimanded, Bao Yi felt hatred and anger in his heart, and was thrown from Zhongzhou to Qi Prefecture by a dirt bun.

There was no way, Bao Yi shouted, “Ten million spirit stones, I lost, I will give you ten million spirit stones.” ”

Ten million spirit stones, what about you sending Hanako?” Seeing

Bao Yi’s expression, more constipated than constipation, Jian Bei suddenly felt very comfortable.

Fortunately, he was not alone in being treated like this by Lu Shaoqing.

It’s nice to see others being treated like this.

“How much do you want?” Bao Yi was angry, Tu Bunzi, if you don’t understand anything, you understand that the lion opens its mouth?

After a pause, in order to prevent Lu Shaoqing from continuing to open the lion’s mouth, “100 million spirit stones do not have, and it is impossible to give you a pledge token.” ”

Thirty million spirit stones, plus one request,” Lu Shaoqing slowly raised three fingers, seeing Bao Yi’s excited look, he continued to add, “The request is very simple, let you send a message back to your master when the time comes.” ”

Bao Yi weighed it, for him, there is no loss.

Thirty million spirit stones, although it is a bit much, but he is not unable to take it.

The True Martial Arts Academy is mainly based on spirit pets, and also sells spirit pets, which are very popular here in Zhongzhou, so the people of the True Martial Arts Academy are very rich.

After thinking about it, Bao Yi agreed

, “I promise you!” “I fight with you, you lose, return sister Nan to freedom, I lose, give you 30 million spirit stones plus promise you a request.”

Jian Bei reminded next to him, “By the way, if you lose, you also have to call me big brother.”

“Hmph,” Bao Yi said unpleasantly, “I won’t lose.”

Lu Shaoqing still smiled, “You swear, guarantee something, it’s not reliable.” Jian

Nan next to him turned a little dark.

After swearing, Bao Yi couldn’t wait, “Come on, let me clean you up.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head unexpectedly, “I don’t fight you.”


Whether it was Bao Yi or Jian Bei, Jian Nan was stunned.

Bao Yi laughed, “If you don’t fight me, even if I win.”

“Who said you won, I’ll let my girlfriend come…”

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