Jian Bei complained repeatedly, it was outrageous, you haven’t practiced for a day, you are embarrassed to say this?

“Genius, you don’t need to cultivate, what do you understand?” At

this time, Jian Nan also slowly walked in from outside, and her eyes looked at Xiao Yi in amazement.

Xiao Yi’s breakthrough she also felt, and even witnessed the whole process.

As Jian Bei told her, the fault of the breakthrough is very different from others.

The first speed is faster than ordinary people, and the second requires extremely large aura.

What you hear doesn’t necessarily feel much, but seeing it with your own eyes is very impactful.

Refreshed her worldview.

Jian Nan seemed to understand why Jian Bei would think of letting her follow Lu Shaoqing and let Lu Shaoqing help her find a way to break through.

Even if he cultivated in the womb, such a breakthrough speed was shocking.

Therefore, Jian Nan also believed that Xiao Yi broke through so quickly, and her division must have a special method.

“Come, Nan Xiaochi, make me some more tea.”

Lu Shaoqing spoke.

If it was usual, Jian Nan would definitely not be happy, and even if he did it, his face was full of reluctance and with a strong resentment.

However, now, Jian Nan obediently did it.

After Lu Shaoqing took a sip, this tea was a little different, well, the spirit beans were also peeled smooth and round, he glanced at Jian Nan, and there was a smile on his face.

Xiao Yixiao and Jian Nan peeled the spirit beans together, in addition to feeding Lu Shaoqing, they also had to feed three spirit pets.

Jian Bei came over, he was very curious, these spirit beans are ordinary spirit beans, for ordinary people, eating these spirit beans can greatly increase their physical fitness.

But for the cultivators, even if they are in the foundation building period, no matter how much they eat, the increase in cultivation is minimal.

However, not only did Lu Shaoqing eat with relish, but even the three spirit pets ate deliciously, as if it was a rare delicacy.

Jian Bei didn’t understand, “Big brother, is there any use for you to eat these spirit beans?” Lu

Shaoqing shook his head and glanced at Jian Nan intentionally or unintentionally, “Whether it is eating or peeling, it is a process, what the result is is not important, the important thing is the process.”

“Of course, a guy like you who chews peonies doesn’t understand, and he says it in vain.”

Jian Bei immediately booed, “Cut, big brother, you just blow it, just eat some spirit beans and feather the flying immortals?”

Then he turned to Xiao Yi and said, “Sister Xiao, your behavior is to encourage the laziness of your second senior brother. ”

Xiao Yi has no good face for Jian Bei, to be precise, she has no good face for the men in the young generation in Zhongzhou, all of them are arrogant and arrogant guys.

Xiao Yi didn’t give Jian Bei the slightest bit of face, “Ordinary people don’t have the qualifications to peel spirit beans for my second senior brother.” Stay away from me, you Zhongzhou wretched men. ”

Jian Bei is not happy, why did the Zhongzhou man provoke

you?” “Zhongzhou men are all modest and courteous, hardworking and serious, who is obscene?” “Hmph, you Zhongzhou obscene men are

squinted when they see women, and they are not afraid to pounce.” As

soon as Xiao Yi came to Zhongzhou, she met several people from Mi Fei, causing a conflict, so that she did not have any good impression of Mi Fei, Gongsun Qing, and Jing Changhong.

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Therefore, in her opinion, Gongsun Qing and Jing Changhong are representatives of Zhongzhou men, licking dogs and lewd men.

Jian Bei was shocked, who would be like this?

He hurriedly defended his Zhongzhou man, and he shouted, “You are wrong about this, young people like us, who only want to cultivate and become stronger, will not indulge in the private affairs of men and women at all.”

“Our Zhongzhou men are all good men!” Xiao

Yi pouted, expressing disdain.

Seeing this, Jian Bei can’t do it, this concept must be reversed.

Just as he continued to say good things for the man in Zhongzhou, suddenly a streamer flew in outside, and Jian Bei caught it, which was someone outside to pass news to him.

When he caught and read the message, his face changed.

Then looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, you are in big trouble.” The

tone was a little schadenfreude.

“What’s going on?” Xiao Yi was the first to speak, not panicking, but expecting a little.


for what would bring trouble to Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Yi was not worried at all.

Lu Shaoqing calmly knocked on the spirit bean here, “What happened?” In

fact, he swept his senses, the situation in the vicinity of thousands of miles was clear, and what was happening outside, he already knew.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Jian Nan.

Jian Nan is dressed in white, her skin is like snow, she is beautiful and beautiful, like a fairy in the world.

Lu Shaoqing has seen many beautiful women, among which Xia language, Xuanyunxin is the most beautiful.

Here in Zhongzhou, compared with people in other states, Xia Yu and Xuanyunxin still win, all the way, and Jian Nan dominate the top three on the Fenghua list.

If Xia Yu is like a gentle and quiet lily, Xuanyunxin is a delicate rose, then Jian Nan is a lonely and cold plum blossom.

The appearance and temperament of the three are comparable and different.

The reason why Jian Nan ranked first was more because she was a person from five families and three factions.

At present, what Lu Shaoqing has experienced is about to experience again.

However, Lu Shaoqing looked at Jian Nan, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, which was also the effect he wanted.

He went shopping for Mao and Jian Nan, and made so much gossip for Mao to the Tianji dogs, so that they could earn writing fees?

Jian Nan noticed that there was a little difference, turned his head and looked back, and immediately met Lu Shaoqing’s gaze.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze contained a strange gaze, which made Jian Nan’s heart suddenly sharply provoked.

What does this guy want to do?She

thought about glaring back viciously, but for some reason, she didn’t have the courage, and in the end she could only blush slightly and hurriedly look away.

At the same time, Jian Bei also opened his mouth to talk about what was going on.

“Big brother, you bullied my sister all day, now the outside knows it, my sister’s admirers have united to bring down you, the big devil…”

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