Everyone’s gaze instantly fell on Ao Liang.

Ao De’s eyes were sharp, not angry, “Are you sure

there is a way?” Grandma Li, is there a way not to say it earlier?

Bao Yi hurriedly asked, “Is there any way?” Being

stared at by the two bigwigs in infancy, Ao Liang’s little henchman was under great pressure.

He shrunk his neck and said Nonuo, “I, I also noticed from the Tianji News, when he was in Qi Zhou before, he was amorous, and it seemed that he had a misunderstanding with the Xia Yu girl, and then he was blocked by someone. ”

Ao Liang was robbed by Lu Shaoqing in Qizhou, and after returning, here in Zhongzhou, he met Lu Shaoqing or was robbed, which was regarded as a shame by him.

Therefore, after the Tianji News exposed Lu Shaoqing’s details, Ao Liang watched these news about Lu Shaoqing back and forth.

He thought of finding Lu Shaoqing’s weakness from above, and then taking revenge.

Finally, I saw a news related to Xia Yu.

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Ao De.

Ao De’s face became a little ugly.

How Xia Yu still has something to do with that bastard.

Ao De stared at Ao Liang again, “Make it clear!” Ao Liang

quickly said this news, and then explained, “Miss Jiannan is also the object of admiration of many people here in Zhongzhou. ”

The people present understand what Ao Liang’s method is.

Ao De pondered for a moment and looked at Bao Yi, “Brother Bao, what do you think?” Bao Yi

did not hesitate too much, “There is no problem.”

“Just do it.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Suddenly, a voice came from the side, and everyone followed the prestige, it was Zhang Conglong.

Ao Cang is not happy, one of your defeated subordinates can also speak kindly?

“What do you understand?” Ao

De said lightly, “Conglong, you say, why is it not a good way?” Zhang Conglong

shook his head, “Although someone has done this before, but in the end it was easily resolved by him, so he couldn’t help him.” At

that time, Zhang Conglong did not put Lu Shaoqing in his eyes, but the Lingxiao faction was blocked by someone, and the crowd was turbulent, and the slightest mistake was a disaster, and Zhang Conglong had heard about it.

However, Lu Shaoqing was able to easily resolve this situation.

After contacting Lu Shaoqing several times, Zhang Conglong also knew a truth deeply, that is, Lu Shaoqing was not easy to mess with.

This method proposed by Ao Liang is very inferior in Zhang Conglong’s opinion, and it is not a good method.

Zhang Conglong said his own method, “The real way is to duel him directly and defeat him in front of everyone to completely defeat him, otherwise, these means will not be of any use to him.”

“Maybe he

will use it…” “Naive!” Bao

Yi was the first to disdain, “If I can duel with him, I will still use it here to find Brother

Ao?” Ao Cang again sneered, “Are you going to duel with him?”

“Brother Bao, you and I will arrange for our own people to do it…”

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Half a month soon passed, and on this day, Jian Bei was meditating in the room.

Suddenly, there was a fluctuation outside.

Jian Bei and Jian Nan both temporarily lived here with Lu Shaoqing, Jian Nan wanted to follow Lu Shaoqing, and Jian Bei naturally had to follow, so as not to let his sister be eaten by Lu Shaoqing.

Jian Bei, who was meditating in the room, went out and was immediately shocked, “Won’t it, again, break through?”

This fluctuation was familiar to him, it was Xiao Yi’s breath.

When he met Xiao Yi before, Xiao Yi broke through in front of him and entered the realm of the second layer of the Yuan Infant.

How long has it been now? More than three months, less than four months, and she has broken through again

? Has she taken a panacea

? Jian Beima, what kind of evil is this?

Master Brother Ji Yan is less than thirty years old and is already in the realm of the second layer of the Transformation God.

Lu Shaoqing, who is twenty-four or five years old, is as cunning as a fox, although he does not show his true strength, but he is not lower than him, and he is also a demon.

Now, Xiao Yi, in his early twenties, at this age, is already about to enter the realm of the third layer of the Yuan Baby.

Jian Bei suddenly felt that his father had beaten him unjustly at all.

When he was Xiao Yi’s age, he was still only in the Jiedan period, and at that time he was still complacent, feeling that he was not a peerless genius, but he was not bad. It is good that he is also a genius of the first ladder here in Zhongzhou.

However, compared with Ji Yan and Xiao Yi, Jian Bei felt that he was weak, not a peerless genius, but a shit genius.

Xiao Yi finished breaking through, streaked across the sky, and then fell.

Xiao Yi shouted as soon as he came, “Second senior brother, second senior brother…” It

seemed that the sister who had not been seen for a long time looked for her brother as soon as she returned home.

Lu Shaoqing lay on the tree, looking at the Tianji card in his hand, lazily, it seemed that he did not hear Xiao Yi’s call, and he did not move for a long time.

“Hehe, Second Senior Brother, I broke through.

Xiao Yi smiled happily, and broke through again in a short time.

This means that she has not been left behind by the two senior brothers, and she can still follow behind the two senior brothers.

That’s why she’s happy.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her, “It’s noisy.”

“Go aside!” Jian

Bei, who rushed over, was suddenly speechless, this kind of genius junior sister, wherever it is placed is a treasure, anyone will cherish it.

But here in Lu Shaoqing, it can be seen that he does not have the slightest intention of cherishing, either disgusted or appreciating chestnuts.

Xiao Yi was not angry, such a second senior brother was a normal second senior brother.

She beckoned, ”

Xiao Hei, come down!” Xiao Hei opened his eyes, flew down with a whoosh, and then lay down peacefully on Xiao Yi’s head, with a satisfied expression on his face, or the bird’s nest was comfortable.

Xiao Yi hugged Dabai and asked Lu Shaoqing with a grin, “Second Senior Brother, have any interesting things happened during my retreat these days?”

“Practice is like sailing against the tide, if you don’t advance, you will retreat, do you understand?” Jian

Bei couldn’t help it, and complained, “Big brother, I think you don’t understand.”

“Have you ever practiced these days…”

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