Bao Yi was stunned, his eyes looked around, and he didn’t find anyone else here.

Jian Bei and Jian Nan’s gaze fell on Xiao Hei on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder.

Xiao Hei called Lu Shaoqing’s father, they knew about this.

Jian Bei

couldn’t help but ask, “Big brother, can you, the girl?”

Xiao Hei was lying on Xiao Yi’s head before, using Xiao Yi’s head as a bird’s nest.

After Xiao Yi went to retreat, Xiao Hei followed Lu Shaoqing, eating and drinking, giving the impression of a snack goods.

It’s hard to imagine how powerful Xiao Hei is.

It is even more impossible to beat Bao Yi.

Bao Yi is already the eight-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant, plus his spiritual pet, his combat effectiveness is no worse than the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant.

Bao Yi’s gaze fell on Xiao Hei on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, pointed at Xiao Hei, and was stunned, “Your girl?” ”

Of course, the world’s first god pet is much more powerful than yours.

Lu Shaoqing was like an old father, showing a proud expression, pointing to Bao Yi’s spirit pet and said, “Your spirit pet is full of miscellaneous hair, how can my girlfriend be mighty and domineering?”

The spirit pet on Bao Yi’s shoulder suddenly spoke, “You human being, looking for death!” Like

an angry human being, he stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously.

Most of the spirit pets in the Yuan infancy period can speak, while Dabai and Xiaobai are a little special, and they can only squeak and roar until now.

Bao Yi sneered, “Your spirit pet is also worthy of comparison with my white thunder?” Lu

Shaoqing said, “So, I let my girlfriend fight with your spirit pet, whoever wins, who wins, how?”

Xiao Hei stood on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, closing his eyes as if he was asleep, Lu Shaoqing

saw Bao Yi hesitate, and said to Bao Yi’s spirit pet, “Look, your master doesn’t believe you.” ”

I wipe!

blatantly sow discord.

Bao Yi drank angrily, “You don’t sow discord here.”

And his spiritual pet, Bai Lei flew in front of him, and his tone was firm, “I will deal with him.” ”

If you don’t say yes, you can’t do it.

Although the contract has been concluded, the spiritual pets of this realm have their own thoughts and cannot treat them as pure animals.

If you don’t agree, your own spiritual pet may rebel.

Bao Yi could only instruct, “Okay, be careful.” ”

White thunder’s wings fluttered, like an eagle spreading its wings, and huge smoke and dust soared into the air.

White thunder flew into the air and hovered a hundred meters above everyone’s heads, and the white lightning pattern of his wings shone brightly, lifelike.

The power of thunder pervaded it, and a powerful coercive pressure descended into the air, as if like a thunder god patrolling the world and leveling people’s ghosts.

Seeing his spiritual pet so majestic, the last bit of worry in Bao Yi’s heart disappeared.

His own spirit pet is so powerful, that black bird has a fart strength to resist.

He said proudly to Lu Shaoqing, “Come, let your spirit pet go up and properly understand the power of Bai Lei.”

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“Don’t cry when you lose.” ”


Lu Shaoqing patted Xiao Hei, “The girl got up and went to teach it a lesson.”

“When do miscellaneous birds dare to be arrogant in front of you?”

Jian Bei said worriedly next to him, “Big brother, can you do it?”

Lu Shaoqing pouted and touched Xiao Hei, “Besides, my daughter is a mother.”

Jian Bei was speechless, who said this to you, “Big brother, I think it’s better for you and Bao Yi to fight.” Bai Lei is the second-layer realm of the Yuan baby, your girl, it doesn’t look good. Jian

Bei still hopes that Lu Shaoqing and Bao Yi will PK, so that he can know Lu Shaoqing’s true strength.

Xiao Hei opened his eyes and glanced at Jian Bei, who suddenly felt his scalp tingle, and a cold breath rushed straight to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

There was a tremor in the heart, this was not a physical fear, but a soul fear.

Leave him speechless.

At this time, Jian Bei knew that snack goods were also terrifying existences.

Bao Yi’s side was already impatient, and urged, “Hurry up, don’t waste time.”

“If you don’t want to fight, you quickly admit defeat and surrender.”

“Who said not to fight?” Lu Shaoqing gently patted Xiao Hei again, “Go.”

Xiao Hei raised his head and looked at the white thunder that hovered back and forth in the sky, looking particularly powerful, and disdain flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Hei yawned, it was still young, still growing its body, and usually slept except for eating.

Now disturbed, unhappy, slowly flew up.

As soon as it flew up, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and slashed straight at Xiao Hei.

Thunder and lightning, like a whip pumping towards Xiao Hei, the powerful power makes the sky shake, once Xiao Hei is hit, the powerful rank may be able to tear it to pieces.

Bao Yi saw that Bai Lei was so sharp as soon as he made a move, and he couldn’t help laughing again, “How can your black-haired bird compete with my white thunder?”

Although powerful, the little black eyes did not blink.

As soon as it fluttered its wings, it came to the same height as Bai Lei and looked at Bai Lei from a distance.

Xiao Hei’s eyes were calm, his wings were bound, like a human with his hands wrapped around him, high above, and did not put white thunder in his eyes.

As a fellow species, Bai Lei naturally felt Xiao Hei’s attitude, and it was angry.

“You an unknown black-haired bird also dares to run rampant in front of me?”

“Find death!”

After speaking, the lightning on Bai Lei’s body surged, wrapped around the lightning, ready to strike.

Xiao Hei looked at it coldly, and finally opened his mouth and yawned, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

An aura emanated that only White Thunder could feel.

Bai Lei’s body suddenly froze, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, his body was stiff and unable to move.

And Bao Yi below couldn’t help but laugh when he saw that Xiao Hei was still yawning slowly.

There is the meaning of showing off in front of Jian Nan, “Dare to do this, it is undoubtedly provoking Bai Lei and looking for death.”

After speaking, he also said to Lu Shaoqing proudly, “Wait until your spiritual pet is killed, I advise you not to cry.”

However, as soon as his words fell, the lightning on Bai Lei’s body disappeared, and his body stiffened, as if he was frozen in ice, falling straight from the sky…

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