Lu Shaoqing looked Shao Cheng up and down, “Really didn’t cry? ”

Cry, cry, it’s not a shame.”

Shao Cheng glared at him and said, “Why am I crying? ”

Less nonsense here.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Master, everyone is so familiar, what else to pretend?”

“Who was so nervous at first that their faces turned white?”

“Junior sister has some accidents during the breakthrough, it will definitely scare you to death.”

“When Junior Sister successfully broke through, didn’t you cry with joy?”

Shao Cheng was furious, “I want to smoke you to celebrate, okay?” ”


Lu Shaoqing changed the topic, “Forget it, give you some face.” Let’s go, Junior Sister said that she would invite us to dinner to celebrate.

Xiao Yi listened next to him, knowing that Shao Cheng cared about him, and he was very happy in his heart.

Shao Cheng usually spends very little time with her, but he cares about her a lot.

In particular, sometimes when she is unhappy and doubtful, Shao Cheng will personally enlighten.

For the feelings of the three senior brothers and sisters, it is painstaking.

Let Tianyu Peak always maintain unity and friendship.

Xiao Yi’s little face was full of smiles, and said happily, “Master, let’s go to Juxian Tower to eat.” ”

The food there was delicious.”

“It’s a pity that Senior Brother is not available, or the four of us together will be perfect.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Senior brother will only invite you to eat fried meat with bamboo shoots.”

Shao Cheng said, “Go out to eat, waste spirit stones, it’s better for me to cook personally and make a few dishes to celebrate.”

Xiao Yi’s face turned pale.

Unfortunate memories hit.

Lu Shaoqing was unceremonious, did not give face, and said, “Master, have you said what cooking skills you have, don’t you have points in your heart?”

Shao Cheng scolded, “Why is it so unpalatable? Didn’t Master Xia Yu’s nephew eat well? ”

Sure enough, it’s better for someone like Master Xia Yu to be an apprentice, so there’s no need to be angry about it.

Lu Shaoqing said, “She is a freak, you said she was okay if she ate it.” Why don’t you say that your apprentice is okay after eating? ”

You can do it, let the junior sister eat it, anyway, it is also to celebrate her.”

Xiao Yi’s face turned whiter, and his scalp was numb.

It was comparable to the Great Avenue Poison, and she felt terrifying when she thought about it.

Xiao Yi covered his chest and begged, “Master, let’s go down the mountain and eat.”

Shao Cheng was a little unwilling, “Don’t you really need Master to cook?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly shook his head, “No need, I don’t want to tire Master.”

Lu Shaoqing ruthlessly exposed, “True and false, if you dare not eat, you dare not eat, and what filial piety is pretended.”

Shao Cheng suddenly felt tired.

Why can’t your own craftsmanship and your own apprentice appreciate it?

“Go, go, go down the mountain and eat…”

Lingxiao City.

Xia Yu, Bian Rourou and Fang Xiao returned to Lingxiao City.

“Finally back.”

Bian Rourou stretched a lazy waist.

Along the way, the wind and waves were calm, but seeing things before returning shocked the three of them.

They saw how powerful Lu Shaoqing was.

Lu Shaoqing’s performance shocked the three of them in their hearts, and they still couldn’t come back to their senses until now.

Difficult to digest.

Xia Yu looked at the lively and prosperous Lingxiao City and said, “Let’s rest here for a few days and wait for the celebration of the Lingxiao faction to begin.” ”

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Ji Yan entered the Yuan baby, and the Lingxiao faction held a celebration to congratulate him, and when the time came, it would be very lively.

Fang Xiao said, “I also have to quickly heal my injuries.” ”

In the secret realm, in addition to Xia Yu and Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Yi, Bian Rourou, and Fang Xiao were all more or less injured.

Fortunately, there is a healing elixir, and it only takes a few days to recover.

However, Fang Xiao’s shoulder was injured, and it would take more time to truly heal.

Xia Yu showed an apologetic expression on her face, “Sister Xiao, it’s all because of me that you were injured.”

Fang Xiao shook his head, “Sister Yu, do you still need to be so polite between you and me?”

“This little injury will heal soon.”

Bian Rourou snorted, “If that guy shows his strength, where can he make such trouble?” Sister Xiao doesn’t have to get hurt. Bian

Rourou was very angry in her heart, Lu Shaoqing obviously had strength, but she deliberately hid it.

Xia Yu shouted, “Rourou, how many times have I told you? ”

Junior Brother Lu did this, naturally there are his reasons, you can’t expose him in front of outsiders.”

“Otherwise, once you provoke Junior Brother Lu, you won’t have any good fruit to eat.”

Fang Xiao also persuaded, “Sister Rourou, you better listen to your sister’s words.”

“Lu Gongzi is unwilling to expose his strength in front of outsiders, and he has his own intentions.”

Although Bian Rourou was not happy with Lu Shaoqing, she couldn’t help but listen to Xia Yu’s words.

Bian Rourou nodded, “I see.” ”

Let’s go, let’s go back to Sister Xiao first.”

But they didn’t go far when they were stopped in a sparsely populated place.

“Xia Yu!”

Zhang Conglong appeared in front of Xia Yu.

Although Xia Yu disguised, Zhang Conglong was still able to recognize her.

“Long time no see.”

Seeing that he was exposed, Xia Yu did not deny it.

“Senior Brother Zhang.”

Xia Yu was puzzled, “Why were you able to find me?”

Zhang Conglong’s gaze fell on Bian Rourou.

Xia Yu understood.

She is the first beauty, she must dress up in disguise, otherwise she will be known, and she will be followed by a large group of people.

And her junior sister Bian Rourou does not need it.

Zhang Conglong pointed at Bian Rou and said, “Someone among my junior brothers has seen her, so it is not difficult to guess that you have also come to Lingxiao City.”

“I wonder what Senior Brother Zhang is looking for me for?”

Xia Yu asked lightly.

Although she Xia Yu is the first beauty, Zhang Conglong is not the kind of womanizer.

He never expressed anything to Xia Yu, but treated Xia Yu as an ordinary cultivator.

For Zhang Conglong’s attitude, Xia Yu has a bit of a good impression, and therefore looks up to him a little.

Zhang Conglong said the purpose of his coming to find Xia Yu, “I want to know, did you make a move against my junior disciples?” ”

The eight-layer Cangling Tomb that built the foundation could not resist, it was severely damaged by people, and the sea was damaged, and it was difficult to recover without resting for half a year.

This must be supplemented by various precious elixirs.

And in Lingxiao City, there are few who have the ability.

“Your junior brothers?”

Xia Yu was stunned, and he knew from this word that it was not a matter of two things.

Is anyone so bold?

Xia Yu shook his head, “Senior Brother Zhang, the three of us have just returned to Lingxiao City, and as for what you said, I don’t know. ”


Xia Yu smiled, “I never lie, Senior Brother Zhang, you know.”

Zhang Conglong nodded, “Okay, I believe you.” ”

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