After Xiao Yi listened, his big eyes suddenly widened and shot out an excited gaze.

“Are you coming

again?” “What’s coming again?” Jian Bei was puzzled, and his gossip gradually rose, “Sister Xiao, has the eldest brother encountered this kind of thing before?”

A sentence was extinguished by Jian Bei’s gossip fire, Jian Bei could only continue the matter at hand, “Big brother, I have received a reliable tip, and they have already begun to come here.

“There are a lot of people coming this time, at least three or four hundred, or even more.”

“Big brother, are you ready?”

Jian Bei whispered in his heart, so many people came to the door, see how you still sit on the fishing platform?

Jian Bei felt that he had hope to find out Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

He didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing would be able to hide his strength this time.

After Jian Bei said clearly, Jian Nan’s face also changed slightly.

With so many people coming to the door, the pressure is enormous.

Even if it was a late Yuan Infant, a cultivator of the Ninth Layer Realm had to deal with it carefully.

However, Lu Shaoqing looked calm, still leisurely sipping spirit beans and drinking tea, as if the upcoming events had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Jian Bei secretly wondered in his heart, “Big brother, aren’t you afraid?” When

ordinary people encounter this situation, even if their mentality is good, they have to be serious.

However, Lu Shaoqing looked indifferent, and had to make Jian Bei strange.

“What are you afraid of?” said Lu Shaoqing slowly, “This is Jian’s house, do they dare to rush in?”

He was shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness.

Jian Bei wiped his mouth and cried out, “Big brother, shouldn’t you think about hiding here?”

Cultivators, isn’t retreat normal

?” If it were someone else, Jian Bei would believe it.

Cultivators, it is very normal to have some understanding to go to retreat.

But on Lu Shaoqing, it is not normal at all.

He had never seen Lu Shaoqing cultivate until now.

There is a sense that everything in retreat is false.

Jian Bei shouted, “Big brother, don’t brag, you are a coward, you are evading.”

“This time, you have to come forward to solve it, otherwise…” This

is the place of the Jian family, although it is far from the center of the Jian family, but after all, this is the place of the Jian family, and the door is blocked by someone, and it will be the face of the Jian family that will be lost at that time.

“Otherwise, what?” Lu Shaoqing instead taught Jian Bei, “What are you afraid of?

Jian Bei wanted to vomit blood, he propped up the table, leaned forward, and couldn’t wait to spray his saliva on Lu Shaoqing.

“They’re coming at you, and you have to get it for me.”

“Otherwise, my father will beat me up and throw you out.”

“I see what you will do then?”

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, not worried at all, “Your father will beat you, but it will not necessarily drive me away.”

“Don’t believe it, let’s try?” Jian

Bei wanted to roar and try it, but thought of his father giving the oath token to Lu Shaoqing without saying a word.

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It made Lu Shaoqing like his son.

So, this is a very possible thing.

Jian Bei suddenly found that he didn’t seem to have a way to hold Lu Shaoqing, and immediately played Lai, “Big brother, I don’t care, you have to deal with it for me anyway.” ”

Yes,” Lu Shaoqing suddenly agreed, and put forward his own conditions, “What I do, you are not allowed to interfere and interfere.”

“I can assure you that I will not cause trouble to the Jian family, nor will I disgrace the Jian family.

Jian Bei hesitated, “Big brother, didn’t you say that the guarantee is useless?” ”

That is the guarantee of your Zhongzhou people, my countrymen are simple and sincere, and they guarantee the bar.”

No, I’m going to retreat.”

Unexpectedly, Jian Bei was easily persuaded and agreed, “Okay, I promise you.”

For Jian Bei, what he wanted to see was Lu Shaoqing’s real strength.

The number of people outside gradually increased, and soon the number exceeded a hundred.

The people who came were all young and handsome, during the foundation building period and the end of the pill period, all of them exuded a fierce aura, strong and powerful.

They gathered together with great momentum and quickly attracted the attention of others.

The mighty gathering here, at a glance, you know that something big is happening.

Many gossip people got excited, especially the heavenly machine, and they trembled with excitement, and there was big news again.

“What are these people gathering here for

?” “This is the place of the Jane family, are they going to come to trouble the Jane family

?” “Strange, is there anything big that I don’t know

about?” “Dude, what are you doing here?” The

people around also followed and inquired curiously.

“Lu Shaoqing, get out!” suddenly

someone shouted.

“Lu Shaoqing, get out!” the

others also shouted, their voices like thunder, shocking in all directions, and the mighty momentum rushed straight into the sky, shattering the clouds in the sky.

“Come to find Lu Shaoqing?” “What do you want to do? Do you want to find Lu Shaoqing to settle the account?” Then someone stood up, his voice was loud, and began to denounce Lu Shaoqing one by one, “Lu Shaoqing, you are an outsider, you also want toads to eat swan meat


“Leaving the Jian family, you are not allowed to think differently about Miss Jian Nan.

“If you want to pursue Miss Jiannan, you have to ask us first.”

“Lu Shaoqing got out of Jian’s house and is not allowed to stay with Miss Jiannan

…” “We can’t accept that people like Lu Shaoqing pursue Miss Jiannan…”

Jian Nan fans came to the door.

Lu Shaoqing has taken Jian Nan to swagger these days, and gossip news has already flown all over the sky.

Jian Nan has many fans, and the opposition of the supporters is very reasonable.

The sound came inside, and Jian Bei didn’t have to go out to imagine what the situation was like outside.

The crowd is turbulent, the crowd is passionate…

“Big brother, what should I do?” Lu

Shaoqing knocked on the table and said to Jian Nan, “Go out and slap them to death…”

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