Hearing this voice, Fang Xiao was stunned and stopped.

This voice is familiar to her.

It was Lu Shaoqing’s voice.

Hearing this voice, and even that arrogant tone, Xia Yu felt a happy feeling, and said with a smile, “Junior Brother Lu is here.” ”

Lu Shaoqing gave her a good feeling.

Bian Rourou frowned, that hateful guy is coming?

I couldn’t help but be suspicious, and said, “What is that guy doing here?”

“Shouldn’t it be intentional to cause trouble?”

Fang Xiao explained, “There is a spirit chef in my restaurant, and the things he makes are very suitable for Lu Gongzi’s taste. The

tone was somewhat proud.

When she was preparing for the restaurant, she dug people around, but she didn’t expect that a chef she found could catch Lu Shaoqing’s stomach.

Being able to dig up the spirit chef recognized by Lu Shaoqing shows that she has a good eye and insight.

Knowing that Lu Shaoqing was coming, Fang Xiao was not in a hurry to go out.

She wanted to see what Lu Shaoqing would do.

With Lu Gongzi here, the group of people outside can’t please.

Fang Xiao thought secretly in his heart.


What Lu Shaoqing said when he appeared at the door was undoubtedly throwing a match into the powder pile.

Let the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion who came here explode instantly.

“Bastard, you’re looking for death!”

“I’m going to kill you.”

“Bastard, suffer death.”

There were seven or eight Guiyuan Pavilion disciples who came here, roaring angrily.

Many people’s spiritual power skyrocketed, ready to start.

Wang Yao next to him was going to be scared to death.

So many people are doing it here, I’m afraid that the restaurant will be demolished.

Just when the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion were about to make a move, Lu Shaoqing’s faint words made the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion dare not act rashly.

“How? This is the place of the Lingxiao faction, do you want to make trouble here?

“Come on, do it, I’ll stand here, you guys will hit me.”

“If I hide, I’m your grandson.” Whoever of you doesn’t do it is my grandson.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were bright, and he secretly said in his heart, Quick, hurry up and make a move against me.

Strike at me, and you will wait to regret it.

Bian Rourou, who was listening to this in the back, held her forehead speechlessly.

She couldn’t help but ask Fang Xiao, “Has he always been so crazy?”

“He must have been able to live until now because of his strength.”

The first time I saw such a rampant man, he was able to grow so big, and he was powerful.

Xia Yu was silent, and she couldn’t help but agree with Junior Sister’s words.

She was behind, listening to Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing’s arrogant and domineering appearance involuntarily appeared in her mind.

Even crazier than the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Really, who is the disciple of Gui Yuan Pavilion?

As Bian Rourou said, Lu Shaoqing is so crazy, it is not that he is strong himself, he has long been beaten to death.

Fang Xiao once again explained for the two, “The Lingxiao faction has a strict prohibition, and whoever dares to fight in Lingxiao City will be abolished and expelled at best, or killed on the spot.

“So no one dares to make trouble in the city, and once they make trouble, the consequences are unimaginable.”

The Lingxiao faction is not like Guiyuan Pavilion, which has many territory cities under it.

The Lingxiao faction only has one city under its jurisdiction, Lingxiao City.

This city is very prosperous and can provide great benefits to the Lingxiao faction every year.

Whoever dares to make trouble in the city is equivalent to cutting off the wealth of the Lingxiao faction.

Cutting off people’s wealth is like killing parents.

Although the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion are domineering, they are not fools.

The ban of the Lingxiao faction, they did not dare to risk their lives.

Therefore, even if Lu Shaoqing was rampant, they could only grit their teeth and dare not make a move.

Extremely angry, they stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

Seven or eight pairs of eyes couldn’t wait to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces with their gaze.

“Bastard, who the hell are you?”

Lu Shaoqing took a moment and calmly did not hurry, “Don’t you dare to make a move?”

“Sure enough, it’s a bunch of grandchildren.”

My master is behind me, do you think I will be afraid of you?


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“I can’t stand it, I’m going to kill him.”

Several of the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion had their hair standing on end and white smoke was emitting from the roots.

Their eyes were red, and they had already decided to die with Lu Shaoqing.

But fortunately, the people around him still had some sanity and hurriedly stopped them.

Lu Shaoqing frowned and reprimanded unceremoniously, “What’s going on?” ”

Guiyuan Pavilion, one of the three major sects in Qizhou, is the disciple of Guiyuan Pavilion so unplanted?”

“As a disciple of a large sect, even if you die, you have to maintain the dignity of the sect.”

“If you guys are like this, the face of Gui Yuan Pavilion will be lost to the demon world.”

“Come, come, give you another chance to be a grandfather.”

“Cub, come and cut me.”


Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness was so angry that some of the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion vomited blood.

I was so angry that I vomited blood.

Xiao Yi, who was behind him, was secretly shocked.

She looked at the master beside her.

Shao Cheng stood beside Xiao Yi, but the others could not see him.

“Master, the second senior brother is so powerful.”

“Second Senior Brother let us outside, did he go first to scold them?”

Xiao Yi was full of worship.

Compared to the second senior brother, he is still much worse.

The second senior brother was able to vomit blood in anger with a single mouth.

She thought she wasn’t there yet.

You have to study hard.

Xiao Yi’s gaze was firm.

Shao Cheng’s eyes showed gratification, and there was a smile on his face.

He said, “Your second senior brother is for the sake of senior brother. Lu

Shaoqing and Ji Yan usually seem to want to clean up each other.

But for outsiders, the attitude of the two of them is the same.

Your own senior brother (junior brother) can only bully yourself, and if outsiders dare to bully, then kill outsiders.

Xiao Yi guessed, “Is it because Senior Brother was bullied by Cang Zhengchu?” ”

Sure enough, the second senior brother loves the senior brother.

Shao Cheng nodded and said, “Your second senior brother wants to destroy a few of them.” Xiao

Yi was taken aback, is it so ruthless?

“Do you want to do it yourself?”

“Whatever.” For his apprentice, Shao Cheng knew it very well.

How could this kid be willing to take action himself?

“Didn’t you see that your second senior brother has been provoking them? It is thinking that they will make a move, so that they will be cleaned up by the law enforcement team.

“You see, the law enforcement team is already there.”

Shao Cheng pointed in one direction, Xiao Yi followed his gaze, and in the distance there were several disciples dressed in Lingxiao Sect costumes.

They put their swords in their backs and watched here warily.

“When did they come?”

Xiao Yi was strange.

Shao Cheng said, “After your second senior brother discovered that the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion were here, he quietly notified them with his flying sword.

Xiao Yi was shocked, “Second Senior Brother thought of this step earlier? Looking

at the second senior brother who was standing at the door and constantly provoking Gui Yuan Pavilion, Xiao Yi suddenly felt that the second senior brother was so inscrutable.

“Your second senior brother’s strength may be a little worse than your senior brother,” Shao Cheng smiled, pointed at his head, and said with a faint pride in his tone, “But here, no one can compare to him.”

Lu Shaoqing stretched his neck and waited for a long time, but he didn’t see any action from the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

Lu Shaoqing cursed in disappointment, “What kind of disciples are you Gui Yuan Pavilion? ”

Are there any disciples like you who are Angelica Yuan Pavilion?”

“Shame, it’s really a shame, if I were the head of the Yuan Pavilion, I would have to slap you to death on the wall one by one.”

“Shameful stuff.”


Two more Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples vomited blood.

Before he could make a move, three people were already so angry that they vomited blood.

“Good, good, you wait for me.”

“Do you dare to leave your life?”

At the moment, it is impossible to continue, and we can only withdraw first.

Lu Shaoqing said, “What don’t you dare?” Put up your dog’s ears and listen, my surname is Bian. ”

My sister’s daimyo must be thunderous, my sister is Bian Rourou of Shuangyue Valley…”

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