Shao Cheng’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.


“Ahem, written.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and the word curiosity was written on his face.

“Master, what’s going on?”

“You are Master, why do you write it too?”

Shao Cheng is a master, usually even if the master brother and the second senior brother do not treat the master.

Master had no place in front of the two of them.

But you shouldn’t have to write your thoughts.

“Who asked you to write it, Master? Senior brother, or second senior brother?

Shao Cheng was still embarrassed, and his face was slightly red.

“Your second senior brother’s proposal, senior brother supervises.”

I’ll go!

Xiao Yi was even more shocked.

The two senior brothers actually joined forces.

Instead of joining forces against the enemy, but joining forces against the master?

It’s too bad.

Xiao Yi was puzzled by this.

“Master, why do you also write your thoughts?”

“Isn’t this nonsense?”

Shao Cheng did not answer this question.

Instead, he said to himself, “I recruited your two senior brothers to enter.

“Your senior brother was eleven years old at the time, but he was still a mortal and had no contact with cultivation. It can be said that he is relatively old.

“Ordinary people will not recruit him as an apprentice.”

“Your second senior brother was nine years old at the time, the same, a mortal.”

“After the two of them came into contact with cultivation, they showed amazing talent.”

“Your senior brother is progressing rapidly, and your second senior brother is slower at first, and then he gradually catches up.”

“The talent of the two is amazing, throughout the entire Lingxiao Sect, none of the disciples of the same generation can compare to the two of them.”

“At the beginning, I was also very happy, after all, there are two such apprentices, who can not be happy, right?”

Xiao Yi nodded again and again as he listened next to him, and his heart was full of pride.

Hearing him mention the two senior brothers from the master’s mouth, there was a faint pride in the master’s tone, and she also had that pride in her heart.

Xiao Yi felt that if she became a master, she would have two apprentices with outstanding talents, and her heart would also be extremely proud.

It’s like your own child.

A good child always makes parents proud.

When you go out, your head has to be raised a few degrees.

“And then?”

Xiao Yi asked.


Shao Cheng sighed, and Xiao Yi could hear that there was no longer that pride in Shao Cheng’s tone, but a faint sadness.

“Your two senior brothers are so talented, the two seem to be competing, you chase me to catch up.”

“Your senior brother breaks through a realm, and your second senior brother will catch up immediately.”

“The progress of the two is very fast, it took less than two years to break through to the foundation building period during the refining period, and it took less than three years to break through the foundation building period.”

“Now that your senior brother has entered the Yuan Infancy stage, I estimate that your second senior brother is almost the same.”

Xiao Yi’s mouth opened wide, knowing that the two senior brothers were very powerful, but he didn’t expect them to be so powerful.

Some people can’t break through from the refining period to the foundation building period for ten or twenty years.

She Xiao Yi is like this, she has been cultivating since she was a child, she is sixteen years old, and she is only refining qi in the ninth layer.

This is still after coming to the Heavenly Royal Peak, and only after breaking through two small realms in a row.

And her two senior brothers actually slammed to this point.

Xiao Yi was shocked, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses, “Too, too powerful.” ”

There was a deep shock in my eyes.

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The more she understood her two senior brothers, the more she admired her.

Every time she learned about it, she felt shocked.

Shao Cheng sighed again, “Yes, it’s too fast.

But seeing Master like this, Xiao Yi said intimately, “Master, you are also very powerful.”

“I heard my uncle say that after you accepted the senior brother and the second senior brother, you broke through to the Yuan Infant within a year.”

“You are no less than the two senior brothers.”

However, these words not only did not make Shao Cheng feel better, but his face became even more depressed.

“Do you know how long I’ve been stuck in the late Yudan?”

“Ten years.”

Xiao Yi said, “I heard my uncle say it.

Shao Cheng nodded, “Yes, ten years.”

“Then do you know how long it took me to go from the first to the ninth floor of Jiedan?”

“How long?”

Xiao Yi was curious.

Monks all have long lifespans.

Entering the foundation building period has a lifespan of two hundred years, the Jiedan period is more than three hundred years, and as for the yuan baby, it is more than one thousand years.

At the same time, the monks married very late, and it was difficult to conceive children.

Xiao Yi is now sixteen years old, but her father is more than one hundred and fifty years old.

Xiao Yi still didn’t know his master’s age.

Shao Cheng sighed and said, “I’m one hundred and twenty-one years old now.

“More than sixty years ago, I entered the period of settling.”

Xiao Yi blinked, wrenched his fingers, and calculated in his mind.

Shao Cheng took a while and saw that the little apprentice had not yet calculated it.

He said, “No need, I spent more than fifty years in the Jiedan period. ”

In fact, Shao Cheng’s speed is normal.

Compared with the demon Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, it seemed abnormal.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, “Master, you are also very powerful. ”

You will be able to ascend three small realms in a row in less than ten years, which is already very powerful.”

One realm in the Yuan infancy period is one day, ten years can break through three realms in a row, and saying it can also scare a lot of people to death.

This is the realm of the Yuan Infant, not the realm of refining qi and building foundations.

Shao Cheng sighed and asked, “Don’t you think about it, why have I been practicing Qi and Building Foundation Jiedan for so long and entered the Yuan Infant so quickly?”

Xiao Yi also reacted.

Guess, “yes, why so fast?”

“Master, is it a thick accumulation?”

“Being so slow in front is laying the foundation, and then soaring into the sky in the back.”

Shao Cheng shook his head and said, “There is such a thing.”

“Why is that?”

Shao Cheng avoided talking about this issue again.

He said, “I have been cultivating for more than a hundred years to get to where I am today.

“When I saw that your two senior brothers broke through as simple as drinking water, what kind of mood do you say I would have at that time?”

Xiao Yi smiled and said, “It must be very proud.”

Shao Cheng shook his head, “Pride is there, but more is pressure.

“When I saw your two senior brothers at such speed, I was hit hard by the division, and I even lost my confidence for a while.”

“At that time, I had just entered the Yuan baby, and at that time, my heart was unstable, and I almost collapsed because of this.”

“Huh?” Xiao Yi was surprised, but he didn’t expect this to happen.

“So, what about later?”

Shao Cheng smiled bitterly and said, “Fortunately, I stabilized it later, but I was also taught a lesson by your two senior brothers.”

“But later, your second senior brother proposed a method against my Dao instability.”

“What way?”

Xiao Yi seemed to understand a little.

“Master, should you say that the way is to write your thoughts?”

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