Shao Cheng scolded, “How can it be so easy.

“Do you really think that Yuan Ying is so easy to kill?”

Xiao Yi also nodded repeatedly, “Second Senior Brother, you said it yourself, Yuan Ying is not easy to kill.”

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Yuan Ying is not easy to kill, that’s because the strength is not good.”


Then he shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

Shao Cheng wanted to hit someone, “Are you kid laughing at my strength?”

“Do you believe that I’m beating you up in front of your junior sister now?”

No way, in front of the two apprentices, Shao Cheng was indeed a little unconfident.

The two apprentices are very strong, not to mention the opponents of the same realm, even if they are stronger, they are not afraid.

I heard that Shao Cheng wanted to beat Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi’s breathing became rapid, inexplicably a little expectant.

The second senior brother was too arrogant, and few people could cure him.

If you can see Master beating him, it must be very enjoyable.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Xiao Yi’s breathing, and suddenly his face was gloomy, and his eyes were staring at Xiao Yi unkindly, “Do you really want to see it?” Although

I thought in my heart, I dared to say it on the surface.

Xiao Yi hurriedly shook his head, “No, Second Senior Brother, don’t misunderstand.”

Lu Shaoqing snorted before asking Shao Cheng, “Master, how much do you know about this purple electric person?”

Shao Cheng shook his head, “I don’t know much, I only know that he is a veteran Yuan Baby, he was already a Yuan Infant three-layer realm a long time ago, and after such a long time, I don’t know if he has entered the next realm.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed when he heard this, “Alas, trouble.” ”

The old Yuan Baby, it used to be the early stage of the Yuan Baby, the three-layer realm.

Now that so much time has passed, maybe it has already entered the middle stage of the Yuan Infant.

It’s hard to do in the early stages, let alone in the middle of the term.

If he entered the middle stage of the Yuan Infant, he would be even more troublesome.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but look up to the sky and sigh, “The first beauty, it’s really trouble.”

“Why was I so stupid to put forward such conditions in the first place.”

Then he couldn’t help but complain to Shao Cheng, “Master, wasn’t your original meal bad enough? So that Senior Sister Xia Yu didn’t have anything to do. Lu

Shaoqing did a thousand calculations, he didn’t calculate that Xia Yu could actually eat the food made by his master.

It’s off the spectrum.


Shao Cheng cursed, “Don’t slander my cooking.

“You ask your little apprentice, do you still need to be denigrated for your cooking skills?”

Xiao Yi did not dare to speak, but his expression was 10,000 in agreement.

Shao Cheng was heartbroken and very sad.

His own cooking skills could not conquer the three apprentices.

Sad, still sad.

It’s still good for people like Xia Yushi and nephew.

Only Xia Yushi and nephew are confidants.

By the way, and Senior Sister An.

Shao Cheng changed the topic and did not dwell on his cooking skills.

When it comes to cooking, he will only be despised by his own apprentices.

Shao Cheng asked, “What else are you planning?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was full of murderous anger, and said, “What other plans can there be, when the senior brother is out of customs, you and the senior brother will join forces to lure the purple electric shangren out and kill him.”

“Then find an opportunity to destroy the Star Sect.”

Shao Cheng shook his head and said, “No, in a few days, I will do something with your senior brother.”

“Then forget it, it’s okay. I’ll figure it out myself.

Then he asked, “Isn’t that the thing you said about that thing?”

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Shao Cheng nodded, “He is already a Yuan baby, it’s okay.”

Xiao Yi was curious, “Master, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing was very upset and scolded, “Travel at public expense, really, I don’t know what to do, I actually want three yuan babies to move.” ”

The sect also has to spend a lot of spirit stone materials because of this, making the sect poor and dead.”

Xiao Yi was even more puzzled.

She was just a rookie when she first started, and she didn’t know a lot of things.

As an old man, Lu Shaoqing knew that there was one thing in the sect that he had been doing all the time, never stopping.

The sect originally had six Yuan Babies, and three Yuan Babies would be sent each time, and they would rotate once every six months or a year.

Except for the six infants, no one knew where they went or what they were going to do.

I just know that every trip will carry a lot of supplies.

Spirit stones, ores, elixirs, and a large number of other materials were used for this matter.

As a result, the Lingxiao faction does not have many benefits.

Even a personal disciple like Lu Shaoqing could only receive a hundred Lower Grade Spirit Stones every month.

Thanks to the fact that the local spiritual energy where the Lingxiao Sect was located was one of the few places in Qi Prefecture with the most abundant aura, it did not let the disciples of the sect lag too behind.

Otherwise, the Lingxiao faction would not have the confidence to be called the Three Gates Faction together with Shuangyue Valley and Guiyuan Pavilion.

Of course, the sect also has sect tasks, and there will be spirit stone rewards.

But Lu Shaoqing would not do any sect tasks.

As for what he was going to do, Lu Shaoqing also asked Shao Cheng, Shao Cheng was very good to his apprentice, and he would say anything, but this matter was tight-lipped about it.

Not a word was revealed to the two apprentices.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing called it public-funded tourism and corrupt behavior.

Lu Shaoqing deeply hated this corrupt behavior, “Senior brother has also corrupted with you. ”

Are you okay?”

“Why don’t you let me corrupt too?”

Shao Cheng snorted, “Only Yuan Baby is eligible, do you have it?” ”

Bah,” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Yuan Baby is amazing?

“What if the master brother is a Yuan baby? I can clean him up just as well.

Xiao Yi smiled straightly, “Second Senior Brother, your mouth is really hard. ”

Hard? Your head is also very hard,” Lu Shaoqing hummed, “Do you want to add a word count?”

“Don’t, Second Senior Brother, don’t…” Xiao

Yi jumped up in shock, almost crying to Lu Shaoqing.

With 20,000 words, she only wrote two words in one night.

Add the number of words, and she goes to hang her neck.

Shao Cheng glanced at Xiao Yi.

He glanced at Lu Shaoqing, who had already laid back.

Shao Cheng asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and said, “It’s okay.” You and the master brother go to corruption, go to travel at public expense, you go.

“Leave my poor second apprentice here alone in the empty room.”

“Little bastard!”

Shao Cheng scolded, did not say anything more, and said to Xiao Yi, “Xiao Yi, come with me.”

Xiao Yi saw Xiaohong flying to the tree and called, “Xiaohong.” Xiaohong

stood on the branch and yelled at her, but did not fly down.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, “Let it stay here.”

Xiao Yi didn’t understand, and finally obediently followed Shao Cheng and left.

“Master, are you looking for me for something?”

Shao Cheng asked, “Do you want to write your thoughts too?”

Xiao Yi nodded, and then reacted, “Master, you said too?”

“Could it be you…”

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