“Senior sister, this…”

saw Zhang Conglong asked, and then left.

Bian Rourou was puzzled, “What does he want to do here?” ”

This domineering guy came here just to ask such a sentence?

Xia Yu’s tone was indifferent, “He just wants to know one answer. ”

Xia Yu and Zhang Conglong have fought hands, and Zhang Conglong acts domineeringly.

If one thing is identified, it is what.

This time I came here to ask, for her sake, since she said no.

Zhang Conglong could only choose to believe.

If it was a weaker person, Zhang Conglong would have already made a move.

Fang Xiao said, “Go back first, and then find out what happened.” Bian

Rourou took out the Tianji card and flipped it over to see if there was any news on it.

This is unbelievable.

“What kind of fight between Senior Brother Jiyan and Elder Cang Zhengchu of Guiyuan Pavilion?”

“Finally, Senior Brother Ji Yan comprehended the sword heart and channeled the gods?”

This news surprised the three of Xia Yu.

Is it so fierce?

The three stood in place, speechless for a long time.

“Is this true?”

After Bian Rourou came back to her senses, she cried out in disbelief.

“Kenshin Tongshi? This is the third realm of sword intent, he, he actually comprehended it?

She looked at her senior sister as she spoke.

Xia Yu has not yet comprehended the sword intent, and when he kicks the door, he always misses the meaning.

And Ji Yan has already comprehended the third realm.

This talent is envious of the dead.

Xia Yu couldn’t help but show a wry smile on his face, “Senior Brother Ji Yan, he is truly talented.

This news made Xia Yu’s state of mind once again can’t help but give birth to a wave.

A calm heart, no longer calm.

She and Ji Yan are the same age, and the difference in talent between the two is too great.

Her side is still the eighth layer of Jiedan, and she is still trying to find a way to break through to the ninth layer.

And Ji Yan, entering the Yuan Infant, not to mention, but also comprehended the third realm of sword intent.

In this realm, there are few people in history.

At least no one in Qizhou’s records has been able to reach this level.

Bian Rourou finished reading the above content, “Although Senior Brother Ji Yan has comprehended the sword heart and the divine spirit, he still can’t beat Elder Cang Zhengchu.

Then she guessed, “Could it be that Senior Brother Ji Yan went to seek revenge on the others in the Guiyuan Pavilion?”

Xia Yu shook his head, “Probably not. ”

Senior Brother Ji Yan is not this kind of person, besides, if he wants to take revenge, he will only look for Elder Cang.”

Xia spoke in an affirmative tone.

She knew Ji Yan and knew Ji Yan’s personality.

Ji Yan is not the kind of person who likes to bully the weak.

He will only look for opponents who are stronger than him, not those who are weaker than him.

This kind of character is extremely admired by both his own people and opponents.

Fang Xiao also agreed, “I have also heard that Ji Yan Gongzi is not this kind of person. ”

If it was done by Ji Yan Gongzi, Zhang Conglong Gongzi would not have come to find Yu Sister.”

Bian Rou jujuda, “Maybe that guy did it.” Xia

Yu and Fang Xiao knew who the guy in Bian Rourou’s mouth was.

Xia Yu shook his head and said, “It can’t be Junior Brother Lu who did it.” ”

Junior Brother Lu’s strength is so strong, if he wants to take revenge, he can completely find Junior Brother Zhang.”

“Instead of bullying the other disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion.”

Xia Yu still feels very good about Lu Shaoqing.

Although the mouth is full of trains, it is reassuring to act.

Without Lu Shaoqing’s help, she Xia Yu might not be able to obtain the Heart of the Secret Realm.

The strength is so strong, hiding the strength is definitely not to bully the weak.

Besides, Xia Yu believes that with Lu Shaoqing’s strength, fighting with Zhang Conglong, who loses and wins is not certain.

“Cough…” Fang

Xiao held back very hard.

Fang Xiao really wanted to tell Xia Yu that she was looking at the wrong person.

However, saying bad things about people behind his back is not Fang Xiao’s character.

At the same time, she didn’t dare to determine whether it was really Lu Shaoqing who did it.

Hence the silence.

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She also took out the Tianji card to look.

When she saw another article on the Tianji card.

This article is about the fact that the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion were robbed by someone, and only a pair of profane pants remained on their bodies.

On the second day, after being discovered, he quickly became a laughing stock in Lingxiao City.

Fang Xiao’s face twitched.

Unexpectedly, it was really Lu Shaoqing who did it.

If it was someone else, I am absolutely not sure who did it.

But everything on the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion was looted, leaving only a pair of profane pants.

Fang Xiao dared to be 100% sure who did it.

This kind of behavior can be done by no one else except Lu Shaoqing.

Xia Yu noticed Fang Xiao’s expression and asked, “Sister Xiao, do you want to say something?”

Fang Xiao endured it with great difficulty, and said, “No, forget it, let’s go back first.” The

three returned to Juxian Tower.

“Boss, you’re finally back.”

The steward Wang Yao greeted him with a sad face.

“What’s wrong?”

Fang Xiao sensed that something was wrong on Wang Yao’s face.

Wang Yao’s appearance was extremely excited, and he had the urge to cry.

Seeing her is like seeing her mother.

Wang Yao immediately complained, “Boss, if you don’t come back, I’m afraid that the restaurant will be demolished.” Speaking

of which, Wang Yao had a headache.

Two days ago, he handed a piece of paper to the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion according to Lu Shaoqing’s instructions.

As a result, the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion were cleaned up outside the city.

Being pulled to the point that only a pair of profane pants remained, it became a hot joke in Lingxiao City recently.

When did the domineering Guiyuan Pavilion disciple suffer such a loss.

I couldn’t find anyone behind the scenes, so I came here to find Wang Yao.

In their opinion, Wang Yao and the people who ransacked them were in a gang.

They still came for two days in a row and came to Juxian Tower to make trouble.

As soon as they sat down, their eyes widened, and the guests ran away.

Juxianlou’s business plummeted.

If it weren’t for the ban of the Lingxiao faction, they would not be allowed to fight in the city.

With the character of the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion, they had already set out to tear down the Juxian Tower.

Facing the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion, Wang Yao was almost unable to hold on.

I really want to sell Lu Shaoqing.

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Xiao returned.

Seeing the boss come back, Wang Yao just wanted to cry.

Lu Shaoqing could have hurt him miserably.

Fang Xiao glanced inside the Juxian Tower, and it was indeed just as Wang Yao said.

It was empty inside, not a single guest.

Fang Xiao’s face was displeased, and the people of the Guiyuan Pavilion were too deceitful, and asked, “What about the people of the Guiyuan Pavilion?”

Wang Yao said, “They haven’t come yet.”

“But it’s fast, they show up on time every day and come here to make trouble.”

After Bian Rourou listened, she was very angry, “Abominable guy, really domineering. ”

The people of Gui Yuan Pavilion are really domineering.”

Fang Xiao’s face was gloomy, and he said angrily, “Tell me when they come.” I’d rather see why you’re making trouble here.

Wang Yao opened his mouth and wanted to tell Fang Xiao why.

Lu Shaoqing is a personal disciple, he does things, and Wang Yao, who is a disciple of the outer sect, does not dare to leak it out casually.

Back in the back, Xia Yu persuaded, “Sister Xiao, don’t be angry, they are coming, I will help you drive them away.”

Xia Yu also knew that Juxian Lou was very important to Fang Xiao.

As a cousin, she will not sit idly by.

Although the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion are domineering, the people of Shuangyue Valley will not be afraid of things.

Fang Xiao nodded, just about to say something.

There was a noise outside, so loud that it came here.

The people from the Guiyuan Pavilion are here.

“Tell you, the surname Wang, if you don’t hand over the people, Laozi smashed your broken restaurant.”

“Yes, don’t blame us for being rude.”

Fang Xiao was angry, these bastards.

She was just about to go out when suddenly a voice came from outside.

“I’m going, have I come to the kennel?”

“Why are so many dog things in the Yuan Pavilion here?”

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