Xiao Yi was moved in his heart.

At the critical moment, the second senior brother looked so intimate.

“Second Senior Brother, you…”

Xiao Yi was extremely moved in his heart.

Calculating the time, Lu Shaoqing promised to calculate the words for two months to let Xiao Yi comprehend the sword intent, and then step into the foundation building period.

Now the time is about the same, although a little over.

But it doesn’t hurt.

All this is the credit of the second senior brother.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing even more moved.

Coming here, the second senior brother paid the most for himself.


Lu Shaoqing continued to smile and said, “Let’s start breaking through.”

Xiao Yi nodded, obeyed the foundation building dan, and began to build the foundation.

Aura bombards the barrier, and the dantian becomes a sea of qi, even if the foundation is successfully built.

Foundation building is not 100% successful, and there is a chance of failure.

After failure, although you re-cultivate, you can continue to build the foundation.

In that case, the strength will be worse.

There is always a difference between one success and several successes.

Once the foundation is successfully built, the foundation is laid, and the road of cultivation in the future will be much easier.

If you fail, your self-confidence will be hit, and the road ahead will be more difficult.

As a master, Shao Cheng tensed up, his eyes fixed on his apprentice.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Shao Cheng’s nervousness, strange, and said, “Isn’t it just a small foundation?”

“What is there to worry about.”

Shao Cheng was worried, “She is not you. ”

If Xiao Yi is the same as Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, he is not worried at all.

But Xiao Yi is just an ordinary person, not a demon genius like Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

In case the foundation building fails, the impact on Xiao Yi will be huge.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Don’t look at who brought her out?”

“You didn’t bring it out, don’t worry.”

Shao Cheng was furious, can you die if you don’t tell the truth?

Shao Cheng knows his own affairs, disciples or something, he is not good at it.

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were just the ones he brought in, and the rest depended on the two of them.

As for Xiao Yi, he simply left it alone.

He is only responsible for uniting and fraternity, and the rest is left to the two apprentices to toss.

Now it seems that it works well too.

However, this truth is very sad.

“It’s what you taught me that worries me.”

“She’s not the two of you, don’t hold her to your standards.”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was calm, looked at Xiao Yi, and asked, “Are you worried about usefulness?”

“Can you help her?”

The breakthroughs of monks are all on their own, and they cannot rely on others.

Even if Shao Cheng was worried, he couldn’t help.

“You are so anxious and worried, it is easy to hurt your body, it is better to be calm.”

“Let it be, and say that the master is worse than my apprentice.”

Shao Cheng was furious, “Isn’t she your junior sister?”

“Saying these words, do you still have humanity?”

“Less bother me with this nonsense here, you don’t want to see it, you give me a side.”

“Squeaky here again, believe it or not, I’ll smoke you again?”

Shao Cheng was annoyed to death, and the people of Tianyu Peak were thin, and there were only four people when they were full.

It seems that it will be difficult to continue to recruit apprentices in the future.

The three apprentices are all their own baby bumps.

Either one has a problem, and he will die of distress.

Now that the youngest apprentice has built the foundation, this is the foundation for laying a good future, how can he not be nervous?

And this second apprentice himself squeaked next to him.

Although he was telling the truth, he was annoyed when he listened, and he wanted to smoke him when he listened.

How Shao Cheng looks at him now is an eyesore.

Lu Shaoqing said, “I’m telling the truth.” Why are you still anxious?

Shao Cheng raised his hand, “You roll me aside.”

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his butt and thought about it, the authority of the master could not be challenged, or obediently left.

Leave Shao Cheng here to watch.

Although Shao Cheng was very worried, he was worried that Xiao Yi’s foundation building would fail.

But he is also unfounded.

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Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing did not teach her to cultivate anything else.

Lu Shaoqing mainly exercised Xiao Yi’s state of mind.

As long as a Dao heart is stable, many things will become easier.

Xiao Yi’s current Dao heart naturally cannot be compared with the old monster, and it is impossible to achieve Mount Tai collapse without changing its color.

But among his peers, Xiao Yi’s Dao Heart had left everyone far behind.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Shaoqing doesn’t care.

With a strong Dao heart, you can calmly deal with anything.

Cultivation is more about cultivating the mind.

After Lu Shaoqing left, he muttered, “If this is not successful, it will be the number one waste in the world.” ”

The day passed.

Lu Shaoqing, who was lying in a hammock, noticed the fluctuations of spiritual energy in the distance.

Then a familiar aura spread out.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly.

This breath is Xiao Yi, compared to the breath of the refining period.

The breath is several times stronger.

This is the foundation building period.

Stepping into the foundation building period, the dantian became a sea of qi, and the stored spiritual power was more and stronger.

Strength will also grow exponentially.

It didn’t take long to see Xiao Yi rushing from a distance excitedly.

“Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, I succeeded in building the foundation, succeeded!”

Xiao Yi’s face was pale, but she couldn’t hide her excitement.

She succeeded in building the foundation and was excited.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her up and down, his face full of contempt, “It’s actually injured, shame.”

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue and said, “This is not the first time, I don’t have that experience, something happened.”

“The first time? How many more times do you want to?

Xiao Yi said, “I just thought that if I failed, I could only continue to cultivate and come back a second time.” ”

Second time?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “If you fail to build the foundation this time, I will ask Master to expel the master, so as not to lose people’s eyes.” ”

Ah, Second Senior Brother, you’re joking.”

Xiao Yi didn’t believe it.

Lu Shaoqing said seriously, “Who is joking with you.” Senior brother and I are so powerful, if the junior sister is too scum, it will be a shame to take it out.

“Tsuki can’t succeed at once, I don’t want her to be my junior sister, I can’t afford to lose that person.”

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue again, and it looked very cute.

For Lu Shaoqing’s words, she has learned to filter.

If it fails, there will definitely not be expulsion from the division.

But there must be dislike.

Thankfully, I did it once.

Xiao Yi said secretly in his heart.

“Okay, if it’s okay, go play by yourself, don’t bother me.”

Xiao Yi came to find Lu Shaoqing, in addition to sharing the joy of his success in building a foundation, there was also a thank you to Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, you are really powerful.” Xiao Yi’s tone was full of adoration.

Following Lu Shaoqing, she didn’t practice much, and she built a successful foundation.

She was impressed.

It is said that two months let her comprehend the sword intent and build the foundation successfully, and the time is really not much different.

“There is no need to say thank you, if you have that thought, you might as well treat me to a meal.”

“I’m going to Juxian Tower for dinner.”

Lu Shaoqing said lightly.

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up and said, “Okay, it’s rare that the second senior brother opens your mouth, I’ll invite you to dinner.” ”

Usually, Lu Shaoqing is too lazy to die, and if he wants to eat, he orders takeaway.

Xiao Yi followed to the secret realm, and the medicinal materials, ores and other resources in the secret realm were all in her hands.

Xiao Yi is now also a person with a bit of spirit stones.

Speaking of hospitality, full of breath.

“Call Master.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “What about Master?

“I don’t know, when I woke up, Master didn’t know where to go.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “I guess I was hiding in that corner and crying.”

Xiao Yi was puzzled, “Why cry?”

“The stupidest apprentice Tsuki succeeded, can you not cry with joy?”

“Don’t worry about being laughed at when you go out.”

Xiao Yi was angry, waving his small fist and puffing up, “I’m not stupid.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted into the distance, “Master, have you finished crying?”

“Junior sister said to invite us to dinner.”

“Who do you say cry?” Shao Cheng rushed over murderously….

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